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Last two weeks on the boards!!
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Sue | Report | 2 Jan 2005 02:02 |
Right - it's bedtime! Jenny Rhodes taught typing and I think she was also a 5th form form teacher, although it may just have been that she was teaching 5th formers to type. Anyway, if you do remember her, we're still in touch (she taught an evening class the same night as me which is how we got to know one another). We have exchanged Christmas cards all these years, and she now lives near Gloucester so we meet up periodically for a day's shopping in Bath. Speak again soon no doubt! Sue |
Big Shaz | Report | 2 Jan 2005 01:58 |
LOL Me too I gotta go to bed I havent been to be since...... well I actually got up at 8,30am on the 31st and I am still up!! Shattered though! Two tier began in Sept 03 when all primary schools kept their year 4's who of course became year 5. So Middle Schools were left with just 3 years and then last Sept it was finalised with all middle school kids going up to upper schools and of course Lower schools keeping their year 4's again as well as the year 5's. So now its reception to year 6 at Primary then year 7 to 11 at upper. Oh and Lings is now called The Academy!! Mrs Rhodes is ringing bells actually... I left there in 84! Well I'll wait 5 mins to see if you reply and then I'm away to my bed :-) Goodnight Shaz x |
Sue | Report | 2 Jan 2005 01:49 |
No I didn't Shaz. When did that happen? I taught evening classes at Parklands - typing - in 1982-1984. Did you know a teacher by the name of Jenny Rhodes? What's your son doing at Moulton College? I assume that's the agricultural college? I wanted to go there as my 2 ambitions in life at the age of 13 were to marry a farmer and be a farm secretary!!!! Do you ever go to bed? I've just seen the time and really must think about going. Sue |
Big Shaz | Report | 2 Jan 2005 01:41 |
Yes I went to NSG when it was at Parklands :-) Did you know that we have gone back to the two tier system here in N'pton? Shaz x |
Sue | Report | 2 Jan 2005 01:38 |
Kingsley Park Middle School was once Northampton School for Girls, the girls' grammar "in my day" (which then moved to Parklands), so I went to college next door to where I went to school, too! Sue |
Big Shaz | Report | 2 Jan 2005 01:22 |
No Probs Sue... I'll stay here now until the children are all grown up and then I'll go back to Scotland :-) My eldest lad is at the Uni too he is in his first year and he is doing a joint and combined which takes him to both Campus' which is strange for him as he went to Kingsthorpe Upper school or Kingsthorpe community college as its now known.. and also Kingsley Park Middle so he is still going next door to both :-) My next son down is at moulton College in his first year! Shaz x |
Sue | Report | 2 Jan 2005 01:17 |
Hi Shaz 1979 seems a lifetime away. Presumably you'll stay there now? I couldn't remember what the College is called now, although I still get cards from some of the retired staff who bring me uptodate every Christmas. It got its University status a couple of years after we moved away. My goddaughter is currently in her final year there. Mum still lives in Park Avenue North and my mother-in-law is in the nursing home built on the site of the old Manfield Shoe Factory along Wellingborough Road. We come up periodically, but Mum tends to come down here instead. It's nice to reminisce once in a while, so thanks to you, and to Jess, for allowing me to do so! Sue |
Big Shaz | Report | 1 Jan 2005 23:58 |
LOL Paul... nah I am not going anywhere!! Who'd want to leave?? This place is Great :-) Shaz x |
Unknown | Report | 1 Jan 2005 23:46 |
Do you know what, I saw this thread and thought noooooo not another one leaving (in 2 weeks lol). DOH ! You're right though, it's been much nicer. |
Big Shaz | Report | 1 Jan 2005 23:42 |
We might even have gone to the same school Christine :-) It was all arranged the school and everything then Gran backed out :-( Shaz x |
PennyDainty | Report | 1 Jan 2005 23:41 |
Just think Shaz, we would have been neighbours! On second thought bet your glad you moved South LOL Christine |
Big Shaz | Report | 1 Jan 2005 23:40 |
Sue... both Park and Avenue Campus make up University College Northampton now so even that has changed :-) I have only lived in Duston for 4 years, I lived in the Town Centre before that. I didnt come to Northampton until 1979 when my parents marriage broke down and was only supposed to stay here for a short time as I was going to go back to Glasgow and live with my Gran but I seem to be stuck here... LOL Me from Glasgow and my better half from Stirling! Shaz x |
Sue | Report | 1 Jan 2005 19:12 |
Shaz - Were you in Duston when Manns Brewery site was still functioning? I worked there in the late 70s. Sue |
Sue | Report | 1 Jan 2005 19:11 |
Hi Shaz Boughton Green Road was known as Park Campus at the time (Moulton Park) but I taught at Avenue Campus (St George's Avenue), which is also where I did a secretarial and business studies course in 1966 when it was known as Northampton College of Technology. At that time there was a huge Boot and Shoe Department, vast Engineering workshops where British Timken, Daventry Engineering, Express Lift etc apprentices trained, and oh so many other trades. I taught sec and office studies there in the 80s, but did the Cert Ed at Avenue Campus. Sue |
Big Shaz | Report | 1 Jan 2005 19:02 |
Hiya Sue I'm the same... in and out.. LOL What college did you teach at was it the one on boughton green road? |
Sue | Report | 1 Jan 2005 18:56 |
Hi Shaz Just reappeared for a minute or two - will be about on and off this evening, and tomorrow! Sue |
Big Shaz | Report | 1 Jan 2005 18:52 |
Hi Sue are you still about? |
Sue | Report | 1 Jan 2005 18:35 |
Jess - How ridiculous!! Will catch up with you again! Thanks for the nostalgia trip. Sue |
Sue | Report | 1 Jan 2005 17:45 |
J - Do they still put a Christmas tree on top of the lighthouse like they used to in the Express Lift days? I used to teach their (and others) YTS trainees at Nene College, but of course even that has changed, hasn't it. Sue |
Sue | Report | 1 Jan 2005 14:53 |
Hi Jessbow I used to swim there in the 60s - and skate on Abington Park lake. Do you remember the two cooling towers at Midsummer Meadow or had they been razed to the ground by the time you arrived in N'pton? S |