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so who's voting today?

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DAVE B Report 6 May 2005 08:11

I agree on compulsory voting Art and I am not quite sure about this postal vote yet! Dave


DAVE B Report 6 May 2005 07:40

Art no matter what government is in power they will try and oust somebody if there is oil at stake! China is left alone even though their human rights record is atrocious because of lack of oil! Do you really not think that Bush wouldnt have backing off Howard if he was returned? Bush is a conservative himself and would prefer Howard in Im sure.Though labour are now milked down tories and not the kind of socialism I prefer, but maybe like I said on another thread they have been returned because there is a little bit for everyone in their policies! Dave


Pat Report 5 May 2005 22:41

Yeah Dave EXACTLY, some people want to see some maybe don't want to. Pat x


DAVE B Report 5 May 2005 22:35

Yes Pat like I have said on Kerry's thread China have worse human right record than Iraq, But they have no OIL so what do we do we give them all our manufacturing it stinks! Dx


Pat Report 5 May 2005 22:24

Maz I Want to support you in what you said I knew very well what you meant it was actually very clear from your statement 'short memories or full pockets' the yuppy culture. I totally agree with what you said on both occasions, it was very well said. Oh and David I also agree with what you have said about the lost opportunity of ousting Sadam Hussein the first time round. If Governments really cared about people's lives the Americans would have got rid of that sadistic regime back when the Kurds were being slaughtered, but we all know none of these Governements care about that, they care about OIL and protection of the wealthiest in this World. Pat x


Haribo Report 5 May 2005 22:12

Left school in 1980.........Mass unemployment Mortgage on first home 1987,..........1990 interests rates up 15% = negative equity= misery. Tory government. Am i going to vote them in AGAIN.What do you think?


Kerry Report 5 May 2005 22:06

My 1st election too, Hope I can make a difference!

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 5 May 2005 22:03

Went down with hubby and daughter. She's 19 and this is her first General Election so we took a photo of her in front of the Polling Station sign! Huge queues at 7pm which is very encouraging. Watching the news now. Election night simply wouldn't be the same without Peter Snow would it? lol Daisy


Kerry Report 5 May 2005 22:02

The one think I`m worried about is Bush`s talk of going into Iran and that if Labour are re-elected, we`ll be following them in. Blair made no comment on this! Wonder why!


Rosemary Report 5 May 2005 21:29

I voted at 12.45pm and then became a 'Teller' for two hours. Was surprised at the the number of people who voted between 1.00 and 2.00 pm. Felt so sorry for the two people who found themselves not on the electoral roll;one elderly, one young. I think in these days of so few really local post offices, that councils should make it easier for people to check the electoral roll when it first comes out. This is the first General Election for me since I retired so I shall really enjoy staying up for the results and not worrying about having to be fresh for work tomorrow morning. YOU STILL HAVE 30 MINS LEFT IN WHICH TO VOTE Rosemary(Essex).


Christine Report 5 May 2005 20:50

Done it and so has hubby......don't think we voted the same way so we have most probably cancelled each other out - went about 6.30 and there were a lot of people going in and out

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 5 May 2005 20:41

Thank you Dave, was worried that people would think I was saying something I had NOT intended.


DAVE B Report 5 May 2005 20:36

I agree entirely with you Maz,the unfortunate thing about the Iraq war was the loss of life, but lets not forget the Gulf war how everybody said that the allies should have gone through and removed Saddam at that point instead of allowing him to have another pot at it and we all know what happened then dont we.So both governments at those times have to share the blame particurly John Major for the former we should have kicked Saddam out in 1991. Davex


Lucy Report 5 May 2005 20:33

Done it, went with hubby and took neighbour who's never voted before - she said she wasn't going to bother so I reminded her of the sufferagettes and that she'd have no right whinging about how the country's run unless she voted - obviously the message went home! Our village hall and the outside area were packed - didn't realise just how many people are in this ward!! Good on 'em for turning out! Lucy x

Saints Alive

Saints Alive Report 5 May 2005 20:30

just got back from giving my vote


Joy Report 5 May 2005 20:28

Yes, we have voted. Joy + 'im indoors.

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 5 May 2005 20:22

Hello Art, I wasn't actually talking about Iraq when I made that comment. However, I suppose those who were bereaved during the Gulf War under Thatcher and other wars back through history under various governments would feel the same as those who have lost someone in Iraq or Afghanistan. I wish no-one had to suffer the loss of a family member or friend because of war, but sadly these conflicts do continue to happen whichever party is in power. I wouldn't want anyone to think I was making light of the bravery and commitment of our armed forces. Maz. XX have re-written this about 10 times in the hope it cannot be misconstrued in the way my earlier comment obviously was


Unknown Report 5 May 2005 18:48

Just got back from the polling station - there was a huge queue! So much for apathy and people not wanting to turn out. nell


Ann-Marie Report 5 May 2005 18:44

I won't cos not registered where I living n no point cos I don't like any parties. My boyfriend won't because he hasnt been sent a voting card he's very upset cos he really wanted to vote, his brother hasn't received one either, they are both entitled to vote.


Unknown Report 5 May 2005 18:26

Done it:o))))))) jude sarf wales