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For the PEDANTS of GR

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Brit Report 29 Jan 2007 19:58

I actually read in a book last night 'he had to get ahold of..' AAARGH!!! (Yes, I am shouting that!)


Kate Report 29 Jan 2007 21:23

Eleanor The thing you wear round your neck is a pendant. A pedant is somebody who makes an issue out of little, relatively insignificant things (or so says the dictionary I just checked). Kate


MaryfromItaly Report 29 Jan 2007 22:05

Never mind, Eleanor, I appreciated it :-)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 29 Jan 2007 22:21

Can I add that I can't stand it when people are spelling words/numberplates or whatever out loud and they say 'haitch' instead of 'aitch' for H. How fussy am I being? Too fussy! Going off to look up censuses for people now. Jill


Penny Report 29 Jan 2007 22:28

Talking of very little , people that make little words out of words irritate me Quite honestly , people that cant take the time to even attempt to write words properly and use such as CUD and WUD & THANX to list but a few, are not really worth bothering with. If the writer wants me to take time for them,at least take the time to write a message properly Ann


BobClayton Report 29 Jan 2007 22:29

Old Crone, us what's in Yorkshire always pronounce our aitches (or haitches) cause we talk reight up 'ere. By the way according to Wikipedia you should not be a pedant, but a pedantess !! Now that's pedantic. Bob :))

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 29 Jan 2007 22:31

Eleanor - lol! Bob As a Lancastrian, I know all about the moveable 'H', lol, coming from a family called Holden, who got called Olden and having Haunties and Huncles called Harmstrong. Think I'd rather be a pedantress, than a pedantess - the latter sounds rather rude, don't you think? OC


Eileen Report 29 Jan 2007 23:46

Fellow Pedants and Pedant(r)esses of the world unite - being married to a now retired English teacher every jot and tittle has to be scrutinised. The children would never show him their homework as he would red-pen it before it got anywhere near their teachers. A memorable exchange I had with one of their teachers happened when I complained that their homework was not corrected for spelling and pronunciation. I was told that it was Geography homework, not English, therefore did not have to be correct, or corrected. Pedantic or not, if a child cannot express a meaning in clear written English, how is that child going to pass examinations or even follow instructions.. ',,,This dude, rome somfing was like at this bird Jules who was well fit but her famly didn dig it cos they was under age, and like they all dide or somfing ' I think this precis of the Bard of Avon would not quite gain an a-level despite its approximate accuracy. Seriously - a return to the teaching of good standard English would be welcome. A return to the speaking of good English on television would help. If you look back to written work of children over a hundred years ago, and adults too, their calligraphy was beautiful, and their language was that of the Authorised version of the Bible. This was because there were not many able to afford books and the one book everyone had was the Bible. For those lucky enough to receive it, education was highly prized. Books were respected and were written well and not 'dumbed down' dreadful phrase, but accurate. Much more was expected of children than is expected now. Eileen


Lorraine Report 30 Jan 2007 00:01

An BBC production I scream at the television every time. Lorraine

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 30 Jan 2007 00:40

My late mother in law received very little schooling and went into service, illegally, at the age of ten. She used to apologise at every opportunity for her ignorance. But her letters were properly laid out, grammatically correct, as was her spelling, and her handwriting was neat and careful. She presumably learned to do all that before the age of ten. OC


Peter Report 30 Jan 2007 01:04

My pedantic hackles rise at the use of baby language such as 'rellies' or that much overused linguistic tic 'LOL'; I suppose it is to indicate a joke but as we British delight in irony it is scarcely necessary.


DIZZI Report 30 Jan 2007 06:39

Im afraid it's me who uses capitals I have a brain disease.and at times i loose co-ordination from brain,the evenings are worse,and i have what i call shutdown,between pills ,can last up to an hour,a lot of folk on generals know me well and sometimes i think what is written is what is in brain,but i can return after my tables have kicked in and its jibberish,so they either know to ignore me or join in on the jibber sometimes a better thread than i intended, The only alternative is not to do anything during these periods but that makes them last longer.i appologise,and if asked i will not post,,THIS HAS TAKEN 27 MINS to type using corret caps


Berniethatwas Report 30 Jan 2007 07:20

Well, this has been almost as much fun as the 'good old days' when there were a few laughs. Two moans that I have about language here, the extra use of 'ov' as in 'I got off ov the bus'. The other is 'bet' instead of 'beat'. We had a game of cricket and we bet them. Mind you, that is not something that you lot 'up over' can say about your team 'down under' at the moment, although you are in a good position to beat our Black C-aps tonight. (The R is silent!) Cheers, Bernie


Berniethatwas Report 30 Jan 2007 08:04

Well meercat, the opposite of a pedant must be a very nice person - who (or whom) has helped me in the past - not passed!! Oh the joys of trying to figure out just what, 'the adjectival phrase' doing whatever it was supposed to do, to the subjective nouns, meant; that....... Blimey, if I'd ever got that sorted, I don't know. Keep smiling, Bernie


Berniethatwas Report 30 Jan 2007 08:17

Ge Meercat, Aren't you on the pension? Work?? Only joking! I must see if I can stay awake for thje second half of (ov?) the cricket between our countries. Dead boring. Keep up the good work, Regards, Bernie


DIZZI Report 30 Jan 2007 08:54



Matthew Report 30 Jan 2007 11:16

'Your wrong' was a reply I received on another message board last week. I was very good and resisted responding with 'you're wrong, actually!' Another pet hate: people saying 'everythinK' and 'nothinK' - it's not a K, it's a G!!!! Matt


BobClayton Report 30 Jan 2007 12:24

Matt, that gets to me when the wife has Eastenders on. No one wants people to be reluctant to post. My son can't speak or write at all. Some of it is pure laziness though, and bad education. One of the kids on my bus said ' I sawed her ..' I replied ' what you attacked her with a saw? ' Makes a change from ' I Seed her ' Bob


Thelma Report 30 Jan 2007 12:28

One of my pet hates is pendants hanging around our neck of the woods when they should be on general.


Lorraine Report 30 Jan 2007 13:43

hi all Years ago my husband recieved a hand written poison pen letter from a neighbour who was a little strange to say the least. My husband corrected his punctuation and spelling with a red pen and sent it back to him , we never heard from him again. lorraine