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Where did it go part 2

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JoyLouise Report 8 Feb 2018 16:46

Nyx, I agree.

I am usually early when meeting friends for coffee and I always pick up one of their free rags to read while waiting. During the last week it has been the local Newspaper as well as The Times. Other weeks it could be one of the others. I am not fussy - I was a child who would read the sauce bottles.

The variety broadens one's outlook, I think. And I'm sure we are all too long in the tooth to believe everything that's written so I would say to the knockers, 'back off and start believing in freedom of choice like a grown-up.'

If that upsets anyone, 'Tough.'


Rambling Report 8 Feb 2018 16:49

JoyLouise " - I was a child who would read the sauce bottles." :-D I still am if there's nothing else to be had lol


RolloTheRed Report 8 Feb 2018 17:09

afaics somebody but not me has rrd this thread for no obvious reason.
Calm down and drink more gin.


JoyLouise Report 8 Feb 2018 17:11

I never gave a thought to who it was, Rollo.

In fact, I know it wasn't me because I would have said so along with the reason why I took such action and I've never reported anything yet.


AnninGlos Report 8 Feb 2018 17:16

Joy Louise your post re reading the mail says all that I was going to say. I actually get cross when I read the implications about people who read the DM because that is the hard copy paper I choose to buy and read. I also object to it being called the Daily Fail. I have not read a newspaper yet that is always right, always unbiased and as long as the reader understands the bias (and heaven knows DM readers get it shoved down their throats enough so ought to) then they can make their own decisions. I do enjoy LittleJohn and a couple of the other DM writers as well. I balance the rest with what I see on both ITV news (watched at 6pm) and BBC news (watched at 10pm) and of course everything that is debated on here by people too intelligent to read the DM.

Actually the DM does a lot of good in some fields such as their campaign to get rid of single use plastic bags and now their reduce plastic campaign.

and yes I am aggravated by the insinuation that I am biased because I only buy one paper. By the way I never read anything by KH regardless of where she wrote it.


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 17:22

No one needs to calm down and speaking for myself not a big gin drinker.
IF you didn't RR it Rollo then somebody didn't do you a favour now did they....


Rambling Report 8 Feb 2018 17:32

I didn't RR it either, there'd be no point, given its 'follow up' is already on the board....


JoyLouise Report 8 Feb 2018 17:36

I am with you 100%, Ann.

Regarding KH, when she was mentioned I had to pause for a split second to think who she was. All I have gleaned from elsewhere is that she blotted her copybook recently and she was a rather combative type.

Have you noticed, Ann, that there's rarely a spelling mistake in the Mail and usually the grammar is spot on too so when a writer slips up it really stands out?


AnninGlos Report 8 Feb 2018 17:44

Yes I have JL. It is my lunchtime read.


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 17:47

Careful ladies admitting to reading the comic LOL

Here's a thought whomever RR just say on here before it's pulled what was written in the post that broke the rules?


Rambling Report 8 Feb 2018 17:56

Posters who have said they've reported someone and why have had their online lives made hell, that's why very few will say so these days.

I wouldn't.


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 18:02

Okay PM me then !! I would truly love to know what was offensive.....and not just implied on behalf of someone......but they won't because nothing was offensive..... :-)


Rambling Report 8 Feb 2018 18:09

In any case it's been the case on here for years, that a thread querying why another thread has been deleted is often reported, simply because it's perceived to be carrying on a dispute when the original thread has gone.

it used to happen a lot.


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 18:14

Okay if that's the case why has" Where did it go" not been reported then?

Edit :-D :-D :-D Naughty naughty not so much censorship as wearing a different hat Allan


maggiewinchester Report 8 Feb 2018 18:22

Annin Glos - sorry for calling it the Daily Fail - I do that because it fails to pay proper tax :-(

Starbucks is called something unmentionable for the same reason. and I haven't found an alternative word for Boots - yet! :-D :-D


Caroline Report 8 Feb 2018 18:28



AnninGlos Report 8 Feb 2018 20:31

I didn’t know it didn’t pay tax Maggie.


maggiewinchester Report 8 Feb 2018 21:07

Caroline - :-D Good name!

Well, they didn't in 2014 - or should I say, they 'avoided' paying tax up until then - then the wotsit hit the fan.
Strangely, I can't find out whether or not they pay their full tax now, so will err on the side of - no! :-D


AnninGlos Report 8 Feb 2018 22:35

What about the rest of the press?


maggiewinchester Report 8 Feb 2018 23:10

Depends on whether Lord Rothemere owns them!