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Har har har. The power!
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Unknown | Report | 27 Feb 2006 18:13 |
Ahem, Daniel! I have replied to your request for my presence. Now, WHADDYA WANT? CB >|< P S It is my preference to be portrayed in said article as an intriguing and incredibly interesting lady of fashion and exquisite taste, who was cruelly robbed of her rightfully acquired beverage, instead of some boring, fat old bag dressed in a brown outfit from T K Maxx and M&S what some young tyke nicked the gin off of. OK? |
***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** | Report | 27 Feb 2006 18:14 |
as a kind sensitive person who occasionally blows her top, you dare portray me as bonkers and ill ,ill think of sumut to sue you over |
Daniel | Report | 27 Feb 2006 18:15 |
I stole nothing! (apart from the menu) But, I will admit to not paying you for the Carling, but that was an honest mistake I swear! |