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Linette | Report | 7 Oct 2005 11:19 |
Maggie, I've had a mixed September. My AG told me she no longer wished to continue with Guides. I had 2 parents come forward to be Unit Helpers. then another parent came forward with a possibility of being a leader!! One of the the original parents had a look through the ALQ book and has decided that she'd like to become a leader and take over from my AG!! Our Brownies were really low but have had 5 come in on one evening and another coming next week. We hadn't been passed on the Rainbows who wanted to go on our waiting list and the parents have been asking our Rainbow Guiders about Brownies!! It seems we've quite a few waiting to come up!! Lin |
Maggie in Leics | Report | 26 Sep 2005 13:28 |
Wasn't me that told them Jess - honest!! Where do you live? Could really use some extra leaders in Leicestershire (as everywhere I suspect) - lots of girls wanting to join, but not enough leaders!! Never too late to come back!! |
The Bag | Report | 26 Sep 2005 12:42 |
Oh the memories! - funnily enough, just after i last added on here, for some reason i recieved a copy of the local guiding monthly newsletter in the post - after a gap of about 3 years- very spooky - who is looking in - come clean please! Jess x |
Linette | Report | 26 Sep 2005 12:00 |
Trish, It's amazing the doors Guiding can open and the friendships built. I'm convinced that the skills I use in Guiding went a good way to getting me my promotion at work. In my job application I included a leaflet called Hidden Talents and was able to list Leadership skills etc. I have a penpal in Austria whom I have seen several times. We've been friends for 20 years and it was through Guiding. Sadly we are not in touch as much as we used to be but know we are there for each other should the need arise. Lin |
Cheshire | Report | 26 Sep 2005 00:24 |
Len That is a crying shame. They don,t know what they are missing. We used to bully husbands and dads to help with fund raising car washing transporting especially to camp. We called our merry band 'The Friends of guides and they were always invited to our last night of camp concerts. Anyone anymemories of them. to share I remember one camp in particulat where a patrol decided to take off the guiders. I have never laughed so much in my life, talk about to see aourselves as others see us Trish |
Cheshire | Report | 26 Sep 2005 00:15 |
I have guiding to thank for the super relationship I have with my daughter in law.As a guide captainn I used to do my planning once a month. Piled up with books magazines paper cuttings< and in walks my son with his new girl friend, Imagin my horror nowhere to walk let alone sit. She took one look and said Oh clutter good.and we have never had a ctoss word and they have been married 20 years Trish |
Linette | Report | 19 Sep 2005 15:39 |
Len, We could sort of let you join these days but only as an adult and as a Unit helper. You have to be CRB checked though. Lin |
Linette | Report | 19 Sep 2005 15:38 |
Cheshire Cat, We used to have gadet making evenings at my house before camp when I was a PL. Wood everywhere. My sister who was also a PL and I used to see who's Patrol could do the best and the fastest!! How my parents put up with it I've no idea!! Lin |
Len of the Chilterns | Report | 19 Sep 2005 00:07 |
I wanted to join the Girl Guides but the sexist lot wouldn't have me. Bet they don't get away with it in this p.c. age. Len |
Cheshire | Report | 18 Sep 2005 23:59 |
Hi again Making gadgets was my absolut favourite, west country whipping. I remember making a fine washing up stand we were so proud. It was at a guides training camp in Cheshire. That afternoon our county commissioner brought a ver old canac bell tent with poles as thick as telegraph poles which she announsed we will put up.We did eventually and we all slept with our feet to the midddle. It was so cold and I woke about five o clock and I saw the most magic morning I have ever seen. The moon and the sun were both up though it was light and every where was damp and frosry and silver. Just like fairy tale Trish |
Linette | Report | 10 Sep 2005 13:24 |
Does anyone remember going off to camp in the back of a lorry. Wasn't that great? Oh the memories, the smell of wood smoke, cleaning out the lats, pitching the tents, swimming in the sea even if it was raining, campfires, building gadgets......... I could go on all day. Lin |
Linette | Report | 10 Sep 2005 12:55 |
Maggie, Well with my friend Betty we do run HGC Campfire trainings about once a year mwith whoever else we can con in to helping us out. Last time Sandra A's hubby and a friend helped us!! So hopefully will be of help. Pip Congratulations on doing your ALQ. At Brownies I've been either Little Owl or Brown Owl. Hoping to go to Brownsea in September with some Guider friends!! |
Maggie in Leics | Report | 7 Sep 2005 10:14 |
Lin, Your name has been passed to Team Leader and he will be contacting peeps soon...... - if you get bored with your day job we'll know where to come for evening campfire stuff!! (Genie Tent looking a distinct possibility!!). Pip, I used to be a night owl too until I had my son!! Well done on doing your warrant - next stop Brownie Holiday Licence!! One of our groups Brownies current favourite songs? Bananas of the world unite!! Trish, Have you thought of joining the Trefoil Guild so that you can still do your camping etc? |
Red | Report | 7 Sep 2005 02:02 |
I love it to bits, yes i am a night owl, sadly they call me Barn owl. Lol |
Cheshire | Report | 7 Sep 2005 01:59 |
Congratulations Pipsy I hope that you get as much pleasure from guiding as I have had. I used to take our brownie pack along withmy guide company to camp in a church hall once a year.It was great fun and introduced them to camping. That is the thing I miss most about it. I left when I started being a foster parent. I see that you must be in the night owl patrol too Yours in guiding Trish |
Red | Report | 7 Sep 2005 01:34 |
Hello there, Im going for my Brownie Warrent, should be completed in the next few weeks. Pip.xx |
Cheshire | Report | 7 Sep 2005 00:10 |
Hi Helen Thanks for the words to barges, brings back memories. I loved the spook one made me laugh, we did a lot of that in guiding though didn't we. I too loved the campfires and stunts. I remember one camp when all the girls did a sketch and took each of us off. I don.t think I have ever laughed so much I thought I would burst. To see ourselves as others see us was not in it Trish |
Linette | Report | 5 Sep 2005 18:14 |
I love Barges too, it's one of my favourites. One of favourite activities is either running a campfire or taking part in one including stunts!!! I should keep my mouth shut Maggie will be pressing me onto service for Charny eh!! Lin aka Toots |
heleninrotterdam | Report | 5 Sep 2005 10:51 |
Just Googled for Barges and found: Out of my window, looking in the night I can see the barges' flickering light; Silently flows the river to the sea And the barges too go silently CHORUS Barges, I would like to go with you I would like to sail the ocean blue Barges, have you treasures in your hold? Do you fight with pirates, brave and bold? Out of my window, looking in the night I can see the barges' flickering light; Starboard shines green and port is glowing red You can see them flickering far ahead. CHORUS There seem to be various different third verses on some sites, but I do not think these were part of the original verison. Also found a spoof version: Out of my tent flap, glowing in the night You can see the leaders' cigarette light Silently flows the whiskey from its flask As the leaders do go for a blast Leaders, I would like to go with you I would like to share your whiskey too Leaders, are there boy scouts in your bed? Are you prepared for the night ahead? |
heleninrotterdam | Report | 5 Sep 2005 10:21 |
I vaguely remember Barges. I know I used to like it, but I can't remember exactly how it went any more, just something from the back of my mind about starboard shines green and port is glowing red, and then something about seeing them far ahead??? |