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Name that Film (resurrected)

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John Report 26 Jun 2005 03:57

Hello film fans I see Pat is still going around in circles. Just where is Winter (yes I know the season in NZ is winter), Edinburgh Christine, and others. Anyway here is a brain teaser (?) the second part should be easy peasy. In the latest offering of superheros - Batman Begins - can you name the lead actor and the film he made as a teenager. Also in this film is the son of an actor who appears in which long-running TV series - can you name the son and father and the programme? John in NZ


John Report 27 Jun 2005 02:47

Hi Dorothy You are so right - Linus Roache son of William Roache was briefly in Corrie play the young Peter Barlow with his Dad. The new batman is Christian Bale who played the 13yr old Jim in Empire from the Sun in 1988