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Wronged Wives

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Unknown Report 8 May 2005 21:55

Remember the episode of Cold Feet where Jen found out Pete was having an affair and she took his clothes around to the woman's house and said she should have his washing AND their son because she had to take everything that came with him? What sort of woman has an affair with another woman's man? What would your reaction be if your man did this - especially if the trollop KNEW he had a wife and kids?


Ann-Marie Report 8 May 2005 21:59

I wouldn't be too happy about it, but it's hard to imagine what I'd do in a situation that's not gonna happen, but I'd be more angry with her, than him :o) AL


Bobtanian Report 8 May 2005 21:59

is that the same one where he cut the kids hair?


Unknown Report 8 May 2005 22:04

when it comes to adultery,i would walk away from my partner...end of story!! bryan.

Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 8 May 2005 22:07

Bob, LOL Jean x.

Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 8 May 2005 22:10

It's just as well that Barbara Cartland (rest her soul) can't see this thread. She was quoted many times as saying that a married man having an affair was always the wife's fault for not pleasing him enough. Needless to say, I didn't have any respect for that woman. Which doesn't answer your question I know.


Shelli4 Report 8 May 2005 22:17

it's not just men who have affairs while married!!! Any wronged men out there????


Unknown Report 8 May 2005 22:18

Good point, Shelli !!

Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 8 May 2005 22:18

Good point Shelli - I must admit I didn't think of that when I replied first time.


Unknown Report 8 May 2005 22:21

So you're a pacifist then, Rox ??


Shelli4 Report 8 May 2005 22:21

Blimey I must be on a roll to think of something first LOL I only actually know of one man who cheated, and the couple are still together, 17 yrs later despite him havign two kids with his lady friend. On the other hand i know of at least 4 women who had affairs. Actually I lie it's five women Oh dear!!!! should change who i talk to i think!!!!!!


Unknown Report 8 May 2005 22:27

OH Dear!! I have some lovely (legal) revenge stories!!! Karen


Bobtanian Report 8 May 2005 22:34

Years ago, I used to fly radio control aircraft models.........I once over heard a lady saying how fed up she was that her husband spent SO much time on his models, and she said, I quote' If it was another woman, i wouldnt mind, because I could compete with that'!! Bob


Unknown Report 8 May 2005 22:34

How lovely, Rox!! I told the woman who was staying awake with my husband (why do people call it sleeping?????) that her children would wake up with horses' heads in bed next to them - unfortunately she had never seen 'Godfather'


Unknown Report 8 May 2005 22:38

I know Roxanne - I wouldn't have minded him SLEEPING with her - it was the staying awake I had the problem with !!

Sue Lambrini Smith

Sue Lambrini Smith Report 8 May 2005 22:42

i divorced hubby number 1 ! no second chance ! but i got the last laugh, he did it again to the trollop, and she then divorced him too, lol. and with hindsight, she did me a very big favour .


Victoria Report 8 May 2005 22:44

when i was little i remember a local woman who found her husband in bed with another woman and cut off his penis and attatched it to a helium balloon they were tracking it on the local radio so they could get it to the hospital and reattatch it. lol Victoria XX


maggiewinchester Report 8 May 2005 22:45

Wendy, I was a wronged wife 19 years ago - she was a 'friend' of mine! Her husband was wronged but couldn't care less!! As for revenge - well he helped himself to that!! Hubby was sleeping in the spare room when the 'happy couple' went house hunting - and gave my number as the contact!!! lol The landlord phoned to give them the house - I asked (to his bemusement) if 'Mrs T' was blonde - 'Yes' he said. I put him straight (I had black hair) and they never got that lovely cottage. Shame tee hee. He also went for a vasectomy. The hospital phoned me, as I had to give my permission. 'Only if I can hold the scalpel' was my response. Poor lamb had to go private! Mild revenge I know, but over the years I know he had a lot of affairs whilst with 'herself'- children talk lol Strangely, I've always remained friends with him - and met most of his conquests. That's what happens when your ex has always been you brother in laws best friend lol lol I never put him down when my girls were small, but now they're 22 and 25, they still see him, and if they ask a question - they get an honest answer from me!!! They still love him (he is after all their dad) but admit he's a bit of a plank!! maggie


Unknown Report 8 May 2005 22:45

I was wondering about the mentality of a woman who would deliberately go with a man KNOWING he had a wife and family. As far as I'm concerned any man once married, engaged or just plain shacked up is OUT OF BOUNDS.


Unknown Report 8 May 2005 22:46

I sent letters to all her neighbours informing them she was having an affair with my hubby and to contact me on my number when his van was in their street!! LOL Karen