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Christian names - any really unusual ones?
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Gwyn in Kent | Report | 15 Jul 2004 18:18 |
I think the most unusual male names I've noticed are Armuless and Posthumous. |
Julie | Report | 15 Jul 2004 18:49 |
The most unusual in my findings have been Drusillia & Marmaduke (poor thing). But more recently I have heard of someone calling their daughters Truly Scrumptious & Honey Bee!!!! Julie |
Sue | Report | 15 Jul 2004 19:06 |
Wonder where they were conceived! LOL Sue |
ChrisofWessex | Report | 15 Jul 2004 20:53 |
Several Barbarina's in our tree - anyone else come across this name? |
Jan | Report | 15 Jul 2004 22:00 |
I have a Sergeant ??? Jan x |
Sandra | Report | 15 Jul 2004 22:17 |
Hi all, Yes Tamsey have a couple in my Tree from Dorset (Loveless and Riggs) Also Mercy (Pool Family from same place - Dorset) have funny surnames there as well like Cake Hoare etc. Sandra |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 15 Jul 2004 23:09 |
Just doing some research for someone else and came across a family - father was Major Mead (christian name, not rank!) and son was Minor Mead !!!!! Maz. XX |
An Olde Crone | Report | 17 Jul 2004 00:32 |
Was moaning to my brother about our family lack of imagination in naming their children, loads of Johns James William Jane Ellen Marthas, I said we could do with a few Hepzibahs for a change. The very next day I was trawling the Parish Reg and found an ancestor who was named Quarter Levet! Even this isnt as wonderfully helpful as it sounds, hes also spelt Quarta, Quarto, Quarton, Quartern etc. The same week I also found a Varlo! |
Kirsten, | Report | 17 Jul 2004 03:54 |
I have a Hephzibah! LOL My sister's name is Henrietta. She's always hated it, so she goes by Tetta. I also have an Ambrose Harvey, a Lucretia and a Richard Cyrus. |
Researching: |
SuzyQ | Report | 17 Jul 2004 06:23 |
My husbands grandfather was called Smith ( Christian name) and I also knew someone called Smith Smith. ( Lack of imagination Maybe) My fathers name is Harry but he has always been known as Tiggy, and no one knows why. |
Jan | Report | 17 Jul 2004 09:18 |
I came across a Davidine, presumably a female version of David. |
susie manterfield(high wycombe) | Report | 17 Jul 2004 09:43 |
i have quite a few,but here are a handful .it must be the bucks air!!! rizpah,crisp,sneesby,althamia,nemeniah,gains,hepzibah,lucretia,jabex,zilphor,swinbourne,alpheus,xenophon,myers and thirza susie |
syljo | Report | 17 Jul 2004 11:33 |
Posthumous is my brother-in-law's surname! Syvia My grandfather was Hendrikus, then cousins Esa, Esko |
Researching: |
Jan | Report | 19 Jul 2004 12:39 |
I've just seen Atlantic! |
Yvette | Report | 19 Jul 2004 13:39 |
I have loads of 'unusual' names in my tree, for example:- Crispino, Kennah, Kyara, Alviner, Pleasence, Hephzibar, Hiram, Milo, Virgia, Bertram and Peregrine, also Jamaison and Masey, both girls with no sign where these names came from as yet. But my husband has a great one, an uncle called Bovril born in 1889....... Yvette |
Lynne | Report | 19 Jul 2004 14:05 |
I have a Barsabas whose surname was Smith. Maybe his parents thought he needed an unusual name to make it easy for me to trace his birth record!! |
Janet | Report | 19 Jul 2004 15:07 |
Just seeing Yvette putting Bertram in her list reminds me of childhood memory. My grandfathers name was Bertram, my father Albert and my fathers cousin Herbert. When they were all together it was very confusing as all three names had been shortened to Bert. I always got a good laugh at school when we used to compare parents names. Dad's name in full was Albert Bertram Percy Bone. As for unusal forenames in the tree if the above aren't bad enough how about Porter Hero. Janet |
syljo | Report | 19 Jul 2004 15:43 |
Cornelia was my mother-in-law's name! |
Researching: |
Craftlady | Report | 19 Jul 2004 18:51 |
I have an Onesipherous, in one part of my family tree the first son of each generation was given this name, I'd be interested to know where it originated from. The family name is Warry and were from Dorset. Audrey. |
Sarah | Report | 7 Aug 2004 00:48 |
Afetr a bunch of Freds and Georges, I just found Hyppolite Arthur! Still trying to confirm the info, but it certainly looks like we got a hippo in the family...and its not my mum!! lol (sorry mum - jus' kidding :o)) |
Researching: |