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BBC dogs

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Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 19 Aug 2008 22:27

Steve what do you as a breeder thing of the swedish KC and the fact they have stopped inbreeding to try and stop all the genetic problems - why won't our KC do the same?


maggiewinchester Report 19 Aug 2008 22:31

Like Hilary, I found it very upsetting and could only watch bits of it, When the boxer howlled as he was having a fit, My cat became terrified!!
I just can't understand the Kennel clubs reasoning. These breeds are now nothing like when they were work dogs!
Just how useful at herding sheep is an Alsatian with weak hips? How could a bulldog with a drastic underbite attack a bull? And how good at attacking lions etc is a ridgeback with spina bifida ? (that's what the 'ridge ' bit is. They cull the truly healthy ones without the ridge).
The Bassett Hound, bulldog and pug certainly looked better 100 years ago.

A few years back I saw an 19th century painting with a Griffin dog in it. This was a small black dog with a huge lion type mane. I looked into buying one - but found they now had squashed faces - the lovely long pointed nose had been bred out. Not being one for appreciating dogs unable to breathe properly I stopped looking.

The cruelty shown in an attempt to reach 'Kennel Club standards' in this programme beggared belief.
Yes it may have been one sided, but the fact remains that the genetic health of the dog isn't taken into consideration - if anything it's compromised (as in the spine of the pug to get a curly tail) for the sake of cosmetic looks.

Long live the mongrel!!


Lorraine Report 19 Aug 2008 22:38

my mum always had lassie collies or rough collies

the last one she had poor chester had the defect where his brain was too big for head as the kennel club now say there heads must be much narrower

he suffered with fits and had to be put to sleep

the kennel club has a lot to answer

she won't have another collie now the one we had when we where kids 40 years ago bore no resemblence to what the breed looks like now apart from the coat


Peipal Report 19 Aug 2008 22:41

Kaz so have i and its a shame a propper ballanced program would have been better but thats TV ballance does not make good viewing does it :-(

Stray i is gonna kill ya lol but mwahhhhhhhh


ok take three ridgeback breeders comments and i agree that was bad and i dont and never have agreed with putting a pup down unless it had a cleft pallet ect

that program was designed to make the KC look bad and no i have issues with the KC about my breed so i am not sticking up for them at all

but that ex TV vet who now works for the RSPCA aint half changed his tune from when he was on morning TV

strange how he never used those words about ped dogs then

but hey ho as always TV wins


Lorraine Report 19 Aug 2008 22:42

it,s got nothing to do with dog breeders being responible if a breeder want a champion dog they have to breed to the guidlines set out by the kennel club, which is the problem.

pedigree dogs are now so deformed just to conform to kennel club rules to be shown


JustKaz Report 19 Aug 2008 22:45

lorraine, tell me about the differances they all look like now..... :(
my grt grandad and my grandad must be looking down and saying..... that aint what i was breeding..:(
KC, has always been the same...... they aint gonna just change everything over night....... their all breeders whos parents bred & so on.... their in their own little clique........ anyone outside coming in is really looked on and as they said........ they have every breeders address........... makes you think ... eh.. :(((

sorry steve, didnt see you there........ lol
that tv vet has changed his tune............. didnt like him anyway..... lol

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 19 Aug 2008 22:46

Thanks Steve.................. on another site that is for Labradors one gentleman knows the presenter ( interviewer ) of the program and he is shocked at the way it has turned one sided as he said that they were never told it would be televised liked that.


Lorraine Report 19 Aug 2008 22:49

none of my mums collies had pedigrees except for the one with the brain defect makes you wonder doesnt it.

she now has a working cocker spaniel she bears no resembles to the cockers paraded round crufts either


maggiewinchester Report 19 Aug 2008 22:50

My main complaint with the Kennel club is they seem to have no rules on the health of the dog or genetic defects carried by the dog.
To say that an alsatian with weak hips is 'true to the breed' is a load of codswallop.
The Kennel Club vet admitted any prize dog could be used for breeding without any health checks - genetic or otherwise - hence the dreadful brain disease carried by many Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
And the comment about the prize winning Pekinese that 'he can't walk far he's got short legs' is crass beyond belief - he couldn't walk far because he couldn't breathe!! Having to sit him on an ice pack to stop him passing out as well - and he was a champion!!!!!! He was a walking vet's bill and was certainly not a prime example of a Peke in my mind.


Lorraine Report 19 Aug 2008 22:51


and how many litters has he sired i wonder?

i think the kennel club proves the point by charging double the insurance for a pedigree dog as it does a mongrel


Lorraine Report 19 Aug 2008 22:55


my brother has got a working collie now he does look like the old collie we had very intelligent too.

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 19 Aug 2008 23:00

Goodnight all and thanks for the chat


JustKaz Report 19 Aug 2008 23:04

lorraine, i love collies & shelties & samoyeds............:)))
collies are intelligent..... so are beagles :))
my grandad bred gun dogs......... :))
funny, i have a lhasa........ he's tall 11 inches and i have to breed him with big bitches.... they have big chunky litters, i keep all photos of the pups and see all the new owners........ just love it.. :)))
one lady wanted him, but didnt want me to get involved afterwards......... so i said i was buisy.... lol

nite, jessie.......... xxxxx


maggiewinchester Report 19 Aug 2008 23:16

Lorraine, they said the King Charles had sired 34 litters - 26 since knowing it had the brain defect. No doubt the Peke has sired (though god knows how - probably through artificial insemination) lots of puppies all to suffer the way he obviously was.

As you can tell, I am very angry about the way some breeds of dog are suffering for the sake of the KC - and I have cats!!
One of my cats - despite his mother being a feral Irish cat and his father some local tom - has a genetic defect in his tail that gives it a 'kink'.
I could have bred from him to maybe got a curly tailed cat - but I didn't. Why? Because as a simple lay person, I know that tail defects can lead to bowel and spinal problems in both cats and dogs, and it would be cruel. We even had long discussions within the family and the vet about Mr Miu and his chances of problems later on, as we don't want him to suffer - yet the Kennel Club says this situation is okay in Pugs!!


Peipal Report 19 Aug 2008 23:18

Thank you Jessie

Thats all i am saying make a TV program that shows the bad and good nothing else

But a pause for thought here ok

The top vet was on there saying that that peke that won crufts should not have been shown

errrrrrrr his surgery was done in the UK by an English vet

was that reported to the KC as the dog KC name xxx xxx xx xxxx had had surgery to correct a defect

nope it was not so who is to blame there ???

I ask that because the RCOVS are the only body that can actually really help the KC

but they wont why ped dogs and insurance payments

cure ped dogs and opps lots and lots of lost ££££££


maggiewinchester Report 19 Aug 2008 23:24

Agree with you Steve - Pedigree dog owners are spending £10 million a week or a day on vets fees - (a lot anyway!!) and that's over and above their insurance!!


Peipal Report 19 Aug 2008 23:37

Kaz your totally wasting your time hun honest

TV wins again

Tho apart from you and i as breeders of dogs, all i see are people who really know nothing about bloodlines or correct breeding but have an opinion that all breeders or dog breeding is wrong

but errrrrrrrr mongrels come from somewhere dont they, and lets be honest 99% of dogs roaming our streets as strays are mongrels

ohhhhhhh i forgot people who own mongrels are responsible dog owners who have them spayed errr ok

yes lots are great owners and do dogs proud but so are lots of ped dog owners

Steve going before i say summat i will regret :-)


JustKaz Report 19 Aug 2008 23:39

totally agree steve......... how are you.... :))
nite all, sweet dreams.
kaz xxxx


Peipal Report 19 Aug 2008 23:40


actually thats all dog pet insurance no matter ped or mongrel per week

and no i dont have mine insured lol


maggiewinchester Report 19 Aug 2008 23:46

Felt sorry for the King Charles owner who'd spent about £40,000 on her dog.
My cats aren't insured - spent £200 on George's broken Jaw last year, (some pr*tt on a moped I think) but £67 of that was having the audacity to visit the vet on a bank holiday!!
If you haven't got yours insured, Steve, you must be a good breeder!!!

(of dogs I mean LOL)

By that I mean the females can actually give birth themselves and there's no genetic probs!!