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Genes Reincarnated - Report your spooky tales here
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Star | Report | 28 Feb 2007 21:21 |
Ok then, first thing happened to me was when I was 8, I had my first out of body experience and I went to the other side to see my Nan, who sent me back. Then things just fizzled out a bit for a while. Next thing was a lady spirit used to leave me LACE handkerchiefs on my pillow at night when I got upset...that house, I found out later used to be a haberdashery. Many other things I have experienced, like guitar strings being played and no one there, a voice which at the time thought was my Hubby, turned round no one there. Had spirit voices at night talking to me...sometimes so many that they paralyse me. See lights, mainly small blue round lights but also whitish lights.....have I spooked you all out yet LOL LOL!!!!! Oh yes, this is the funniest, a spirit in my Bathroom mirror looking at me naked in the bath.....mmmm???!!!!! I said 'Oh No, It's the head...Oh, no, no, no!!!!!! Because all I saw was the head, almost like a chad.... LOL LOL!!!!!! Also, have seen spirits twice, once when my second son was born and then again late last year when Mom was in hospital which came to me in full view in the doorway came in and went out the opposite end where you can't get out, we only have 1 front door, no back door, and you know when I didn't acknowledge him/her, the sadness I felt was just awful, and I say him/her because all I see is an ouline like a shadow so can't tell whether they are male or female, but can tell obviously with the voices and sometimes I pick up accents too, Liverpool?, I don't know anyone in Liverpool!!!! I think I should stop now...otherwise you'll need another chapter!!!! Star ~* |
Sharon | Report | 28 Feb 2007 21:33 |
i have been doing my tree for a few years now and decided to put everything on the puter, so i put my names etc in and got to my g-grandfather, the day i put it in my puter would have been his 100th birthday..january 21st 2002 thought that was really spooky as i didn`t have any info for him at the time sharon |
McAnne's Gahan-Crazy | Report | 28 Feb 2007 21:33 |
Wow Stella - that's amazing ! ! ! Wish I had something more interesting to recount ......... |
Star | Report | 28 Feb 2007 21:39 |
Where's Essex Baz?...He'd love this thread. |
Sharon | Report | 28 Feb 2007 21:46 |
also not long after my best mate was murdered my mam`s new box of unopened soap powder dissappeared, my friend had a baby of 7 month at the time she died and was terrible for washing his clothes to keep things we do wonder if she nicked it to do the washing. it was 15 year ago so i can talk about this now... Also my brother has a framed photo of my grandparents which was on his living room wall, my grandfather died brother fell asleep in the kitchen one night with the chip pan on and set fire to the kitchen.. he woke up in time to get him and his partner out and the picture in the living room was moved, sort of cock eyed on the wall and even stranger is that my brothers oldest son, when he was abt 4/5 was talking in his bedroom and when my bro aked who he was talking to he said `Granda Bill was asking if he was being a good boy` HE didn`t even know granda Bill, he was born 2002 sharon |
Star | Report | 28 Feb 2007 22:16 |
How about this one then... Twice something happened to my Son, accidents, twice the framed picture of him fell off the wall. When he was about 18 months old he managed to get to the top bunk sat down on it leaned back and fell off backwards, not one bruise, not one scratch as if someone had caught him. Again jumping on the bed, fell forwards cut his head, his picture fell off the wall beforehand. I think as a warning? |
Sue in Somerset | Report | 28 Feb 2007 23:17 |
We once hunted everywhere in our house for a receipt to have something expensive replaced. My husband and I had practically torn the house apart. I'd fetched something from my husband's desk early in the was clear of paperwork and unusually tidy for him. We were out for several hours during the evening. Just before we went to bed I remembered something I needed from the study and went in there. A large sheet of paper was lying right in the middle of the desk. It was the receipt we'd been looking for! Following someone's advice I'd asked St. Anthony for help earlier but hadn't really expected it to have any effect. That was the spookiest thing I've known. Sue |
Elizabeth A | Report | 28 Feb 2007 23:48 |
Look at the thread called fingers crossed - have posted on there regarding the 2 replies and the timeings - tell me I'm not wrong please!! Liz |
Star | Report | 1 Mar 2007 09:28 |
Last night...Plates moving in the kitchen at about 12:15, on their own. |
McAnne's Gahan-Crazy | Report | 1 Mar 2007 09:32 |
Liz There is often a time difference on the postings lol - been like it for ages ....... :O)P |
Ails from NI | Report | 1 Mar 2007 10:24 |
I have been off work ill for some time now & when I'm in the house on my own during the day I often hear footsteps upstairs. A remote control was dropped upstairs one day & no-one was there!! Lights flicker - I'm sure it's my Mum who died in August 2003. When I'm in bed drifting off to sleep I often hear voices and see lights!! 5 years ago when we were renting an old house both my husband & I heard this unearthly wailing. It was like nothing we had ever heard before!! We believe it was a banshee - a harbinger of death in Ireland. |
Val | Report | 1 Mar 2007 13:03 |
Wow Stella you should write a book on your experience's as I got shivers up my back when I read them and I heard a boy's voice saying 'mummy I love you' the voice was the same as my middle boy's though he was asleep, I lost a baby but was only just pregnant so makes me think it was him. I took my mum to see her sister 3yrs ago and I told mum she won't last a week and the weird thing she died on the Tuesday 21st January 5yrs to the day my dad died And a family member I have just found her sister took ill and this got to me as we never got chance to meet but some one told me she wouldn't get better but not to worry as now they know they are not alone there is family there it is so weird eh |
Deb Vancouver (18665) | Report | 2 Mar 2007 07:00 |
I thought that everyone saw 'lights' at night when laying in bed, and that it was a normal everyday occurance. Apparently not! I only discovered 10 years ago or so, that this isn't the case. Since then I have learnt to become aware of the situation. I can only describe it as looking like the the static on TV when the cable is out. I would say 9 nights out of 10 it is there. One night this week I was surprised that everything was calm. No fuzzies. Having talked to psychics, their opinion is that it is 'energy' that I am seeing. I truly feel that it is one of my Grandmothers letting me know they are about. When I am in bed at night, sometimes, but not very often, I feel pressure on my cheek as if someone is pressing against it. I was talking to my Mum about it. Her theory is that it is my Nan giving me a kiss. When my Nan was alive I would phone her in England every Christmas morning. The conversation every year got around to the roast potatos. I can still hear her - 'make sure the fat is hot, and watch your face when you put the spuds in that the fat doesn't splash'! I must have heard this a thousand times! One year after she died I was cooking the Christmas dinner. I was alone in the kitchen. All of a sudden the smell of a familiar perfume was all around me in the kitchen. I was going around sniffing the air, the tea towels, anything that I could think of to find the source of the smell. I didn't find anything. It dawned on me later, it was Estee Lauder 'Youth Dew'. My Nans perfume. Deb |
DIZZI | Report | 2 Mar 2007 07:00 |
1976 both my kids fast asleep in different rooms would hold complete and lucid conversations with each other,i would stand between both rooms,,they couldnt of heard each other from either room ages daughter 7 son 4 , this was the year dad died also after he died both said years later every night for a month a man came and said goodnight to them,,they couldnt see him clearly enough,,,, |
Researching: |
DIZZI | Report | 2 Mar 2007 07:13 |
this morning 3am drew 3 faces,,,no glasses on so couldnt see what i drew,,also 2 separate trees??? |
Researching: |
Nanna Gaynor (June nr Preston's Daughter) | Report | 2 Mar 2007 08:54 |
I know my Mum is around me all the time..... 4 months to the day after Mum died. I can only explain it as like being in a zone or on another level. I was definitely NOT dreaming but it wasn’t like I am sitting here typing to you now. But I was wide awake and very conscious of what was going on and definitely in control of the situation and steering the conversation. I was lying on the bed and she was sitting beside me holding my hand, I could feel her hand and the texture of her skin, she looked just as she did before, maybe a little younger. Her hair was its natural colour (not white) and her skin wasn't wrinkled but not in an ironed out sort of way. She just looked as if she had had all the stresses of life lifted from her. Like I said, she was holding my hand and we were talking. I wish I could remember all the conversation but I can't, I remember thinking to myself 'I must try to remember and make a list because I will never remember all this in the morning” although it was actually already morning. She told me not to worry about her and I asked if she was happy. She said 'How can I not be happy when it is so beautiful here - look' and I looked and what I could see was a brilliant white light all around, I felt that there was much more beyond but not for me to see, there were red swirls every now and again too but it was beautiful. I asked her if there was anything that she missed and she was smiling, I think she was trying to think of something to say and she said she missed a programme. I was trying hard to think what she meant and clumsily said 'what Corrie?' And she just kept smiling. I knew it wasn't the right answer but she didn't give any more clues. She was telling me about the family and also something about a blue coat which I seem to have forgotten, it's most annoying. Going back to the programme thing... I have since realised that what she probably meant was the computer, Genes and Messenger because she loved chatting and spent most of her day when she was on her own at the pc. I know it probably sounds trivial but I'm sure that's what she meant. After we had talked for quite some time she said she had to go. I was pleading for her not to leave but she kept saying 'I've got to go now' I was holding tight onto her hand and she kept saying again “I have to go now” she was very calm but firm. I wouldn’t let go and I could see the rest of her fading except for her hand until it seemed that her hand was all that was left visible. Then I had a tremendous urge to sleep, I was fighting it really hard but I couldn’t resist and did in fact go to sleep. When I awoke she was gone but I was left with a huge feeling of elation, I couldn’t stop smiling for hours. This I am 100% sure was a real experience. The next time ... She visited me was about a month later when she came to me in a dreamlike way. She said that when I cry out for her it’s a bit like a remote control for a TV without batteries. I keep pressing it but nothing happens. She seemed a little agitated and when I woke up I was a bit anxious because I felt like I was upsetting her. But when I have thought about it, I have realised that what she probably meant was that it can’t be controlled by demand. Like in life, I can not shout her and expect her to come running. I have felt Mum’s presence many times, especially when I am poorly or upset. I feel a warmth around the tops of my arms, my back and shoulders as if she is putting her arms around me and also I sometimes feel the same warmth on my cheek, usually my right cheek and ear as if she is holding my face and my head tilts towards it. Nice to know isn't it? Gaynor :-)))) xxx |
Star | Report | 2 Mar 2007 09:39 |
This is funny, my two Sons share the same room, they've got a bunk bed and were fast asleep, one of the nights my oldest son started talking in his sleep and the little one was answering him!! This has got to be the wierdest thing that has happened to me.... I was lying in bed, Hubby still up and watching tv, the strongest smell of dog poop ever, I got up looked around and just nothing, 10 minutes later Hubby goes out for cigarette and lets dog out for the toilet, what should she tread in but doggy poop all on the carpet.....the smell I had smelt 10 minutes prior to it happening....whoever it was, was pre~warning me that this would happen, cos my dog lies on the bottom of the bed???!!! A medium weeks later told me this...'and sometimes they give you not very nice smells and I don't mean people smells' I also feel like I've been to the 'other side' to see my Dad recently, and felt like we sorted stuff/issues out, the next day I woke up so happy, but can't remember what was said?!!! Also strange that this week my Cousin on my Mom's side has found me after 10 years ~ Why that particular website I have no idea, I don't think she even knew it was me? She was answering a message I'd left for my Brothers....I really think Nan has set it all up!!! Nan passed away in 1983. More Brain fodder for you all to think about???!!!! |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 3 Mar 2007 04:29 |
Fascinating stuff. |
Star | Report | 3 Mar 2007 08:37 |
McAnne I went to Spiritualist Church last night, Dad was there, and sent me messages through the medium. He said about a Paul still here....and well, when I got home, there in the inbox was an email from a Register office saying that the Birth Index I found looks like a match to that of my other Adopted halfBrother Paul ****** 1960.....Oh MY....I just couldn't believe it, he's the last one to find. By the way, this was the only Register Office that didn't reply ages ago before Christmas and I kinda give up on finding him, and I did say sods law says it's him and It was LOL LOL!!!!! So anyway I re~emailed them yesterday and they replied saying this....Just shows you never to give up!!! Stella X X X |
Star | Report | 8 Mar 2007 09:37 |
6th March, I picked up this Clairaudiently at night....................... ''Do you know if Doris has died yet?'' Looking at a photo of me and Nan....spirit orbs, it looks like them. |