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maggiewinchester Report 12 Apr 2018 13:58

I am! :-S :-S

I'm sure, if I said something similar like:
"I'm going to get an electric car, drop the kerb, remove the fence, hedge and trees, and install a charger"
It would be volubly pointed out that I would need permission to remove said fence, hedge and trees. and doubtless, the fact that I can't drive would come into the equation.
What would the reaction be if I then said:
"Oh - what I meant was, I'm going to get a 'top of the range' electric bike , and buy a 'top of the range' shed to store it in - away from the trees of course, as there's a hedgehog hibernating behind them" (and there really is) :-S


Caroline Report 12 Apr 2018 11:26

Obviously you're getting confused again Maggie....


maggiewinchester Report 12 Apr 2018 11:19

So, on 11 Apr, 17:19, RTR says:
"Now parking wars will resume as I will have to drop the curb, pave the garden and install the charging kit"
And on 12Apr 10:35, he won't be paving the garden, as he suddenly finds a/realises there is a hedgehog in his front garden :-S
Nothing to do with the strict planning laws in Islington, then?


JoyLouise Report 12 Apr 2018 10:58

You were correct, though, Rollo. You have to get the kerb and channelling right.

We have space for four vehicles on our paved drive and still have about 10-12 feet of bushes etc. We live on a feeder road so it's best not to park there.

I have no qualms about paved drives at all because they are a boon if you live on a busy road.

We still have plenty of wildlife in our back garden (backyard to you, Allan :-D ).

Lots of birds, hedgehogs, squirrels and one day we had an otter passing through in the morning and going back in the evening.

We have decided to wait to see what the new regulations usher in around June/July before we update our vehicle.

I know nothing about hydrogen combustion engines except that weren't the airships run on hydrogen and they proved to be spectacularly unsafe?

EDIT: for those who don't like paving there is always the option of the grid-type concrete paving where grass grows through the space between the squares. Its use is normally for extra parking in light industrial areas and shopping centres.


RolloTheRed Report 12 Apr 2018 10:35

I won't be paving over the ( small ) front garden for several reasons.

I don't as a general thing like the trend to pave over gardens for parking / trendy look. I like the raggle taggle neglected look wiith self seeding plants such as saxigraga adn trad garden ornaments such as rusty bikes..

The uber rare London hedgehog has a wintertime nest near the cellar entry cars coming and going could upset them.

Islington council are installing more and more street CPs and so0me supermarkets have them.

The BMW i3S comes with an optional petrol engne which recharges the batteries extending the range.

I am not sure that this motor would be a very good choice for personal purchase but it ticks all the boxes for business use up to 50 miles from the capital. Businesses do not purchase cars vans and lorries they lease them.

Due to the way the grid works it is impossible to say what the power source is for any given moment or location - wind, gas, solar etc. Coal is pretty well gone. It is a sure thing that electric and hybrid vehicles emitt far less pollution in cities than conventional cars which is a big issue for people's health, especially kids the infirm and the old. For sure the i3S is a lot more eco friendly than the Jag.

The writing is on the wall for the internal combustion engine. Its only salvation would have been a hydrogen fuel distribution network which has failed to win support.


Caroline Report 12 Apr 2018 01:21

Pay attention in future young man !


Bobtanian Report 12 Apr 2018 01:01

yes I did....I MUST read a thread properly.....


Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 23:46

OR......there'll be a right telling off and we'll be made to see the errors of our ways....wonder if we'll have to go on a course...


maggiewinchester Report 11 Apr 2018 23:45

:-D :-D :-D


Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 23:44

I can see into the future me.....I can see this thread not being here in the morning....


supercrutch Report 11 Apr 2018 23:37

:-D :-D :-D


Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 23:35

So the chemistry would work would it....elements and all....


supercrutch Report 11 Apr 2018 23:29

Not interested in the car but Myst and Riven yes.

Now if Zork was reissued I'd be in my element :-D


Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 23:14

I suppose he could paint it green to make it look pretty....


maggiewinchester Report 11 Apr 2018 23:12

Around here - and it's a short walk across the motorway bridge to the South Downs - planning permission for fully paving over front gardens is now declined, due to the need for 'green' spaces :-S

Which is a bit of an oxymoron.


Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 23:09

Bob to answer your deleted question there is an Islington in Hampshire but not Dorset that I'm aware of.....but what's a boundary or two between friends.....funny enough near Bentley now that's a posh car isn't it??


Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 23:03

bob did you just delete????


Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 22:58



Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 22:53

interesting wasn't something said about lost parking on the street so a dropped curb could be added?


LaGooner Report 11 Apr 2018 22:52

The green stuff is rapidly disappearing around here we used to live in a pretty little village but it is now full of bricks,paving and unsightly housing :-| :-|