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What were you like as a teenager?

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Nana Anna

Nana Anna Report 25 May 2006 22:28

I was a good gal. Quiet and shy - school reports always said 'She has yet to blossom forth!'

Sally Moonchild

Sally Moonchild Report 25 May 2006 22:34

Small, slim, very lively and happy.....


Paul Report 25 May 2006 22:36

painfully shy and completely lacking in confidence and self esteem


Linen Report 25 May 2006 22:39

Hi David, Yes it's much nicer being an adult but I still get misunderstood, still get very passionate about things & say what I think needs saying but when meeting new people inside I am just as shy as ever. I developed a way of covering when I first got a job in a pub at the age of 25. I pretended I was on stage giving a performance & as I have got older I still do that but at the same time I try to think of the other people & forget me. That way I cope with the terror inside. Vivienne xx


**Sheesh Report 25 May 2006 22:42

quite shy but with a naughty streak ;-) much the same as now lol


Guinevere Report 25 May 2006 23:34

A total nightmare sometimes, I'm told. A pain at school and an apprentice hippy. Gwynne


Swiss Report 25 May 2006 23:50

Hated primary school but enjoyed secondary school and college. Remember having quite a quick temper and often had rows with Dad over school/college homework. Was a bit shy (and still am when I meet people for the first time). Didn't dare speak out to defend myself with superiors and it still takes me ages to approach my boss if I have a complaint, but I'm getting better at it! Wasn't very confident. Margaret


Bec Report 25 May 2006 23:55

Depends who you ask... I think I was very good as a teenager. I looked after my siblings when Mother was working/studying and was very well behaved. I did rebel a bit but not as much as others.... But my Mother would say I was a nightmare.....


DIZZI Report 25 May 2006 23:56

I hated school with a passion, only subgect i liked was Art,had a smashing art teacher who let me do what i wanted to do not what the class did, Then she left,an i went back to hating it,i was 14 then left at 15, in 1964

Kaz in a Tizz

Kaz in a Tizz Report 26 May 2006 00:02

Well according to my parents I was a right royal pain in the ass!! But I don't believe 'em !!! What's wrong with marches for CND and sit-in's (for who know's what now) and obviously being right about everything LOL Now? well!! just a wee bit of a pain inn the ass! Kaz :o)))

Sue Lambrini Smith

Sue Lambrini Smith Report 26 May 2006 00:09

Oh i was sweet... angelic .... thoughtful ... sensitive .... caring .. in fact pretty bloo$y wonderful !!! Am still confused as to why they chucked me out when i was eighteen !?!>!>???? Lol Sue xxx

Nick McMud

Nick McMud Report 26 May 2006 00:43

I lost my dad at 14 and my bro at 18........but apart from that i was like a dog on heat......... and had a great time.!!


Luciacw Report 26 May 2006 00:44

Nick, that must have been hard for you

Nick McMud

Nick McMud Report 26 May 2006 00:47

hard Lucia......very...........but life goes on you tend to ignore it and put on a brave face...... well......i did


Luciacw Report 26 May 2006 00:50

Indeed it does.

Nick McMud

Nick McMud Report 26 May 2006 00:51

what ever has happened is in the past...........and you cant change can only move on.......... thats how i live my life now........


Luciacw Report 26 May 2006 00:54

I think that's a good philosophy because you can't dwell on the past.

Nick McMud

Nick McMud Report 26 May 2006 01:00 shouldn' is what you make it..........if you made a mistake yesterday....learn by it...... If i make a mistake at work.....its no big deal.......its done......i'll put it right. whats done is done........look forward......not backwards.. i still have good memories.......but thats all they are Life is for living...not thinking what if......!


Luciacw Report 26 May 2006 01:05

I really do agree with that. If my exam results come out bad I'll have to find a solution. :-)

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 26 May 2006 01:05

Well I was very like Maz and a bit like Paul too. I was small, skinny, got called Marge Proops cos of my glasses and had no confidence or self esteem. Used to row with my parents cos they gave me little freedom yet as soon as my brothers were of an age to go out, they had all the freedom they wanted. Blossomed a bit when I left school and went out to work but what really changed me a lot was leaving home to work in a holiday camp for a summer season. Came back, then moved away again to leave a man, who came after me and we lived together for a while, but then we split and I ran back home to Norwich and parents. Got a rented house eventually and lived my life, always making my parents annoyed about things I did. Now my friends say 'But you were always the bold one' - it was all a front really.