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I Am Disgusted

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PolperroPrincess Report 21 May 2005 08:10

With the youth of today.


PolperroPrincess Report 21 May 2005 08:11

This woman has cancer. She was punched to the ground and then photographed on a mobile phone by teenage yobs. She is the latest victim of Happy Slapping. THE cancer-hit girlfriend of TV star Matthew Wright told last night how she was beaten, mocked and filmed by yobs in a Happy Slapping attack. In scenes that hit a new low even for such a sick craze, Caroline Monk - who has lost her hair from chemotherapy - was hit in the face and punched to the ground by a boy aged 12 to 15 just for the hell of it. Then four other thugs piled in, branding her a 'slaphead' and filming her on a mobile phone so others could gloat over her ordeal. The gang only broke off when she screamed 'I've got cancer!' and left the scene weeping tears of pain and rage. 'How bad is that'!!! Bev


Margaret Report 21 May 2005 08:14

Sickening Bev , Margaret


Deanna Report 21 May 2005 08:18

another situation where their parents must be so proud!!! Its dreadful. Poor poor woman. Deanna


Tracey Report 21 May 2005 08:19

It is absolutely outrageous Bev. I watched a programme on this the other night and it is unbelievable to watch! They've got a damn nerve. One of these days they'll pick on someone who can run a bit faster than they can....... Tracey


PolperroPrincess Report 21 May 2005 08:22

I cant believe what goes through their minds! If my 13yr old lad ever did anything like that and I found out I would personally drag him to the police station.... after I have leathered him that is!! Bev


PolperroPrincess Report 21 May 2005 08:58

I remember when I was a kid! If one of the neighbours caught me misbehaving/giving cheek they would give me a crack and then drag me home where Id get the same off my parents! Used to be too scared to do anything... Same with at school! Youd get a belt off the teacher who then sent you home with a note for your parents, who would then give you another crack for it! You also wouldnt dare not give your parents the note!!! Never did me no harm! Bev x


badger Report 21 May 2005 08:59

Go on Honey Rum,the best suggestion of the morning,all the people who changed the laws should be subjected to these sorts of assaults to make them see what ruddy silly people can cause with their do good attitude.Bring back the borstals.Fred.PtfA&G&G&S.


PolperroPrincess Report 21 May 2005 09:02

We were talking about this kind of thing yesterday and someone commented that they should bring back National Service!! Wonder how these thugs would cope being with real men/women.......dont think they would try much bullying then, do you!! Bev


Unknown Report 21 May 2005 09:11

Every time I hear something like this I think 'that's the worst thing I've ever heard, it couldn't get any worse' .. and then it does. This really is disgraceful, my heart goes out to that poor woman. They really should be 'hung, drawn and quartered'. Roxanne, I was saying the same thing to my mum yesterday! If I was punished at school, I knew that she would punish me again when I got home. Mandy :(


PolperroPrincess Report 21 May 2005 09:14

I agree with you Roxanne!! I dont care what the law says... if my son has done someting that deserves a crack then, regardless of what these do gooders say, he will get one! As you say there is a difference between chastisement and abuse!! I think its a form of abuse when you do let them get away with that kind of behaviour!! In the long run the do gooders are not doing the kids any favours at all!! Bev x


Slinky Report 21 May 2005 09:33

Just re-read answers to this, and what a lot of sensible people we have on Genes... maybe we should put forward to run the country... we would do a damn site better than the ones that do it now!! GR for Government Rule!! Anne:)))


Alyson. Report 21 May 2005 09:33

Absolutely disgusting. It was on the news yesterday that the same thing happened to a young girl.I wonder how those children would react if it happened to their mum / nan. Alyson

Maz from Cornwall

Maz from Cornwall Report 21 May 2005 09:57

OMG!! This has truly made me want to vomit!!

Rosalind in Madeira

Rosalind in Madeira Report 21 May 2005 10:43

In the Mail today there is a report of a 72 year old man kicked to death in High Wycombe, a 17year old and 18 year old are being questioned. Is life so bad for these youths that they have to murder someone. No doubt the punishment won't fit the crime, but is that all they aspire to is going to prison. You feel so mad that you want to line them all up and give them a good thashing, and film them to show them how they were snivelling and grovelling because of the pain. But then the dogooders would tell us that is only seeking revenge and doesn't make us better people. Ros


Scrummy Report 21 May 2005 11:22

I remember taking my teenage son down to the police station and asking the duty sargeant (old fashioned one) to take him into the cells and frighten the life out of him. This he did and he never misbehaved again. Bring back discipline in the home and at school brenda


SilverLady Report 21 May 2005 12:05

I am in agreement with all the things which have been said on this thread. What have the do gooders done for society and the future generations if this is where we are heading? Love and Peace Marianne. xxxx


Unknown Report 21 May 2005 12:13

I had my own son arrested and charged with criminal damage after he caused a lot of expensive harm to my car. The sergeant was shocked that I was prepared to have my son charged and he had to have his DNA sampled which is now on the database. As far as I'm concerned he was big and hard and clever enough to commit the crime so he had to be big and hard and clever enough to take the punishment. As has been pointed out to him as well - now his DNA is logged he CAN'T commit any more crimes without being caught, hopefully that will be a good enough deterrent.


Unknown Report 21 May 2005 12:33

Hi Bev It really is beyond contempt but the youths who carry out these vicious acts are still by far in the minority and it's not fair to condemn all the young for the despicable actions of the few


Unknown Report 21 May 2005 12:38

last night i saw on the news,a young girl,slapped really hard across her face,whilst other youngsters laughed,and took pics,on their mobiles. the case of the lady with cancer,is beyond belief,for normal for the kids parents,i really believe most of them are scared of their own children!...thats how bad our society is! my own thoughts are that we need to bring back compulsory national service,at age 16/18, with no exceptions for sex/class/colour/religion. something drastic has to be done now!! bryan.