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Let's have a round up of those
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DeeDickens | Report | 27 May 2006 16:56 |
Excuse me, but are we at the D's yet? I've seen a couple of other Denise's on here, which is quite unusual, as I hardly ever meet another one! Denise |
Researching: |
AnninGlos | Report | 27 May 2006 16:58 |
Feel free to add Denise, all welcome, I am the only Ann on here and I know that is not right. The rest can't be wasting their time on the PC today. Maybe it isn't raining where they are! anne with no man. Honey Rum Ann Glos |
Researching: |
.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. | Report | 27 May 2006 17:03 |
Ann from Darlington Ann from North Yorks lol Truely I remembered you when I was on way to mum's lolol |
Ann | Report | 27 May 2006 17:29 |
Thanks Julie I'm here just in from work before going back out to other job Waves to everybody Ann xx |
Barbara | Report | 27 May 2006 17:38 |
A to D!!!!!! EXCUSE ME!!!!! waves madly..........Barbara...... |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 28 May 2006 00:12 |
There's another Liz somewhere too I think. Liz |
Elizabeth A | Report | 28 May 2006 00:39 |
Am Liz (although birth cert says Elizabeth) and mum calls me Elizabeth when she thinks I've done something wrong - not that I do of course!! Liz |
Joan of Arc(hives) | Report | 28 May 2006 01:42 |
There are loads of Joans on here now, but only 1 Joan of Archives :0) Joan |
Linen | Report | 28 May 2006 08:33 |
Morning All, I'm Vivienne known in real life as Viv but I don't sign as such because that belongs to Viv Herts who is also Vivienne. Vivienne xx |
KEITH H | Report | 28 May 2006 08:35 |
Hilary | Report | 28 May 2006 08:53 |
Think this will be short lived, Hilary's. I know of 1 more on here, anymore? Hilary. |
AnninGlos | Report | 28 May 2006 09:22 |
seeing that we started with the 'Js' it wasn't meant to be alpha, please don't feel left out. I started with the names that I knew we had several of (excuse my grammar but you know what I mean). I think it is free for all now so ....All wave!!! Ann Glos |
Researching: |
}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ | Report | 28 May 2006 09:24 |
Me for J's then! There's a Jeanette Arber. There's also another Jeanette and I think there's a Netty too! |
Cherry | Report | 28 May 2006 11:24 |
I was thinking about this thread Ann when I was dozing off to sleep last night! I've read on the boards about people being known by names other than their registered and baptised monnikers and how difficult it is for genealogists to track them down and can think of four instances within my own family where this was the case Great Aunt Tottie (different connotation in 1868, she was so tiny and looked like a little porcelain doll) was actually Georgina 2nd Cousin Queenie was actually Marion Our Granddaughter was registered and baptised Amelia but immediately called Millie Same thing with me, Cherrill but immediately called Cherry and if anyone were to address me as Cherrill I would think they were talking to someone else! Cherryxx |
CATHKIN | Report | 28 May 2006 11:48 |
Any other Ros or Rosalyn? Or are we not there yet? Ros |
Bec | Report | 28 May 2006 11:55 |
*stands in the 'Bec' corner* |
Sally Moonchild | Report | 28 May 2006 12:02 |
I know there is at least one more Sally......I really like to have a good laugh and enjoy those people with a nice sense of humour... |
Bec | Report | 28 May 2006 12:05 |
'I'm sure there are more of us... shall we go and look?' 'Yes good idea...' *wanders off thread talking to herself* |
Here | Report | 28 May 2006 12:31 |
Hello!!! I'm a Julie too!! lol Jxx |
AnninGlos | Report | 28 May 2006 16:02 |
Bec Lol!!! So you decided to start up your own thread. Why not just enjoy being unique. although i did think there was a Rebecca on here at one time! Ann Glos |
Researching: |