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Teenage Pregnancies (Civilised Debate)

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Daniel Report 11 Dec 2004 23:54

That I can't tell you. I agree that to really get to grips with this subject we would all have to read in depth into the findings. My own personal view is that the research may be true. The problem is that I can't give you a specific reason for that, it's just my perception of my area. It may because I see it more as I am from one of the more `deprived` areas mentioned in the article. Perhaps if I lived in a more wealthy area it would be the same but as I don't I can't really comment on that. This is why I posted it to see how other people percieved there own area when it comes to this subject. To see if they observed this in going about their own lives today. No one has to mention personal events. It was meant to be a more general discussion which didn't intrude into people's lives.


Margaret Report 12 Dec 2004 00:06

Daniel Everybody has their own viewpoint on things and any discussion or debate will result in people qualifying why they agree or disagree with the subject matter. You agree as you percieve this is what is happening near you, others disagree either because they themselves were pregnant teenagers or know someone who was or is,at the end of the day our personal experiences help to shape our beliefs,viewpoint and prejudices both good and bad. So any debate or discussion will invariably tend to get personal. Regards Margare


Daniel Report 12 Dec 2004 00:08

I suppose in some debates that will happen and this has proven to be one of them. To those who have contributed tonight have helped keep quite a good discussion going. Certainly a nice change. Thanks