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The most useless thing you had to learn at school,

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AnnCardiff Report 8 Nov 2008 23:42

I set fire to the side of my hair in the science lab when I leaned to close to a bunsen burner!!! doesn't half stink!!!

I learned about PLUTO - pipeline under the ocean - something to do with someone called Sir Richie Calder - that's all I remember of that one


AnnCardiff Report 8 Nov 2008 23:43

oh, and the nearest we got to sex lessons was the reproductive life of a fern - dirty little buggers they are!!!!


Kate Report 8 Nov 2008 23:47

I hated netball, too, Maddie! From Year Three to Year Eleven, that was all we seemed to do for at least one term every year and I loathed it.

At secondary school, mainly because - a, I was useless, and b, the teachers always picked about four girls from the netball team to head each "team" in PE (half the year would do PE all together at the same time, then the other half at another time during the week, so there'd be around 50 girls playing at any one time). Of course the chosen team captains then had to pick their team from the rest of us. I was always, always in the last six or seven - the ones who were useless at PE or perhaps we just made it too obvious that we hated the game!?

(I should like to point out that I still hold it against my high school that they wouldn't let girls play cricket! At primary school we all played cricket - girls and boys - but we got to Year Seven and after that the boys got to play cricket. The girls had to play rounders, which I also hated.)


Lorraine Report 8 Nov 2008 23:48

agree with blue moon about algebra never used it in working life and never understood it either

The other was Latin although i do know the latin names of flowers being a florist but never used it anywhere else

My worst was techincal drawing i used to get the boy next to me to do all my drawings until the teacher called me up to the front congratulated on my wonderful drawing and asked me to demonstate how i had drawn it on the board , didnt do that again.


CATHKIN Report 8 Nov 2008 23:48

Allegra is no use to me now as a nurse. nor was playing hockey in the winter -remember being frozen. Also at Guides walking in the winter to make a fire -I was soo cold I couldn`t eat, Ros xx

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 Nov 2008 23:50

Valencies in chemistry- What were they all about?

I could have got by in life without having to learn about them.



CATHKIN Report 8 Nov 2008 23:50

Shakespeare --learning all these plays for Higher English and all the quotes,don`t remember one of them now , Ros xx


Lorraine Report 8 Nov 2008 23:52


your story of setting fire to your hair brought back a memory

I went to a catholic school and because me and my friend jane used to hate maths we would volunteer to clean the chapel, during maths lessons.

well we were happily hoovering away and we smelt burning, jane had turned the hoover on and also turned on a 3 bar electric fire that was in front of the Fathers plastic swivel chair which was slowly melting all over the foor had to drag the chair out and push it in the school pond.


Janice Report 8 Nov 2008 23:56

Learnt the countries of Africa in geography - they're all different now!!

:) still smiling :)

:) still smiling :) Report 9 Nov 2008 00:12

i learnt how to tell someone the content of my pencil case- IN FRENCH. now where is that going to get me?!

we used to get an hours detantion for not having our kit for p.e. in year 7 to 9 i forgot it everyweek as i would rather have a detantion and then i took double languages so as to avoid p.e for the other two years. all i know of double languages no is Ich habe ein pony ( it's a great tune)

lol my friend and i once managed to set fire to our work bench in science when we spilt alcohol and still thought it'd be a good idea to light the bunsen burner! whoops.


~♥footie~angel♥~ Report 9 Nov 2008 00:15

my comp crashed but must answer $andie's Q : I had a family of reputation so they didn't want me in their classes esp cos me cousin had kneecapped a teacher

Kaz in a Tizz

Kaz in a Tizz Report 9 Nov 2008 00:45

I loved school and even the crap stuff taught me something !! However, the most useless thing must be my sewing teacher telling me sewing was more important than football!! er... no lol

Kaz (at the back wiv the lads talking about the Villa)

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 9 Nov 2008 00:55

Lol Kaz.

I remember that in a sewing class I had to unpick tacking because my stitches weren't quite of a uniform size.
They held the material fine, but No, out they had to come and be of equal space and size !


Kaz in a Tizz

Kaz in a Tizz Report 9 Nov 2008 01:04

Gwyn, I unpicked many a stitch and if I only concentrated I might have an apron that fitted, well I thought the rouched look was in *tut*

I can sew but it is 'after a fashion' lol My boys save their sewing for Nan to do. but I can still talk the footie with them !!



Peter Report 9 Nov 2008 01:25

An English teacher telling the class - "If you don't know anything - you must know something".


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 9 Nov 2008 01:35

Sewing ..

pin, tack and machine five-eigths of an inch in.



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 9 Nov 2008 01:35

Kaz, oh no, not the Villa!


Jackie Report 9 Nov 2008 01:36

Pythagoras’ theorem

The square of the hypotenuse, (c2), is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, (a2 + b2).
Pythagoras’ theorem: c2 = a2 + b2

Errrr, why do I need to know this?

Dee x


maggiewinchester Report 9 Nov 2008 01:47

Dee - at least you can remember it!!

I hated not knowing what the wool/material was for!!!
I ended up with the most foul 'dirty mustard' coloured knitted hairband (primary school) - and a 'baby doll' and nighte and knicker set (big 'gathered' knickers I may add) made in thick brown polka -dot cotton at grammar school!!
mmmmm sexy .....not!!


Jackie Report 9 Nov 2008 01:53


Dee x