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If you have your thread deleted..
Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Unknown | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:14 |
.....I personally feel that it is not the content that the person objects to. I think that it is the person actually posting the thread. |
Claire in Lincs | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:16 |
I think you could be right there kate,,,youv hit the nail on the head, |
DAVE B | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:19 |
I dont agree there Kate! I have people on here that dislike me some have cause to! Im not an Angel but I have very few threads deleted really and when I do Ive probaly asked for it because I know I can overstep the mark sometimes. Davex |
Claire in Lincs | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:21 |
How can people dislike you Dave,,,I think your scrummy |
DAVE B | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:22 |
But they do Claire lol!!! Davex |
Claire in Lincs | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:24 |
lol,,,tony,,,lol.. |
Joy | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:24 |
Excuse me............. becoming concerned about my ''cousin'' Tony :-) |
Jean Durant | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:24 |
Disagree...... according to GR there has to be a specific reason why a thread is deleted. I don't think you can get a thread deleted just because you don't like someone. That would be even more ridiculous than things are at the moment. Jean. |
DAVE B | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:24 |
Bloody hell Tony when you coming over again lol! Dave |
Unknown | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:27 |
Kate You have said what I didn't have the nerve to say on the other thread on the subject! I am absolutely certain that in some cases, though obviously not all, that is definitely the case! Ages ago, I had a disagreement - nothing close to an argument - it was just a difference of opinion, with a very popular board member. I was noticeably chastised on the board at the time for daring to disagree, but as far as I was concerned, that was the end of it. However, over the few weeks, I received a total of 6 extremely unpleasant pm's from hitherto unheard-of members complaining about 'offensive' comments I had put onto threads - comments that couldn't possibly have been described as offensive to anyone! I am absolutely certain I have never posted an 'offensive' comment on this board, and no one had complainted before! But I did as I was told and deleted without comment, and eventually the messages stopped, but I am absolutely certain that the complaints were aimed at me, not the comments I had made. Such is life, lol! Bev x |
Unknown | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:28 |
Oh I don't know Jean. Claire has made a valid point. I think if someone took a dislike to another user of the boards they can find reasons to complain about the threads of that person. Petty and small minded, but it has been suggested this was happening in the past. Rebs x |
Unknown | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:28 |
Jean, If you disliked that person then you could make up any old excuse about their thread to get it deleted! |
Unknown | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:30 |
Bev, I know exactly what you mean, Katex |
Unknown | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:31 |
Hiya Bev..........still got the tinsel g-string? |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:31 |
hmmm I agree that some might complain about a thread because they don't like the poster, but I don't think genes would pull a thread unless the complaint was sensible - like bad language, insults, advertising a site or summat else against the t and c. I would hope that they can see the difference between legitimate offense and made-up rubbish. Maz. XX |
Guinevere | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:32 |
Threads get deleted for different reasons. I'm sure there are those on here who do not like the charity threads and complain to abuse and get them deleted. Threads with mild bad language also get deleted. Threads containing personal attacks also get deleted. If it is 'personal' then the thread would have to break the rules or GR wouldn't delete. I'm sure it isn't just one person but people who object to different types of thread. Gwynne |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:35 |
So then why is it that the same people get their threads deleted? If two different people told the same joke on here one would get away with it and the other would get deleted!!!!!!!! C'mon! |
Jean Durant | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:36 |
Well ... seems like I'm outnumbered here. I just can't believe that GR would delete a thread just on the say so of a member. Surely they have to read a thread before they make a decision. Think I'll retire back to my 'cloud cuckoo land'. It's much nicer than the real or cyber worlds. Jean x. |
Jess Bow Bag | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:39 |
Disagree |
Unknown | Report | 13 Mar 2006 13:40 |
Hi Rebs Mine shrank in the wash and doesn't fit any more ........... and no, it definitely isn't because I ate my own body weight in chocolate over Xmas , lol! Bev x |