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Is it just me..or do people add only to the thread
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**Claire* | Report | 26 Jun 2005 18:06 |
I dont know Deb i always look at all the threads that sound interesting or if someone is having a moan or just asking general questions for fun etc i participate in quite a lot of them!! xx |
Brenda | Report | 26 Jun 2005 17:54 |
I look at the titles and then see if it is interesting,and add to it /reply if I have anything to say ,not just because it might be someone i know. Brenda |
DAVE B | Report | 26 Jun 2005 17:05 |
Hi Cliff/Deb I try to make a reply to lots of threads especially newbies because I want everybody to be involved the more the merrier I say.! Dave |
Cliff | Report | 26 Jun 2005 17:02 |
Hi deb I see what you mean, you feel a little out of it when it seems they all know each other. I seem out of it being male, I brouse, throw in a pun or two, hopefully give someone a smile. I haven,t been a member long, my first thread was Action Jackson, it didn,t go down well, it was a joke not many found funny. didn,t put me off, I enjoy the girls having a natter, it,s a natural trait. No worries Debs, I,ll listen and reply . Cliff |
Germaine | Report | 26 Jun 2005 10:07 |
I reply to anything that interests me, I like Junes threads on Happy birthdays and will offer a prayer for anyone. (They all count). I don't actually know anyone but am getting to know names. I like to come on and have a chat. If only to wish everyone good morning. Germaine x |
Linen | Report | 26 Jun 2005 09:21 |
Hi Deb, I can go along with what Purple Petunia has posted, almost word for word but I'm afraid I didn't read your Mars thread. Space holds no interest for me, there's too much to learn about this world & the next for my little brain without trying to add space into the equation. I only know people by sticking my nose into threads & I've killed quite a few too. Vivienne |
Pamela | Report | 26 Jun 2005 04:01 |
Hello I look but do not always add usually look at the help boards. Pam |
Shirley Ann | Report | 26 Jun 2005 02:48 |
Velvet paws, no your not im here to save the day for you , ha Shirley Ann |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 25 Jun 2005 04:43 |
Hi Deb, I have been reading this board for some months now and as I am so nosey, I start at the point I left off the night before, and go through everything working my way towards the most recent threads. I read anything that looks interesting except sport related and 'local to others' meets. I did find your Mars info interesting and printed it to show my other half and read again myself, but didn't have time to thank you. I have to desist from replying sometimes or I would be up here till lunchtime (usually watch the dawn come up, as today, as it is). I reply to anything I feel strongly enough about or feel I have anything interesting to add but don't look for the poster first, often having to go back to remind myself who started the thread. Have started to feel I know some of the people especially if we have corresponded off the board for some reason. Think that is what most people do too. Better stop rambling or I'll never get to bed! Night all. |
Pat | Report | 25 Jun 2005 00:23 |
Deb always a pleasure chatting to you, one of the very fine people I have met here and you make so much sense and liven the boards up late at night (well late to us that is). I enjoy you company (cyber speaking) and look forward to plenty more threads. Great thread this was really opened up some people's thoughts and how we view things. Thanks again Pat x |
Deb Vancouver (18665) | Report | 25 Jun 2005 00:21 |
Thank you for all your replies. I now know a lot more of you than I did last night! I guess it was just me being a bit paranoid. I look forward to chatting with you all in the future. Take Care - Deb |
Felicity | Report | 24 Jun 2005 23:51 |
Hi Deb, I contribute to any thread that interests me whether I 'know' the person or not. Some threads seem too personal and 'toe-way' for an intrusion though and I avoid those, but I will offer an opinion or advice if it's asked for and I think that I have something useful and sensible to add. Whether or not those comments are actually useful or sensible is another issue!! Silly or unpleasant threads I ignore, though again, my definition isn't necessarily the same for everyone. I do think you have a point with the time issue though. Looking back at my threads I seem to have been the final contributor to many of them but at 8 hours behind the UK I'm often cruising the boards when the majority are off to bed. Looking forward to seeing you around! |
Deb Vancouver (18665) | Report | 24 Jun 2005 23:28 |
Len, It wasn't me who brought the thread forward, I was assuming that it was you. The Phanton Nudger maybe? I remember the 'Bats in the...' thread. Another interesting thread. In fact I am going to bring it forward to I can read it. Deb |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 24 Jun 2005 23:25 |
No, if it's a thread that attracts my interest or curiosity, I'll have a nosey! |
Len of the Chilterns | Report | 24 Jun 2005 23:20 |
Deb You seem to have brought it(Life after Death) forward without any help from me. As you have found out, the way to find an old thread is to enter part of it, or a word or two from it, in the search box at the top of the Message List. With a very long thread the way to read it all is to click on 'Latest reply first'. What did you think of 'Ghosts in the head or bats in the belfrey' ? Regards Len |
Deb Vancouver (18665) | Report | 24 Jun 2005 22:39 |
Len, I have to admit that I read all of your threads, as I find them very interesting, and on occasion have added to them. The thread a year or so ago about the paranornal, although it was not your thread, I read on a daily basis as your contributions were fascinating. Are you able to bring that thread forward, as I would like to re read it. Deb |
Len of the Chilterns | Report | 24 Jun 2005 22:06 |
Hi Deb I look at threads that appear to be interesting and ignore enigmatic titles (eg 'How I found out') as they are usually the cover for a banal thread. I also ignore a few contributors who may only be described as crass with schoolboy humour but look out for and reply to those who are stimulating and witty. Whether the authors of the threads to which I add comments appreciate my remarks is a different matter Len |
Phoenix | Report | 24 Jun 2005 21:46 |
I don't only add to threads of people I know - don't actually know many - I just add to threads I find interesting or funny etc. If you put yourself out there and add to threads you like then you will soon start to get to know people. Kaye x |
Yvette | Report | 24 Jun 2005 21:45 |
Hi Deb Well i answer to all sorts of threads if i feel i have something to add, or if its a support thread, whether i 'know' the person who started it or not. ..thats when my teenagers let me near the pc.......grrrr!!!!!! Yvette |
Lisa | Report | 24 Jun 2005 21:41 |
debs i try to add to threads that i read but not all.some threads have been put up to stir trouble there the ones i do not add to .xxxxxxx(: |