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The hardest thing...
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Bec | Report | 11 Dec 2004 15:21 |
Sean I think you may be correct... let's look at the facts... New Girlfriend: 17yo Lives at home Only allowed at on weekend and must be home by 11 (her parents pick her up) At school Works 2 days a week at Tesco Looks like a butch tomboy Bec: 22 yo Has her own place Allowed out when she wants, with whom she wants, where she wants Just started her own company (which will be massive and successful - fingers crossed) Doesn't look (too much) like a butch tomboy... |
Sean | Report | 11 Dec 2004 15:17 |
bec, you make her sound so appealing ! do you know if he has a battersea dogs home fixation ? maybe thats why he went for her coz you were too good for him |
PolperroPrincess | Report | 11 Dec 2004 15:13 |
Knew you would do....and even if she had been pretty she still wouldnt be as nice as you!! Now we know why he didnt want you to meet her |
PolperroPrincess | Report | 11 Dec 2004 15:12 |
Knew you would do....and even if she had been pretty she still wouldnt be as nice as you!! Now we know why he didnt want you to meet her |
Bec | Report | 11 Dec 2004 15:11 |
Thanks Sean Yeah i'm good. bit miffed that i've been dumped for a minger... and if she wanted a fight she'd probably beat me! becx |
Sean | Report | 11 Dec 2004 15:09 |
glad to hear your ok |
Bec | Report | 11 Dec 2004 15:07 |
UPDATE: Just went to do my shopping (with a friend for backup!!) and saw the NEW girlfriend!! I smiled sweetly and walked past her. She looks like a man! 5"7, short hair scraped back into a ponytail... Feel so much better! |
PolperroPrincess | Report | 11 Dec 2004 01:42 |
Bec I am so glad that you said no because he sounds like a spineless creep to me and from what I know of you on here you deserve much better than that! There will still be days , especially this time of year, when you wish things were different but what you have to realise is that you are actually better off without him! Believe it or not, the more you do see him the better you will feel about this! as you will then see him from a different angle! I always remember when me and my sons dad split up. I was dreading seeing him again especially with his new girl! As we had the same friends it was inevitable that this would happen! At first I admit I was gutted but then as time went on and I saw how he treated her I used to think "if he spoke to me like that........" Then I realised that was exactly how he did use to treat me!! Think that is when I woke up and smelt the coffee...! I know it still hurts at the moment but at least you are at the point where you realise the mistake you would have made in still being with him! I know he finished with you but YOU are the one who got the better deal Bev |
Crista | Report | 11 Dec 2004 01:41 |
Bec, I suspect his new girlfriend isn't too fired up on meeting you. Crista |
Bec | Report | 11 Dec 2004 01:38 |
I was never going to the party. I just find it funny that he cannot wait to introduce me (bear in mind we were a couple 2 weeks ago) to his new girlfriend. Then suddenly he wimps out... Maybe he's realised I'm a million times the girl she is and if we meet she will realise that too? |
*Debbie | Report | 11 Dec 2004 01:32 |
Bec do you have to go to the party if he is saying things like that it has got his brain ticking and if you do not go to the party and don't tell any one he will think you are out with the new boyfriend wink wink LOL. Debs. |
Bec | Report | 11 Dec 2004 01:32 |
Bev - NO! If you'd asked me that 2 days ago I would have said yes, Now I really realise the person he is. He is cruel, mean and unnecessarily harsh! He has rubbed this in my face and as soon as I offer him the chance to really rub it in he doesn't want to! How weak is he??? |
PolperroPrincess | Report | 11 Dec 2004 01:29 |
Have you ever thought that maybe the reason he doesnt want you to meet her could be the simple fact that he knows she is not a patch on you!!! Maybe he is actually embarressed of that fact.....makes you wonder doesnt it!!! Can I ask you a question and I want you to reply honestly! Would you take him back? |
Bec | Report | 11 Dec 2004 01:24 |
For some reason the ex- doesn't seem to want me to meet his new girlfriend! Tomorrow night he was all up for it and suddenly a party has come up and he can't make it... Is he scared of introducing me to his new girlfriend? Is he scared of meeting me? Or is he scared that my 'new' boyfriend will be there for him to meet? becx |
Lisa | Report | 10 Dec 2004 17:01 |
becs how are you today.hope your and hugsxxxx(: |
Bec | Report | 10 Dec 2004 15:24 |
nudge |
Bec | Report | 10 Dec 2004 11:28 |
SLIGHT CONFESSION: When I spoke to the idiot last night I said "Let's be adult about this, people meet other people, relationships end but let's not make it difficult. WE should all go out for a drink soon" The look on his face. He went into the pub and told 3 people straight away that I'd found someone else... the only prob is he expects me to be in the pub tomorrow night with my new man.... anyone got any numbers for escort agencies? |
Bec | Report | 10 Dec 2004 02:02 |
Crista - i realise that BIG TIME! I did something I've wanted to do for 2 years but couldnt because I was with him. WOW! Men are the way forward... boys...they need to stay at home and be looked after! |
Crista | Report | 10 Dec 2004 02:00 |
Just turned 20! He's just a boy. You need a real man. Crista |
Bec | Report | 10 Dec 2004 01:28 |
Thanks Debs and Crista Most of all I'm shocked that someone could be so cruel. Well like you've all said and I know, it's his loss. Silly silly boy (he's only just turned 20). And ultimately, what goes around comes around! Totally true! |