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AnninGlos Report 13 Apr 2021 07:32

Florence it sure will.

good morning all, lovely sunshine here 0 degree but no sign of frost.


LaGooner Report 13 Apr 2021 08:58

Good Morning all, Kay if you learn the secret please let me know ;-) :-D. Sun and blue sky here but boy is it chilly :-D


AnninGlos Report 13 Apr 2021 12:10

Joan the 200c is that for a normal oven or a fan oven?


Linda Report 13 Apr 2021 23:13

Yes Florence I feel much better but I think I might be losing my ginger hair I've been so lucky I'm nearly 71 and I've kept my colour although it has got lighter over the years but it was still ginger and I was very proud of it but I noticed that there's lots of silver hairs but none coming from the roots so can't be going grey :-( :-(


Kay Report 13 Apr 2021 23:19


Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to explain your yorkie pud magic!

I'll follow your instuctions and let you know how I manage. Surprised to see you don't use any water! I'll still follow your recipe--it obviously works for you!! Thanks again.


JustGinnie Report 14 Apr 2021 11:30

Good Morning all, hope you are all well. Nice sunny day here but was a little chilly earlier . Yesterday was a lovely day as well. Makes you feel better when the sun shines and the daffs etc are out .
OH is busy sorting out his allotment so I am getting my flower beds back hopefully.

Have booked my hair cut for next week. I am looking forward to it as I last had it cut last July and it is now annoying me. lol.


LaGooner Report 14 Apr 2021 12:11

Afternoon all, it is a lovely day here today. We have Bluebells in bud too and all the pansies and violas are brightening us up with their little 'faces'


Florence61 Report 14 Apr 2021 23:49

Evening peeps
Well been a funny week so far with all sorts happening.
Sadly the house I was hoping to rent is no longer available so that really got me very down. The lawyers are putting pressure on us to move as the buyers want in asap. However we have until 18 jun at the latest as per the eviction notice.

i contacted local housing and was advised to fill out application form by hand and return by post. I printed it off and....16 blooming pages!!! i then made a photocopy of 16 pages for myself. Oh my ,half my new black ink gone already. So will now have to wait and see although the lady said, there are no social housing properties available at present which is a major worry.

Estate agents said to just keep looking several times a day which is what i have been doing.

Yesterday i was looking at the birds on my front lawn feasting on the apple i had chopped up for them when suddenly....something rather large appeared from out of the hedgerow. A huge blooming rat no less. Oh my, i was nearly having kittens and so glad i was inside. It ate the food and went and came back 3 times before disappearing. I think it came from the ditch which is half full of water or from across the rd where there were some last year.

First time for everything i guess!! So Im not to feed the birds anymore which has saddened me. The pair of Redwings are still coming everyday which is a lovely sight.

Got a tel call to say i need to be at hospital for 3pm tomorrow for my legs which are swollen with fluid.Heres hoping, they an do something.

So its been eventful so far in different ways.

my bluebell leaves have grown but no buds yet. The weather though has been lovely, calm and sunny today...such an improvement.

Not sleeping too well as my mind just cant seem to shut down thinking about everything. anyway tomorrow is another day as they say.

Good nite all

Florence in the hebrides


**Ann** Report 15 Apr 2021 14:39

Lovely day here in North Wales..a frost forecast for this evening :-0

Hope all goes well at the hospital Florence <3


LaGooner Report 16 Apr 2021 08:36

Good Morning, I hope you are all OK. It is a lovely bright day here so the washing is in and doing so hopefully it will line dry. :-D


JustGinnie Report 17 Apr 2021 11:38

Sunny day here , have stripped beds and all in washer now. Lovely being able to line dry washing instead of using the dryer.

Hoping to do a bit n the garden later, I want to move a few pots and tidy up . There's not much to do but it's nice to be in the garden instead of indoors. Our front garden is very sunny but the back is very shady till afternoon.

OH has his 2nd jab next week and mine is in 3 weeks.
I am hoping everything continues going well with the vaccines so my grandchildren will be vaccinated by the summer, they are young adults and not in a at risk group .

Hope you all have a good weekend . :-) :-)


MotownGal Report 18 Apr 2021 12:55

Afternoon Chit Chatters.

I too have stripped the beds, and they are washed. Nothing better than the smell of washing fresh off the line.

Beautiful and sunny here.

Good weekend all. :-)


Florence61 Report 19 Apr 2021 14:59

Afternoon all
Just a quick hello to say,Yay!!I've got a brand new council bungalow which has just been built.Can move in on Wednesday if I want but I have to carpet and lino it throughout first...lots of pennies.
So I've been busy packing and sorting and organising all weekend.
Hospital are arranging 3 scans,hips,pelvic bones and veins in left leg to investigate the swelling.
Car went to garage today!
Yesterday I had the worst migraine with bad sickness.Bit better today but so tired.Just everything happened on Thursday.
I have viewed the house and it's lovely in the village where I was working!!So at least I know a few people.
So I have to get new Tel num etc..
Not moving until end of may but will let you know when the time comes
So happy now.

Florence in the Hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 19 Apr 2021 15:56

That is excellent news Florence, I am really pleased for you


nameslessone Report 19 Apr 2021 16:12

Such a load off your mind. Now you can concentrate on other things, not just the carpets, curtains and so on.


JustGinnie Report 19 Apr 2021 16:57

Such good news for you Florence , I hope you will be very happy in your new home.

Joan I am almost the same re the bed making. I also used to do the house in throughout and now have to spread over d few days . I know what I want to do but can't move as fast or as much as I did a few years ago. In my head I can do it all still but body has other ideas.
Lock down hasn't helped as I did a few hours at a charity shop which has been closed for months and I don't think I will be going back now.

Enjoy the nice weather if you have it..



LondonBelle Report 19 Apr 2021 19:28

So pleased for you Florence....something to look forward to and make plans for <3

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 19 Apr 2021 21:31

Great news about your new home, Florence.

I hope the scans and hospital visits go well and they can sort out the swelling for you.


AnninGlos Report 20 Apr 2021 09:26

Florence, sorry only just seen this. What great news for you, you can stop worrying about somewhere to live now. So pleased for you. Hope you have now recovered from the migraine.

I think with the lockdown the phrase if you don't use it you lose it has come true for many of us. When we stayed home for all those weeks we may have been protecting the NHS but we were not doing ourselves any favour, our bodies have got used to being inactive. I know I have put back on the weight I had managed to lose by the beginning of 2020.

I had to go to hospital yesterday for a minor op which has left me not being able to lift or do strenuous gardening for about 2 weeks at least. This is so frustrating as I have been doing a lot of gardening carrying on what my OH did almost up until he died. I am a bit concerned that I will now lose that strength again.


Florence61 Report 20 Apr 2021 11:51

morning peeps.
Sun is shining today as yesterday was pouring hard.Got 2 people coming this afternoon to buy a few bits.The money will go towards the costs of carpets etc.
I am busy trying to sort out my electric etc...Been waiting ages on the phone,also my broadband and new tel number. All takes time and i have moved 5 times already since i moved here so used to it!

we have several birthdays to celebrate this year and if covid situation allows then i shall have 3 trips planned for coming south. 2 x 50th and a 60th plus a visit to see my family whom i havent seen sine october 2019.

So lots of good things to look forward to.
Thanks for all you good wishes ladies

I hope the scans sort out the fluid problem, that would make such a difference to my mobility just now.

Hope everyone well and having a nice day
Florence in the hebrides