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Maggie in Leics | Report | 26 Sep 2005 13:28 |
Wasn't me that told them Jess - honest!! Where do you live? Could really use some extra leaders in Leicestershire (as everywhere I suspect) - lots of girls wanting to join, but not enough leaders!! Never too late to come back!! |
Linette | Report | 7 Oct 2005 11:19 |
Maggie, I've had a mixed September. My AG told me she no longer wished to continue with Guides. I had 2 parents come forward to be Unit Helpers. then another parent came forward with a possibility of being a leader!! One of the the original parents had a look through the ALQ book and has decided that she'd like to become a leader and take over from my AG!! Our Brownies were really low but have had 5 come in on one evening and another coming next week. We hadn't been passed on the Rainbows who wanted to go on our waiting list and the parents have been asking our Rainbow Guiders about Brownies!! It seems we've quite a few waiting to come up!! Lin |