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What is your pet hate?
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Rosi Glow | Report | 24 Nov 2005 00:05 |
Sitting next to people who listen to their music through their earphones with the volume up so loud that you need earplugs yourself........Its so annoying. Rosi |
An Olde Crone | Report | 24 Nov 2005 00:14 |
News Presenters who sign off saying 'Have a wonderful weekend' You don't actually give a **** what kind of weekend I have, and why should you, anyway????. People who call me Maureen. People who park in my expensive,clearly marked, private parking space (but I have the last laugh, they get the lipstick treatment). Mouth breathers. People who only wash occasionally and cover up with cheap perfume. Grotesque old men who seem to think I will be grateful for their attentions just because we are in the same age bracket. Next door's cats using my garden as their toilet. Olde Crone |
Bec | Report | 24 Nov 2005 00:24 |
Homophobia Racism Xenophobia Misogynists Sexism... *goes to lie down* lol becx |
Unknown | Report | 24 Nov 2005 00:25 |
Old Crone, LOL I'd be highly offended if any called me Maureen, too. My name's Mary. >*|*< |
Unknown | Report | 24 Nov 2005 00:35 |
Taking too much butter on the knife and then wiping the remainder on the side of the butter dish!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! and as for spitting!!!!....... i have neighbours who all HAVE to clear their lungs when they leave the house for the school run every morning!! first father....haaaaacchh toooo!!!.... then mother....haaaaacchh toooo! then the 10 and 7yr old!!! ..haaaaacchh toooo! its a lovely sound to be awoken too!!! GRRR!! Karen. |
Patricia | Report | 24 Nov 2005 00:48 |
Anybody who has a mouth bigger than their brain :-) |
Elizabeth | Report | 24 Nov 2005 01:02 |
Bob....this 'H' business.I have looked it up as you suggested.Now,going by their definition,it's the modern English alphabet.At the start of the 'H' section,it says :--- the 8th letter of the modern English alphabet,representing in Old English a guttural sound,gradually softened down to a spirant and now often silent. Where I come from,we grew up being told that if you said H,you were one religion and if you said Aitch,you were another. I personally find it terribly strange to pronounce it as Aitch.I do say H. ...........maybe I have still got Old English in me !!! :~) |
SueMaid | Report | 24 Nov 2005 10:01 |
People who say 'only a volunteer', 'only a housewife', 'only a street cleaner' etc. We're all hardworking people, whatever we do. It's a mega put-down. Susan |
Claire in Lincs | Report | 24 Nov 2005 11:46 |
People who say..'very much so' People being interviewd on tv , when asked ,say,,'well basicly' and then begin a long drawn out saga,, That daft girl on TV AM ,,,who persists in saying 'A-rain in the A-north' |
Unknown | Report | 24 Nov 2005 12:09 |
There's a man who lives on my delivery who insists on holding onto my sleeve and staring right into my face as he's talking, that really bugs me...I hate that feeling of being cornered..I stop and talk to many people but all I want to do in that situation is to get away from him. Paul |
WhackyJackieInOz | Report | 24 Nov 2005 12:15 |
I have quite a few People that pay by Credit Card at Supermarket but it takes them ages to find it in their purse grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Whats wrong with cash these days Snoring makes my blood boil People that have any form of body odour Garlic, Perspiration yuk Kids that screammmmm! and mothers do nothing about it. Four and Five year olds with Dummys stuck in mouths. Also hate to see any kids with Dummy's in mouths when out. Sweaty Smelly Feet Farting in Public Instant Coffee I like the real thing People that think they can sing and it sounds like screaming Cats. But they still sing anyway Grrrrrrrrr Chewing gum under chairs that is so disgusting My Pet hates around the house Making beds Vacuuming Dishes left on draining board by hubby. He never dries them. I'm sure I have more but that's enough for now. Jackie |
Unknown | Report | 24 Nov 2005 12:32 |
People who park in Parent Parking bays and they have NO children ..... aaarrgghhh !! xxx |
Shady Lady | Report | 24 Nov 2005 12:52 |
I hate people who think they are better than the rest of us, they talk to you in such a condesending manner and make themselves look so stupid. Madeline |
Yvonne | Report | 24 Nov 2005 13:01 |
People with pushchairs who walk right into you. Screaming kids Kids running round a restaurant (they should be in McDonalds) People having personal conversations on their mobile so everyone can hear. Crying poverty pensioners who shop in Marks and Spencers buying expensive food. People who use the word 'Basically' when they talk ie. Well basically what it is Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr People in supermarkets who go to the hand basket checkout with a Trolley People in a supermarket who go to cash only queue then use a credit card (idiots!) People who try to push pass you when I thought the word was excuse me. People who dont say thank you when you open the door for them. Men at traffic lights who sit in their cars either scratching their private parts or picking their noses. I could go on forever, but think thats enough for now, cos Im a grumpy old woman. Yvonne |
Shady Lady | Report | 24 Nov 2005 13:12 |
Yvonne, I have to agree with you about the pushchairs and the screaming kids and I see you have noticed the men with nasty habits (at traffic lights) must be travelling the same routes as me.Lol Madeline |
Georgette | Report | 24 Nov 2005 13:25 |
Noisy eaters People who say 'Good thanks' when you've asked them how they are. Helenxx |
Molly | Report | 24 Nov 2005 13:28 |
ooh Ros no thanks, thats just the thing, my husband does every one of those things and more and it drives me crazzzzzeeeeeey |
Stephanie | Report | 24 Nov 2005 13:34 |
i HATEHATEHATE having to get out of a nice hot bath and being cold!! HATE IT! xx |
Michelle | Report | 24 Nov 2005 13:34 |
People who walk into you. People who block aisles, escalators, doorways, etc People who won't move when asked politely and then who complain when you move them. Smokers in non smoking areas. Screaming children. Screaming parents. People who leave their car engines running when parked. People who park outside my drive. Young thugs who think it's ok to play football outside my house at all times of the day and night, but won't do it outside their houses. Claire the GM weather girl and her love of the letter A. I have loads more and I am also a grumpy person. M. |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 24 Nov 2005 14:48 |
I once worked with someone for 6 months and at the end of it she was STILL calling me Maureen ....... my name is Marion lol !! I had given up correcting her after about 3 days! Maz. XX |