May 2013 - Genes Reunited Blog

Top tip - Genes Reunited blogs

Welcome to the new Genes Reunited blog!

  • We regularly add blogs covering a variety of topics. You can add your own comments at the bottom.
  • The Genes Reunited Team will be writing blogs and keeping you up to date with changes happening on the site.
  • In the future we hope to have guest bloggers that will be able to give you tips and advice as to how to trace your family history.
  • The blogs will have various privacy settings, so that you can choose who you share your blog with.

Why aren't online records more accurate?

Published in Genes Reunited Blog on 10 May 2013 14:34 : 0 comments : 9758 views

By Peter Christian, author of The Genealogist's Internet (Fully revised 5th edition out now from Bloomsbury £16.99) If you've spent any time using online resources to explore your family tree, you will almost certainly have come across information that seems to be wrong. And while you try to think all the ways in which your surname could have become mangled, you undoubtedly ask yourself: why isn't this material more accurate?