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Wheres guiness guzzler got to?
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Unknown | Report | 24 Aug 2005 21:29 |
I miss her and i need a drink. She ought to put away her judge dread records and get on here now! |
Pat | Report | 24 Aug 2005 21:42 |
LMHO Hi Louise I did a really stupid thing last night and had some of the black stuff and I am not allowed on these hyper pills anyway I was a little inebriated, and I really should apologise to anyone who read a thread I put up on here in the early hours it was a lot of twaddle didn't understand what I had written myself, oh dear I felt really embarrassed about it all day. Anyway hope you are well? Good to see you as always. Judge Dread lol Y viva suspenders, can't say I really liked his stuff big six and maybe big seven the follow up weren't too bad, he was a character though. Pat x |
Unknown | Report | 24 Aug 2005 21:47 |
Wheres the thread pat? Is it still on? loved to see it. I deleted two threads about vibrators in the wee small hours and I was sober lol. Anyway tomorrow night i am thinking of doing an x rated music quiz. Dont' think that has been done before. |
Unknown | Report | 24 Aug 2005 21:48 |
Sorry Pat but everyone will be back tracking like mad now to see what you said, better have another guiness X |
Pat | Report | 24 Aug 2005 21:52 |
I deleted it Louise I was a little embarrased as I was later coming on the computer this morning. X rated music quiz don't think I'll be very good at that, I only know Prince Buster, Judge Dread and Serge and Jane are there more? Must have a think which other GR members would be good at that sort of thing. Just a thought Christine should be ok, she may not even need to google for that one LMHO. :-))) Pat x |
Unknown | Report | 24 Aug 2005 21:54 |
In what way was it embarrassing Pat? please tell. I'll find out somehow. I'll ask sue smith or susiebabes. they were being embarrassing last night as well. |
Joy | Report | 24 Aug 2005 21:57 |
Pat - it started with, I believe Hi Joy:-) ..... or something like that?! I thought I'll reply later...... then it disappeared!!!!! :-) Joy |
Unknown | Report | 24 Aug 2005 21:59 |
Oh I saw that one. I replied. I didn't quite understand it but i hope i didn't offend you. I just thought you were feeling the lurrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvveeeeeeee for certain site members (in a non-romantic kind of way lol |
Joy | Report | 24 Aug 2005 22:09 |
I think there were 2 replies - yours, Louise, and Bec's - I think - and I was just about to add later on (only polite really, I thought, with my name mentioned 4 or 5 times!) but whoosh it went! :-) Joy |
Pat | Report | 24 Aug 2005 22:48 |
Sorry for my late return, hope you are not gone Louise eldest wanted to check emails and was hovering and getting on my nerves so I let him on for a while. Oh Lemon I better not it was quite shocking how quick it affected me and these pills do make me feel a little weird at times. Louise No you did not offend me anyway you know me I would tell you if you had. lol. I still should apologise to all especially Joy whose name the thread was in, I am very sorry Joy I mean't no harm. It was supposed to be a thread to cheer you up, let you know I am here. I was trying to say something along the lines of I have been very fortunate to interact with some really nice, caring, thoughtful and very funny and entertaining people on genes they far outweigh the yobs and saddos that have plagued the general board. Long may the decent people stay and continue on, I do not only mean those I agree with as there has been a lot of interesting threads when I have totally disagreed with peoples views, ideas and politics but still enjoy the debate on the subject matter and not the personal attacking that sometimes follows these type of postings. Pat x |
Joy | Report | 24 Aug 2005 22:57 |
Well, I thought it was lovely, Pat, seriously! I was dead chuffed. You mentioned LayLa (name right?), Bec, CB and me especially. Can you resurrect it? :-) Joy |
Pat | Report | 24 Aug 2005 23:01 |
Joy it was the lovely Lyla from Tips the Queen of the most amusing threads :-))) No sorry I can't resurrect as I did not save it, and to be honest I wouldn't want to, but I have tried on the above reply to make some sense of my ramblings. That's brilliant you were chuffed Joy that has cheered me up. ;-) Pat x |
Joy | Report | 24 Aug 2005 23:11 |
There are some still there, Pat, in the land of Yips...... but I dare not say more...... :-) Joy PS I shall reply to your message tomorrow, off to sleep now. |
Unknown | Report | 24 Aug 2005 23:35 |
Hi pat Sorry I've been pacing up and down for the last hour. Had a phone call - landlord is putting the rent up quite a bit. Anyway I am here now. I can't sleep these days again. Had a bout of that last year. can't get off untill about 2am. |
Pat | Report | 24 Aug 2005 23:36 |
Thanks Joy, Night sleep tight Pat x |
Pat | Report | 25 Aug 2005 01:24 |
Oh Louise Missed your message above, sorry. That's terrible news about the rent what a pain. Did you not suffer from insomnia earlier in the year? thought I remember you on the film thread late at night because you couldn't sleep Disney film questions isn't that your speciality? Pat x |
Unknown | Report | 25 Aug 2005 01:26 |
yes probably cos the girls have borrowed finding nemo and shrek 2 (not sure if disney?) from video shop. thats all we get at home and of course cbeebies. btw is it true that your road signs all say yield? |
Pat | Report | 25 Aug 2005 01:37 |
LOL Yield? yes there are loads of those, mostly written on the roads. I laugh at some of the stuff here, I can't help it I still find things funny. Some of the place names after all this time crease me up, also many places are not sign posted so you don't know where you are, but the directions to B&Bs and Guesthouses are well sign posted and loads of the pubs too. Pat x |
Unknown | Report | 25 Aug 2005 01:40 |
my sister went there for a holiday about 10 years ago and she said that the postcards were all still old-fashioned with pictures of black prams and stuff and they were so laid back and really do repeat themselves 3 times to be sure , to be sure, to be sure lol. That was in western ireland though. I expect around Dublin is a thriving metropolis |
Pat | Report | 25 Aug 2005 01:56 |
Yes Louise She should definitely return to the place she would get a shock! Lots of changes in the past 5-10years. Obviously the Capitol would be a few years ahead its a very European City and very progressive as is Galway and Cork. Its very Multicultural now which has made a huge and a great difference it needed it as it was so parochial it was a bit stifling. There are small pockets (very rural areas) that retain the 'to be sure' sort of thing but its fading rapidly I don't mind seeing it go. Pat x |