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Who In Your tree are you obssessed with?
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RStar | Report | 22 Jun 2007 14:05 |
Carol - If you contact some of the British crime mags (the sort you see in WH Smiths), they might cover the story. They're usually open to requests. |
Teresa With Irish Blood in Me Veins | Report | 22 Jun 2007 21:56 |
I'm obssessed with my Grandma's siblings. Grandma, Sarah Jane Davis, born 1880, was the 3rd of 13 children born in Bristol. I can't find out what happened to any of her brothers and sisters, except for one. Dora married Walter Tanner and thats it. I know one of her brothers, Richard, was still living in Bristol in 1925 as he registered their mother's death. He is supposed to have taken over his father's Marine Store business the family story goes...and we all know how reliable they are! I also know that 2 of her sisters were still in Bristol back in 1958 as I can remember meeting them when I was staying with Grandma whilst Mum was in hospital. As I was only 9 at the time I haven't a clue which sisters they were. Dad is the only survivor of her 8 children and he's 87 and suffers from Alzheimer' he can't remember who was who. So the moral of this story to your grandparents and write down EVERYTHING about their siblings and parents...........before they get confused! Or you will spend years pulling your hair out trying to find out for yourself and waste loads of money getting hold of the wrong certificates! Anybody related to any Davis's from Bristol? A very frustrated...Teresa |