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Fast and furious

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 Apr 2018 14:41

Glad you found the SAC ‘interesting’ after all.

The “What Car” review generally gives your new vehicle a good write-up. One criticism is the lack of lumbar support which could cause discomfort on longer journeys. Hopefully you have access to a different vehicle if you need to drive out of town.

Did they think through on recharging points before introducing electric cars to the fleet?


Caroline Report 11 Apr 2018 14:02

Does it purr though Allan??


Allan Report 11 Apr 2018 12:17

We recently purchased a new Hyundai i30.


RolloTheRed Report 11 Apr 2018 12:14

I recently went on a "Speed Awareness Course" which avoids three points being added to an otherwise clean licence. Serious speeders and repeat offenders are not allowed on the speed awareness course.

The course organised the attendees into groups and set them to discuss various issues. Quite interesting though, the SAC understanding of stats was next to zero.

Getting back to the office I found a great big box on my desk. Inside it was one small box with my new mobile phone, a Sony XZ2. The large box was a gift from Sony pleased that I had stayed with the brand. It contained a PS4 games unit with one game. "Gran Torismo Sport". Vrmmm.

It's all over with the Jag and its purry paws motor of feline power :-(

My company wheels are now an electric car ( well it has petrol backup) the BMW I3. I asked for a Tesla but apparently even with promotion that is way beyond my pay grade. I have not yet seen the mini beemer in the flesh - I have got to do a one day course on how to drive it first. I don't think that performance is quite up there with the Jag but it will be a ideal for getting around the metropolis inc the green zone. .

Life's like that. Vrmmm.