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Do you think it safe to go to the London Meet
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Guinevere | Report | 5 Mar 2006 07:08 |
Be very careful, James. I've heard tales. These Southern Folk with their modern ways can be very dangerous. Gwynne |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 5 Mar 2006 07:11 |
James, I've no idea how old you are, but I wouldn't worry about going to a London Meet if you dish out compliments like that. I'm ancient and I've been to two London meets, neither of which did me any harm. If you're that worried, why not go and just act young? LOL CB >|< :>) |
James | Report | 5 Mar 2006 07:16 |
I'm a pre war (2nd ww) Baby just :>))) |
Unknown | Report | 5 Mar 2006 07:38 |
James, Disregard Gwynne casting nasturtiums! She knows nothing of our London ways. She will learn when she ventures to the nether reaches of the Thames at Kew very soon. Well that makes you the same age as my big brother, but that shouldn't be a barrier. If I was going I'd talk to you, but I very much doubt I'll be there. Someone will look after you though - they always do. CB >|< |
Guinevere | Report | 5 Mar 2006 07:49 |
CB, I know enough about your city ways to know that a country girl like me could find her head turned and be plied with strong liquor. Gwynne |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 5 Mar 2006 08:27 |
Haha! She's learning, she's learning! CB >|< |
Suzanne | Report | 5 Mar 2006 09:18 |
Can I quietly ask how you get to know of the meets? (asked shyly) Suzanne |
ButtercupFields | Report | 5 Mar 2006 09:21 |
Suzanne, I think there is an Events Thread which gives all the details. Will try and find it and nudge it for you. BC |
Linen | Report | 5 Mar 2006 09:23 |
Hi James, I'm a war baby so age differential should be just right. My train is booked so barring unforseen circumstances, I'll be there. Suzanne, you've just heard about the London meet, are you coming? Vivienne |
Suzanne | Report | 5 Mar 2006 09:23 |
Thanks buttercup. Suzanne |
Deanna | Report | 5 Mar 2006 10:08 |
I know what you mean James, I too worry about joining in. I'm a ww11 baby, the size of a bus, and they are all so young and beautiful. AND... you can laugh all you want to Daniel... you are also young and beautiful! Deanna X |
Linen | Report | 5 Mar 2006 10:31 |
Thanks Deanna, from a 62 yr old who feels about 80 at present. Vivienne |
Deanna | Report | 5 Mar 2006 10:35 |
Don't worry Viv, you are probably Gorgeous with it! Deanna X |
Linen | Report | 5 Mar 2006 10:38 |
Deffo not Deanna, take a look at the GB pics, I'm the toothless old hag. Vivienne |
Mommylonglegs | Report | 5 Mar 2006 10:54 |
Hi James. I dont think 'age' comes into any of the meets. I have been to a few now, latest one, the Boro' meet and by far the best I have been to. I am middle aged and can laugh and joke with 18 year olds, and get on very well with my elders. In fact it is us older ones that are the daftest. I was really surprised when I first joined GR, I thought everyone would be younger than me. I go by my 'gut instinct' when chatting on the boards. If I like a person on here, then get to meet them months later, I am always pleased to see my 'gut instinct' has been correct. I met for the first time last week, a friend I have always got on well with, having chatted on here and the phone on numerous occasions. She is a lovely lady and it was as if we had been good friends for years. I still have at least one other person I cannot wait to meet. Get to a 'meet' you will thoroughly enjoy yourself. Jenny. |
King of | Report | 5 Mar 2006 11:02 |
Where and when and how many times a year do people meet? Is this done through GR or by specific people, just a social. |
ButtercupFields | Report | 5 Mar 2006 11:04 |
James, I was the oldest person at the Boro Meet and I agree with Jenny. Age doesn't come into it. AND I was the liveliest the next morning! lol BC |
Linen | Report | 5 Mar 2006 11:09 |
Hi Geoff, It's all spontaneous. Someone decides they would like a meet in their area. They put up a thread asking if anyone is interested & if they are they decide on a place & off we go. There was one in Truro last year & also Exeter. Vivienne |
King of | Report | 5 Mar 2006 11:11 |
Thanks Vivienne |
Unknown | Report | 5 Mar 2006 11:14 |
Meets are usually suggested by those who are willing to organise them on this Board first of all, in order to gauge who/how many are interested and likely dates when people can/can't make. Venues are then decided upon, taking account of the numbers involved and the proximity to easy transport links. In London, the Meets are usually within a short walk of a mainline railway station, Underground station(s) and buses. GR are not involved in any way, other than by providing this forum for discussion of Meet arrangements. There are no appointed people who arrange the Meets, it's just whoever feels they want to organise one and then volunteers. As far as I'm aware, everyone who wants to attend is welcome. CB >|< |