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who is the ugliest pop star of all time?

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Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 28 Apr 2005 15:05

The late Serge Gainsbourg, one-time partner of Jane Birkin. He was a pop star of sorts (the bloke on 'Je T'aime').


Poolmaster Report 28 Apr 2005 12:54

i think its a toss up between tina turner and randy crawford.

Stelly ♥♥

Stelly ♥♥ Report 28 Apr 2005 01:56

Thanks Pat (I think) Not my kind of song cos I have heard what she sounds like. Not sure about the words either!!!!! I'll look again tomorrow!


Crimson Report 28 Apr 2005 01:52

Meatloaf or Gary Glitter


Pat Report 28 Apr 2005 01:18

Yeah as far as I know its her real name she has this song called '1980' as its the year she was born, some of the lyrics, well I have looked and found them, here goes: I grew up in the 1980's in a 4-bedroom house my family my Grandma 3 or 4 Aunties Uncles and Brothers in and out of prison daily at certain times when there was no heat we stay under covers there was life like u never seen Daddy taking extra people in come dinner time It was tippin' 18 boil a big pot of water and the soap to take a bath with my face in Olive Oil all my mates used to laugh And my Cousin's moved out And we all got divided as i started to get older I seen god providing I've seen £50 last 3 months solid I got my first pair of 'Nikes' we were still eating porridge me and my cousin used to play 'Mel & Kim' practising dancin' coming down the stairs and ting I touched Africa and came back darker knowing myself feeling my roots a little bit harder [Chorus] 1980 year that God made me 89 i started to get mine 99 i started to write rhymes come, walk with me baby this were my life 1980 year that God made me 89 i started to get mine 99 i started to write rhymes come, walk with me reminiscing my life So then we moved up thought i was the 'Fresh Prince' 'Dynasty' was re-runs and 'Dallas' was faded with 3 beds this time and 6 kids still we got a doggy (Does that dog 'ave to bark) A proper butt is for a pair of 'LA Gear' he thought it was for taking pictures of his belle's rear, we started hanging out my jeans got tighter my weird neighbours set their own house on fire Church was All day every day and every week that's where i learned how to sing hearing that Master Preach Benediction was all we went for so we could run home and play 'connect 4' Mum worked late and we learnt to cook Rice peas chicken and stew pea soup In the room watching Kung-Fu films And Cleopatra joans (WRONG LYRIC THIS SHOULD READ 'CLEOPATRA JONES') Wishing we were cosby kids and the match stick girls, [ Repeat Chorus] the man downstairs was dead for 3 weeks his own cat started eating him, the house starts to wreak that's when we moved out, our house was bigger We had a large garage and the attic was killer We used to pray for 3 hours in the mornin' Sitting on the school bus Believe we was yawning All our hair was stuck down to our foreheads Jam curls, splits, dorags and pin curls yes Sexy boys walking round showing interest In what i don't know coz we all had flat chests Don't think we never mastered the Kid n Play steps Doowop for days in the bogle yep But this is just the beginning of my life right, 9 kids a house and one life time Yo, the beginning of my life right 9 kids a house in one life time...... OH AND THIS WAS HER LIFE, SHE WROTE THIS FROM EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Pat x

Stelly ♥♥

Stelly ♥♥ Report 28 Apr 2005 01:07've got it in one! Oh....and by the name is Estelle too!!!! There wasn't many about years ago but it seems to be popular now.........maybe for the wrong reasons..........Who is Estelle?.........only heard her once? Is it her real name?


Pat Report 28 Apr 2005 01:02

Yeah agree with you as well Stelly LOL. I was listening to a new english singer called Estelle and she said she was selling music not her body, she is not interested in selling herself, she also wants to be careful her personal life all over the tabloids, why should a woman have to be half dressed while promoting their music. I remember years ago Lisa Stansfield used a double on one of her videos that was showing lots of skin, I suppose many others do the same, how pathetic they have to show anything??? I think the trouble with fame today is if you are NOT one of the beautiful people (aint that a line from a Beatles song LOL) you are dismissed? Most talented people are not so beautiful, its actually more rare for the two to be combined, people could probably count the real talented ones on one hand. Pat x

Stelly ♥♥

Stelly ♥♥ Report 28 Apr 2005 00:46

I agree Pat, But I think the women should have 'scruples'.(Or was that a book I read once)? They are showing Brit Spears in a bad light now cos she's got other priorities(tabloids). Just wonder who would still be 'beautiful' before airbrushing? And before you shout me should have the same rules...........although if you met them on the probably wouldn't recognise them!


David Report 28 Apr 2005 00:44

Michael Jackson


Pat Report 28 Apr 2005 00:33

Stelly funny that it's mostly been men? I don't think people are really ugly are they? think they make themselves look ugly and I suppose sometimes in the past Madonna is guilty of that, so is Kylie Minogue. Men like Shane McGowan could look better with some teeth and being sober, he has such talent its a shame. Pat x

Stelly ♥♥

Stelly ♥♥ Report 28 Apr 2005 00:10

There's been lots of men...........but what about the women............only seen madonna?


Andy Report 28 Apr 2005 00:02

Much as I like Radiohead, it's got to be Thom Yorke.


Pat Report 27 Apr 2005 23:57

WEE MAN ok, yeah he maybe that but he did have talent, got to admit that, aint ya??? I would imagine Bloodvessel (don't like calling him Buster 'cos he nicked that name LOL) was a NUTTER............ Pat x


PennyDainty Report 27 Apr 2005 23:37

No Pat, exactly the same in person as he was on stage, mad bugger right enough! LOL As for Prince, yeughhhhhhhhh! The horrible wee man that he is! Christine


Pat Report 27 Apr 2005 23:31

Disgusting weren't he LOL. Mad bloke a real entertainer. Christine did he act mad when he came into the shop? or was he one of those quiet types when not performing on stage? Pat x


Unknown Report 27 Apr 2005 23:29

Ohhhhhhh lip up fatty oh lip up fatty fatty reggae


Pat Report 27 Apr 2005 23:28

Christine have you not seen Prince in his 'KISS' video? well..... I suppose you prefer grandad Tom PMSL. sorry couldn't resist that. Steve Tyler sexy LOL. you can have him. Paul didn't Buster Bloodvessel suffer a heart attack a few years ago and had to lose weight? weird sort a bloke he was. Pat x


PennyDainty Report 27 Apr 2005 23:25

Wish I'd seen that Paul. Buster used to be a regular customer in the shop I worked in. He actually wasn't THAT bad looking, it was just the way he always stuck his tongue out and the daft faces he pulled, made him look worse! LOL Christine


Deb Report 27 Apr 2005 23:19

LOL Peter Walker , have to agree at least with the rest it's natural ugliness (but remember he has NOT had surgery) just wondering if he has a connection with pinochio , he wanted to be real too ! (r.e jacko)


Unknown Report 27 Apr 2005 23:19

Saw buster bloodvessel not that long ago on never mind the buzzcocks... he's lost a LOT of weight...