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BBC dogs

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Hilary Report 19 Aug 2008 23:46

Sorry Steve have to disagree with you there. How often do you see dogs roaming streets now a days, not where I live anyway. You only have to look in the dog pounds & they are full of pedigree dogs as well as mongrels. Both of my dogs have been rescue dogs & both speyed as I believe there are too many dogs. Just because people have pedigree dogs does that make them responsible owners, I think not.
I was not getting at owners of pedigree dogs, just think they are too highly bred with too many genetic problems that mongrel dogs don't seem to have.


Borobabs Report 20 Aug 2008 00:06

Well all I can say is by god I was lucky , I had two Cavs one time and they both lived to over 14 yrs of age, and died mostly with old age and back end problems ;;;
I think vets should be made to report any dog by its KC name if they find it has any major defects;;;



JustKaz Report 20 Aug 2008 00:25

gonna go bed honest.......... lol
just want to add....... theres a big, big flaw in KC...
All bitches have to be KC reg to reg the litter...
Stud's dont have to be............

So in affect, you can have a reg bitch & non reg stud, and carry on the linage of the unreg dog in the puppies.......... ring the kc, they will confirm all this...

so vets reporting defects might not work at the moment, unless the KC, change it so both stud & bitch are reg to reg litter....

soooo tired, nite all, sleep well
kaz xxx


Jackie Report 20 Aug 2008 00:35

I remember years ago talking to a cat breeder, she was really obsessed with exotic cats (short haired persians), they had to be ultra, that means the nose up near the eyes, this means the tear ducts do not drain, the eyes have gunk coming from them all the time. She thought this was good!

Dog & cat breeders have a lot to answer for.

Having said that we have had 3 litters of Bullmastiffs, no more! 1 of the offspring has hip displaicia, another is blind and another has a spine problem. I am not prepared to pass on anymore problems and have had all my dogs neutered.

Dee x


Borobabs Report 20 Aug 2008 00:42

Kaz very true never thought of that so realy they should both be checked before mating ;;;



maryjane-sue Report 20 Aug 2008 01:13

When I was looking for a dog earlier this year I came across a web site for rescue dogs in Wales. These people seem to specialise in re-homing ex-breeding dogs and from what I can gather, many breeding dogs are kept like battery hens. One example....

"This is Fallow. I am appealing for a very special home or foster home for her. She is a terrified ex breeding dog. She has never been on a lead, or set foot out of her kennel in all her years. She is deeply scared. She is good with other dogs but is like a scared deer around people. She does not move from her bed. She does not bite, growl, snarl, show her teeth, wag, greet, show emotion or eat or drink in front of a human. She is really sweet, but needs a secure fenced garden, another outwardgoing dog and people who are very patient, kind and will not expect too much from her. She is a real project but for the right person she will be very rewarding. I doubt she will ever make a normal dog but what we need (both her and I) is for Fallow to be happy."

The photos show a very scared dog - so sad.

They also have a 3 year old ex breeding Lab - but she looks more like 13 years old!

"Nova has had a very sad life. She desperately needs her own person. She was removed from a breeding farm where the owners were charged with cruelty (some dogs were found in the boot of a derelict car). She was deemed as unhomeable by the council pound as she was terrified. She was all beaten up, skinny and mistrustful. "

The rescue place is called "Many Tears" - for obvious reasons -

Yes, there are some lovely breeders out there, who treat their dogs as pets in their homes - but there are probably far more "farm" breeders who really dont care about the health and well fare of their dogs and puppies.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 20 Aug 2008 02:35

The daughter of my elderly neighbour, now sadly passed away, used to breed dogs, she has had different ones and not sure what kind she is breeding now. When they came to the end of their useful lives, the bitches were passed on to anyone who would take them, it was so sad. She made loads of money out of them and shows at Crufts too. Don't know how good a breeder she is but I was so upset to see some of that programme this evening. There was something on earlier, on Richard and Judy I think it was, and also something on during the morning I think, so lots of publicity over the programme. On Richard and Judy there were people from both sides arguing things out.
The welfare and comfort of the dogs should be paramount, but so many of those interviewed were just pompous selfish p***s and I wanted to slap their stupid faces!
It's about time the whole Kennel Club and Crufts set up was investigated properly. One person said the younger vets were refusing to put down dogs that were not conforming to the standards but were healthy so they had to seek out older vets who would still do such a wicked deed. Can't wait for all those older vets to die off then, but wonder what those unscrupulous people will do with their pets without a ridge or with something that doesn't fit the 'designer' image!
Utterly sickening and disgraceful.
My o.h's step brother paid £150 for a puppy a month ago, took it to the vet as it didn't seem well and was told it was ok, day after it curled up and died.

Britain is supposed to be a nation of animal lovers, what a flaming joke!


Roxanne Report 20 Aug 2008 11:08

i just want to add that nothing will change my mind about breeding Dogs and cats for Profit and show! Its sheer vanity on the part of the Breeder In my opinion.
As for the T.V programme It only confirmed what I already know.

Each to their own,But I know the Programme was spot on;-)

~Whippet Lady~

~Whippet Lady~ Report 20 Aug 2008 14:25

Kaz to register a litter at the KC BOTH parents do have to be registered.
I havn't read all the posts but there are pups bred by people who don't show their dogs, it is not just show dogs that have major problems.
I would most certainly not allow a dog that has been diagnosed with a health problem to carry on being bred from(dog or bitch).


Merlin Report 20 Aug 2008 14:56

There,s far to much "Interbreeding" for the sake of Money,and the Kennel Club are to blame for this for allowing it for the sake of "Fads" etc.It should be stopped.If people looked a the Full Pedigree of dogs before they buy them it could be stopped,because there would not be anyone who would want a pet that will have lots of illnesses in its life. To me Its just Cruelty By Design. **M**.

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 20 Aug 2008 18:57

Glad to see that the debate carried on and in good nature.

Still think that the KC need to buck their idea's up and come down hard on those who are breeding dogs with genetic problems and those who have healthy fit puppies put to sleep just because they don't quiet fit " the perfect exepctations " but are otherwise healthy.


JustKaz Report 20 Aug 2008 19:09

hi whippet lady, have to most deff disagree,

my lhasa is a studd has been for 3 years, i have papers but he's not registered..........
all bitches he's been with have been KC registered,
all litters have been KC registered...

as stated by the kennel club, only the bitch needs to be registered, both is preferable.........

Contact the Kennel Club
If you would like to make a comment, request information or have a question, you can contact them, using the following details:

The Kennel Club
1-5 Clarges Street
London W1J 8AB
Telephone: 0870 606 6750
Fax: 020 7518 1058

If you have a registration query please contact our Aylesbury office:

The Kennel Club
4a Alton House
Gatehouse Way
Bucks HP19 8XU
Telephone: 0870 606 6750
Fax: 01296 486725

kaz xxxx

~Whippet Lady~

~Whippet Lady~ Report 20 Aug 2008 20:02

Thankyou Kaz, I already have The Kennel Club's details.

This is taken from the 'frequently asked questions' of registerring pups.

Q. Can any pedigree puppy be registered with the Kennel Club?

A. Both mother and father of the litter must be registered with the Kennel Club.


JustKaz Report 20 Aug 2008 20:48

thankyou whippet lady, well i can read what is on the web site too ... ;)

but i know and have been breeding dogs for well over 20 years, YOU CAN register a litter by only the bitch being KC registered.

you do have to give the stud dogs ped papers, but as said, he doesnt need to be registered with KC.

my stud has sired 4 litters and each litter has been registered with the Kennal Club.

if both needed to be KC registered then he's litters wouldnt of been able to be registered.........

I am not wrong & thankyou for posting the online KC 'frequently asked questions'

as i've said, if you care to ring, fax, they will tell you what i already know........ ;)

i think this part has run its course, i obviously, who has breeding dogs running from my grt parents to myself, own a home office licence, being told i know nothing........ unbelievable.

thanks to my friends on here, i only wanted to add how many flaws there are in dog breeding, untill all this is sorted out and regulated properly........ there are always ways to get round doing things..
take care my friends.
kaz xxx

~Whippet Lady~

~Whippet Lady~ Report 20 Aug 2008 20:56

I have not said you know nothing.

yorkshire pud

yorkshire pud Report 20 Aug 2008 22:16

hello you two, if i can cause a bit of a diversion. my best friend is a uk born Japanese Akita. i love him he is my soul mate. nite. x


Lorraine Report 21 Aug 2008 10:27

both my dogs have been spade

they are both pedigrees because i like the breed they are small loving dog,

they have had a few health problems but fingers crossed nothing major.

neither would be anygood for showing not that i would anyway unless it was scruffs.

one has a bent tail and a joey eye and neither of them do as they are told

but i love them to bits.

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 21 Aug 2008 18:58

UPDATE, we may be getting our new dog tomorrow......
Not going to tempt fate by posting his name or his breed., but hopefully by this time tomorrow I will be sat at home giving him lots of cuddles


SheilaSomerset Report 21 Aug 2008 19:31

I was quite shocked by the programme - although I knew there were serious problems, I didn't know it was on such a large scale. I do know, however, that there are lots of responsible, loving breeders who care about the welfare of their dogs, and they deserve a platform, too.

I've a good mind to contact Rhodesian Ridgeback breeder and say, if she has any 'ridgeless' puppies, I'll have one...

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 21 Aug 2008 19:40

Shelia wasn;t that women horrible, can imagine her keeping a very low profile at the moment, her commets were sickening and the vets that aid her should be struck off