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I have complained about adverts please sign this p
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Leroy | Report | 12 May 2006 17:52 |
Yup yup yup, get them gone! I have engough to concentrate on let alone those ads that catch your eye and distract you! x |
Unknown | Report | 12 May 2006 17:43 |
Agree with this one, especially annoying are the wobbling cherries (for want of a better description!) right next to this message box! Bev x |
Maid Marian of | Report | 12 May 2006 17:24 |
nudge |
Unknown | Report | 10 May 2006 22:48 |
Paul. Genuine question.( sorry it's in relation to one of your earlier posts on this thread, only just got round to reading it thoroughly) Why would the subscriptions go up ? I don't understand. It's been said before, there's more members than ever, nothing has been added to the site, there are no moderators so running costs surely would be no different? Or am I missing something? xx |
Toni | Report | 10 May 2006 22:44 |
i agree with everyone else, they drive you mad. |
Felicity | Report | 10 May 2006 18:57 |
Paul, the text only site doesn't work on my computer for some reason I've yet to fathom, so it's a waste of time from my point of view. I also have spyware and pop-up blockers but nothing seems to hold everything at bay. It gets very frustrating!! |
Juliet | Report | 10 May 2006 18:42 |
sign me too pleaSE i find some most offensive. |
Porkie_Pie | Report | 10 May 2006 17:56 |
If the situation with the adds on this site persist then I will not be renewing my subscription at the end of this year, Roy |
Unknown | Report | 10 May 2006 13:55 |
I would prefer not to be battered by adverts which have no relevance to a Family History Research Site. X (His mark) |
Paul (Tigger) | Report | 10 May 2006 13:54 |
Genes do have a text only site feel free to use that lol if you dont like the adds flashing or not So actually Genes have catered for epileptics really LOL Paul |
Steven | Report | 10 May 2006 13:53 |
Sign me up :-))))) please No more *&^%ing adverts |
POSITIVE Pauline | Report | 10 May 2006 13:25 |
You can add my name as well. The Bingo one in particular drives me up the wall!! Pauline |
Unknown | Report | 10 May 2006 11:44 |
I have already mentioned that i don't get the adverts, however, I would like to sign because as as someone said earlier, there are more members than ever now , the site hasn't changed, so there cannot be higher running costs for it. The only reason to have adverts is because of corporate greed. The flashing ones especially are unnecessary if they are causing health problems to paid up members. |
ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom | Report | 10 May 2006 11:09 |
Jenny, which Norton do you have ? Not all have ad blockers I have Norton Internet has firewall, antispam, ad blocking, anti virus etc etc. If you do have the same as mine, it should get rid of them, My norton works fine and I see no ads at all If it doesnt then maybe its not configured right or that part may not be turned on. Elaine x |
Lucky | Report | 10 May 2006 11:04 |
Valid points about revenue reducing the need to increase fees, which for many have increased 100% almost since the beginning. But if they had £3m to throw away to buy the management of 1901 census I object to having all these ads to subsidise that. |
LadyStainton | Report | 10 May 2006 09:45 |
I agree, we have signed up to a site and paid membership to a site that is supposed to help with geneaology. The other matter I find I am furious about is the Find out what your relatives did for a living - enter details. You do this then surprise, surprise, they have found your relative and you have to pay up again. Haven't we already paid, and as members can't we get some benefit from this. Even if you can view the page and check it is the same person you are locating before buying would help. This is a hobby that is expensive to start with, now I feel they are dangling a carrot to get you to part with more money, and you might be down the wrong 'garden path' as they say. Would like to know if anybody else feels this way. Donna |
ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom | Report | 10 May 2006 09:37 |
All I get is the 'want to be on ITV' box on the right which ISN'T an add, its a site link . There IS a choice I choose not to see the ads by having ad blockers. Mine is part of Norton Internet security. As others have said, there are other ways of ridding your page of them too....some ways are free. Ive not seen ads for over a year now, if I still did, and if they bothered me so much, I would get rid of them myself . I dont want Genes to get rid of the ads at my expense, losing the income generated by the ads will make the subs price shoot up. Then many would post another petition thread like this one, which will not change genes minds anyhow Elaine x PS Jenny your security programme should block these ads but only if it incorporates an ad blocker I see NO ads at all |
Jenny | Report | 10 May 2006 09:35 |
I tolerate the advertisements included on the site BUT I strongly object to the advertisement for scantily clad girls in my area. Neither I nor my children wish to see this. These types of adverts are inappropriate to this site. These adverts are not pop ups but included in the green border below the records search box. Normal pop up blockers won't stop the sort of nonsense being placed on a *genealogy* site by the owners. Thanks to Harlowgirl (see below) I've now reconfigured Norton and managed to stop the flashing!! Yeah!! |
Deanna | Report | 10 May 2006 09:24 |
I will certainly sign Marian, although I have not had any adverts on here since the Computer went to the doctors about Christmas time. I think that is when it was anyway!! Good luck with your petition. Adverts are really off putting when they are flashing about in the corner of your eye! Deanna X |
♥Betty Boo from Dundee♥ | Report | 10 May 2006 09:21 |
Hi please add my name to the list, I hate these advertisements. Betty |