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Greaders result April vote

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Unknown Report 25 Apr 2006 15:15

No Ann , it's because I want to drool over Terence Stamp and Alan Bates!!!!! ;-)) Seriously though, I am having trouble not watching it before I finish the book, I am determined to finish the book first though Dee ;-))

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 25 Apr 2006 15:31

Dee if this is your first time (!) then you MUST finish the book first or you will spoil it. Got the video from the library yesterday - waiting for a quiet moment to watch it. Maz. XX


Unknown Report 25 Apr 2006 15:47

Hi Maz Disgraceful isn't it, my age and I have to admit it is my first time!!!! I have read The Mayor of Casterbridge and Tess of the D'Urbervilles, but not this one. Suppose we need to put our thinking caps on for some new choices ;-))

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 25 Apr 2006 15:49

oh I couldn't get Pocketful of Silver, so I am going to leave it at FFTMC for this month - got tons to catch up on, including the new Ladies Detective book. Just finishing Strong Shoulders at the moment. :-)) Maz. XX