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CelticShiv Report 18 Jan 2005 20:07

If you are searching years 1921 to 1983 for a certain surname then in will bring up the first and last name of the person on that page of the index. I think alot of people are getting confused by this. The years 1866-1920 are complete and fully transcribed and are full name searchable. I have found loads of my ancestors that I could not find on 1837 or freebmd. I also had no problems buying credits and I have done that twice now.


Melvyn Report 18 Jan 2005 21:46

What is the web address for this site

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy Report 18 Jan 2005 22:44

Melvyn........ familyrelatives(.)org remove the brackets first Anne


Pamela Report 19 Jan 2005 02:54

Thanks Siobhan will do that Pam


Angela Report 19 Jan 2005 14:28

I tried to buy credits yesterday and it refused me. When I logged on this morning I found I had 60!!! When searching for the 1866 to 1920 period I found the right people in the index but got a blank page when I tried to view the images. For the time after 1920 it was useless. I was looking for deaths, but got hundreds of results to wade through. Some of the names were nowhere near the same part of the alphabet so goodness knows where they came from. I didn't find anyone I wanted. I also selected the right part of the country but got results from everywhere else as well. All in all I wasn't very impressed.


Angela Report 19 Jan 2005 15:52

The site now seems to have gone down. So much for using up the credits!!!

♥♪ˇ Karen

♥♪ˇ Karen Report 19 Jan 2005 16:38

hope it doesn't take them too long to get the site sorted out


Angela Report 19 Jan 2005 18:23

I have just logged on FIVE times and each time I tried to search it said that the session had been timed out. This afternoon the site must have timed out about 20 times. I am disgusted. It is difficult enough to find a bit of time to use the site, but now I have credits that I can't use. They need to get their act together.


McDitzy Report 19 Jan 2005 19:17

It said my transaction had been a success on the Barclaycard page, and then a failure on the FamilyRelatives site. Grrr!


Pamela Report 20 Jan 2005 11:07

Help Site would not let me down load DJVU viewer "Because this site might need the following ActiveX control " The Lizardtech Document Express with Djvu viewer".. from' LizardTech, Inc. click here to install." I am worried this could be dangerous to my computor! sometimes others can get information from your computor this way. Can anyone help please. Pam


cr*patthis Report 20 Jan 2005 11:49

finally managed to get some credits, but people that are on 1837 have somehow disappeared of this site. not a lot of use, more so when you are paying for it!


CelticShiv Report 20 Jan 2005 12:57

There is also a thread on the records office board regarding this site. There have been a few teething problems regarding purchasing credits, it is a problem with the barclays payment gateway (which they are currently working on sorting out). Some people have managed to purchase credits some people haven't. Most people are finding this site great. As am I. Just to note again: 1866-1920 ARE COMPLETE and are full name searchable so will give you exact results. If you cannot find what you are looking for. It is because 1. It has been mistranscribed (Don't forget these indexes have had to be transcribed and humans do make mistakes) 2. What you are looking for is not on the GRO index. 1921-1983 ARE NOT COMPLETE. You can only search by surname and it will bring up the first and last person on the index page. (Alot of people have been confused by this). 1984-2002 ARE COMPLETE and again are full name searchable. There are no indexes pages to view, as these indexes are all electronic. 1837-1865 ARE COMING SOON - this are currently being transcribed and uploaded. regards, Siobhan

♥♪ˇ Karen

♥♪ˇ Karen Report 20 Jan 2005 13:06

Siobhan, do you have a special interest in the site? You seem to know a lot about it & are the only person saying good things?


CelticShiv Report 20 Jan 2005 13:17

Karen, I have an interest, from the review on it in a family history magazine. I have been waiting for it's upload ever since. So was very pleased when it was launched. and I am not the only one who has said good things about this site. If you look on the records office board. There are other people. Everyone is slating it because of the teething problems it is having. I cannot help it if I only have good things to say. But using the site has helped me find events, that I could not find on 1837 or freebmd. So I am sorry, I do not have anything bad to say.


Angela Report 20 Jan 2005 15:53

The site was working ok this morning although I found that quite a few records that I already had from other sources were missing from there for 1866-1920. This afternoon, here we go again - as soon as I logged on and tried to search, the session was timed out. I must have tried half a dozen times but gave up in disgust in the end. Even the message that I wrote on the contact page would not go through.

♥♪ˇ Karen

♥♪ˇ Karen Report 20 Jan 2005 16:42

Siobhan, I wasn't trying to be nasty. It's great that it is working for you. I can't wait to use it when it's fully operational. Hope it has the census forms for the spaceship that my rellies were on ! Keep smiling Karen


McDitzy Report 20 Jan 2005 18:16

It's working for me now! As for 'slating' it, Siobahn, I don't have much patience with things and if a site who had promised to be ready in November has some teething problems, I was annoyed!!


CelticShiv Report 20 Jan 2005 22:36

Chloe totally understandable. I have also been waiting for it's launch since November. But then I have also been waiting for Scotlands people to add the other census since spring last year and that hasn't happened, but even though they haven't added the other census's yet, it is still a great site.


Angela Report 21 Jan 2005 08:34

Still having problems. Tried last night at least 30 times to log on but it just timed out each time and I could not search. I managed to send an e-mail but haven't had a reply. Consulted the old bloke at breakfast time to see if he could sort it out and he said that it was being rejected by the anti-spam software. Isn't this a bit worrying? I don't have any problems at all in getting into any other website on the same pooter. I am now on a different pooter and still can't log on. It is telling me that I am using the wrong e-mail address and password!!! I think that if I ever manage to use up the credits that I have bought I won't be spending my money on any more.


Lovettpod Report 21 Jan 2005 10:25

In fairness I need to add, I am impressed with the site so far. Although I apperar to be lucky in gaining access every time I go on, I also have to say when I reportrd a fault with an image last night they reponded with a lovely email and a credit to my account. Once the teething troubles are ironed out I think this site will have a lot to offer. Helen