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** You won't believe the reply I've just had from
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Sandra | Report | 27 Oct 2006 16:51 |
Thank you both for your help. It's worked. |
Sandra | Report | 27 Oct 2006 13:50 |
Hi again Tenerife Sun. I thought I had cracked it but it is still bringing up a surname although it is my birth surname but it will not allow me to leave my current surname empty so when I save it my birth surname pops up in the current surname box. How can I get rid of this. |
Sandra | Report | 27 Oct 2006 13:45 |
Hi Tenerife Sun. I want to change my user name too and have been into my account and I am obviously being very thick here but which part do you modify to change your user name? Thanks |
Barbra | Report | 27 Oct 2006 13:42 |
Gillian I will always be suspicious of the security on this site from now on I'm going to change my user name on here I fully agree about the outside help - as I don't think the technical team at GR will have the expertise to find whatever is wrong (just going on the problems with the tree builder etc) I can't see it being a quick solution either! Don't use this site much now - but I'm still getting some very good contacts through it, which is why my tree will stay for a while. Barbara |
Bobtanian | Report | 27 Oct 2006 13:02 |
wendy V.......goto your account, enter your password, and THEN you can access your details..........and modify them . |
Researching: |
Barbra | Report | 27 Oct 2006 12:56 |
I forwarded the SPAM email to GR as requested and have heard nothing since. If the email lists had been sold, GR would be in breach of the Data Protection Act in the UK. There are strict controls on who can sell what data, the first thing being that you need a Data Marketing Licence - and the relevant licence no. should be prominently displayed. Haven't noticed one anywhere! Thanks for the update Mandy, at least we know they've taken you seriously. Hope we all get an email soon saying that they've plugged whatever secuirty breach they've had Barbara |
covlass | Report | 27 Oct 2006 09:22 |
refering to what Gilian has just said above, if card details are NOT stored, how come I have just gone in to purchase more credits and made a payment WITHOUT having to enre mt card details?????????????????? Are GR lying ? |
Researching: |
*Carrie | Report | 26 Oct 2006 12:52 |
this is all very worrying when you dont know how they got hold of our user names on here.mine mail has my user name on.havent opened it as someone on here advised me not to.but its from a [email protected] one got any ideas on this |
covlass | Report | 26 Oct 2006 11:39 |
This thread has really got to me today, so much so I although not recieved any of theses emails have contacted GR In brief saying that if i was result in finacial loss which is proved to be as a result of security issue with GR as a number of people have complained and they are not taking it seriously I would seek compensation from them through the courts. A bit OTT I know but my PC also contains buisness details on cannot afford for something to happen just because GR do not want to investigate its own security. As paying memebers they should be reassuring us that they are doing something about it AAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH Sorry had to get that out. Will let you know if i get anything back |
Researching: |
}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ | Report | 26 Oct 2006 11:31 |
I should think so too! Thanks Mandy xxx |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 26 Oct 2006 11:27 |
******************** UPDATE 26/10 ********************* Thank you to everyone who either complained about this to GR or forwarded the offending spam emails to them. I have now had a pleasant reply from GR Abuse, with an apology for any upset caused. They are taking the matter seriously and investigating. Mandy :) |
covlass | Report | 26 Oct 2006 11:11 |
I have to say I havent recieved any of these e mails, but would be very upset if I had/do. This makes intresting reading about reporting spam http://www*ftc*gov/spam/ How many of these are hotmail emails? Hot mail is the most easy to hack and have had many problems which they say will be fixed but then another securuty issue is found. |
Researching: |
SarahSalopianScrapper | Report | 26 Oct 2006 08:40 |
Hi, I've had one of these too andI know full well where it has originated from. The only way anyone could have got that particular email address was from GR. I can say this with some authority because I have only used the email address in question for GR for the last two years owing to problems. Those problems mean that I only tend to check that account every few weeks just in case anything important as reached it. I can also say with some certainty that whoever and however the sender got the details they have got them in the last few weeks since it gives my real name and until recently I was rarely logged in under that name. Sarah |
Winter Drawers Ever Near | Report | 26 Oct 2006 07:10 |
Morning, Just had a look and I have 31 e-mails which have appeared since yesterday. All junk from Viagra to tesco gift cards which I automatically deleted and one from someone saying Hi Aileen. Haven't had anything referring to me by my user name though. Very worrying all the same. Aileen xx |
Judy | Report | 26 Oct 2006 04:58 |
My guess is that security on GR is not being compromised but rather they are perhaps selling their e-mail lists to marketers(?) If that is the case someone messed up when selling the list by leaving any affiliation to GR attached which would let the recipient of these e-mails know where the problem originated from. A lot of companies do this (sell their e-mail lists.) |
Yvette | Report | 26 Oct 2006 03:01 |
If you right click the message sender, it will give you the message properties. The sender now has a data base of all the e addy's he/she accessed. the only way to ensure that you don't get any more is to make that particular address redundant. yvette |
Researching: |
Libby | Report | 26 Oct 2006 00:51 |
Am I the only one that has no had none of the E-mails? I seem to have had every other message (pe**s enlargement/ Via**a etc) known to every man and his dog.? Not that I want any |
Researching: |
West | Report | 26 Oct 2006 00:26 |
Hi, I'm very surprised that this thread seems to have been ignored, even though it is quite a serious issue. GR have given out personal info or have been hacked into. because without doubt the only way the spam email(dating site) have got our email addys and user names is through this site. which means they have access to our account details. i'm surprised that you can all carry on chatting and having jokey conversations on a site that has serious privacy issues. paula |
fraserbooks | Report | 25 Oct 2006 17:49 |
If you want to change your user name you can do it through my account details. |
Marion | Report | 25 Oct 2006 17:46 |
I've been following this story with interest. I haven't received any spam emails but my son has and he is registered with Friends Reunited. Do any of you that have had spam emails belong to FR as well? Could there be a connection? Although the spam my son is getting is from a poor russian woman who has been let down by her boyfriend from this country and would like to move here and find another boyfriend. It's a very sad story, lol, and comes from all sorts of different addresses. Marion |