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Thank you Polly...
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Joy | Report | 8 Dec 2006 19:32 |
I can be found, Teresa, in a shady nook, awaiting the return of my liege lord from the crusades. .......................... Steve is not norty. I would always defend him, and any other of my friends, to the utmost. MM Be true to yourself and believe in what you do and stick to it. Never explain - your friends do not need it, and your enemies will not believe you anyway. |
₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads | Report | 8 Dec 2006 19:34 |
I like that last line Joy, that is so true. |
Unknown | Report | 8 Dec 2006 20:21 |
Gwen it was not your fault, remember i took them on it was my call Joy i know you would sweets and i you TW i aggree the last line is correct, just one small thing 'people will beleve what they want' after i got banned, i had pms and emails and everyone thought it was a diff reason so at some point you have to set the record straight just to stop the chinese wispers lol Sxx guilty as charged m'lord |
₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads | Report | 8 Dec 2006 20:27 |
True Steve, but I was referring to the bit about your friends won't need you to explain yourself. lol Anyway, whats that got to do with Christmas Cards? |