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I Am Disgusted

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Margaret Report 21 May 2005 08:14

Sickening Bev , Margaret


PolperroPrincess Report 21 May 2005 08:11

This woman has cancer. She was punched to the ground and then photographed on a mobile phone by teenage yobs. She is the latest victim of Happy Slapping. THE cancer-hit girlfriend of TV star Matthew Wright told last night how she was beaten, mocked and filmed by yobs in a Happy Slapping attack. In scenes that hit a new low even for such a sick craze, Caroline Monk - who has lost her hair from chemotherapy - was hit in the face and punched to the ground by a boy aged 12 to 15 just for the hell of it. Then four other thugs piled in, branding her a 'slaphead' and filming her on a mobile phone so others could gloat over her ordeal. The gang only broke off when she screamed 'I've got cancer!' and left the scene weeping tears of pain and rage. 'How bad is that'!!! Bev


PolperroPrincess Report 21 May 2005 08:10

With the youth of today.