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I've had it!!!

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*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ*

*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ* Report 1 Nov 2007 17:12

........ my eighth and final chemotherapy treatment today! Hooray!!!

It's been a long haul, and not without unpleasant side effects, but I've done it, and survived so far. I know I am going to feel poorly for a few weeks, but's for the last time!

Now I can't wait for my hair, eyebrows and eyelashes to grow back so I can look a bit more like a human being instead of an alien! Just wish I could grow a new boob too!

Still got radiotherapy and a year of Herceptin to go, but I can see a pinprick of light at the end of the tunnel now.

Thanks to all who have supported me so far through this.
