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Tomorrow will anyone else be.......

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TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 11:57

Why is he now talking about the RISK of WMD's? Before the invasion everyone was saying there is strong evidence of the existences of WMD's in Iraq. We now know there were none, but it still went ahead. When is he going to answer it properly?


GRMarilyn Report 29 Jan 2010 12:03

I cant help but look at him and of think of all the men & women soldiers that have died.

My friends son is out their in Afghanistan and is petrified of having that phone call !

How sad is that.........Tony

Sorry going off the subject a bit.......but I seen enough of Tony switching off now.


TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 12:08

Well so far...I can see, inasmuch as he really believed there was a real and significant threat, why he went ahead with the invasion of Iraq. But for me, he still hasn't justified that action.

I think the questioning may become a little harder this afternoon....and I have a feeling that he may be called back later in the year.


TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 12:20

He's banging on about the ability and intent to have WMD's. He's avoiding the issue of his saying that he HAD them!

OK Saddam wasn't co-operating with the weapons inspection, refused interviews with key people, refused to show paperwork, but he didn't have them while Bush and Blair insisted he did and was concealing them.

He was playing cat and mouse with them...and in that light succeeded.


TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 13:10

My take on it so far is....inconclusive.

This afternoon they will be questioning him on the legality of the invasion.


Muffyxx Report 29 Jan 2010 13:13

He didn't really give any direct answers really.

Just waffled on using the same old phrases time and time again.xx


me Report 29 Jan 2010 16:16

To me it looks like Tony Blair has just played for time all day


TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 16:25

I disagree with that. Tony Blair has been the utmost professional. He's a lawyer and a politician and has played that part all day brilliantly. That's not to say that I agree with what he has said. But his conduct has been impeccable, even when he was clearly flustered.

So, He now says he invaded Iraq because since 9/11, the perception of threat had changed, and regardless of the fact that in 1998 no WMD;s were found in Iraq, he believed that the threat, the capability and the probability of Saddam Hussein reviving his nuclear programme was a real and present danger. (or in English...there were no WMD's, he lied, and he's lying now.)

The UN resolution was too ambiguous, and didn't make it clear on what grounds force could or should be used. The Attorney General was asked if action would be legal, he didn't know. (in english....I'm passing the buck)


me Report 29 Jan 2010 16:40

To me Tony Blair is a very good talker ,He keep going on about WMD Yet there where none so why did we go in ?


Muffyxx Report 29 Jan 2010 17:11

He's answered a lot of the questions very cleverly there is no doubt about that..but then again he always did !!!...but I just felt the panel failed to pull him up on some of his side stepping.....tbh my mind sort of wandered once the afternoon session started.......and obviously since the children came home I've missed big chunks of it so will have to read up later on what I've missed.



TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 17:31

A lot of it was about preparation for war and the aftermath tbh.

The panel, it was pointed out on the news, are not professional questionners, and although they did raise the right questions, they did fail to probe some of the points Blair made.

They will look at all the answers provided once this hearing is over. They have already said they will be having another hearing later in the year, in which the people being interviewed here, may be recalled. I have a feeling that will be the time that Blair will be probed...because I'm sure he will be one of the people they will call back.

I dont' think any conclusions can be drawn from what was said today, other than that Blair was told by the Attorney General at the time that accoding to the UN resolution 1441, invasin would not be illegal, although he says different this week.


TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 17:32

Ohh and Gordon Brown will be questionned in late Feb.


Mauatthecoast Report 29 Jan 2010 18:57

He should be Oscar!

Also think Jeremy Paxman would have been an asset on the panel.........and perhaps the parents of the loved ones killed!


TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 19:02

OMG Paxman would have torn him apart.

I noticed, when the panel did probe slightly, he started to get flustered. But they didn't do it enough...and they should have. We may have had some different answers to those we've heard over and over for the last seven years.


Sally Report 29 Jan 2010 19:30

I was against the Iraq war and said so at the time, the only thing that changed my view was the 45 minute readiness argument stressed by Blair and co.....

Why was I against it........because I could not see how they brought Saddam Hussain into the 'going for Al Quaeda' was well known that Al Quaeda were working out of Afghanistan and Pakistan borders, with factions in Saudi, Yemen and to me, the only reason for going for Saddam, was an excuse.....

Margaret Thatcher and Stormin Norman wanted to go the whole hog and finish him off during the first Iraqui war, by George Bush senior thought it was a step too far......a decision I think he came to regret later.......and his son wanted to finish the job Iraq had oilfields......

The argument that Saddam had WMDs falls flat when you think that dictatorships like Iran and N. Korea also have the nuclear deterrant......far ahead of anything Saddam had.....

I won't go on.....its only my point of view.....


TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 19:37

much the same as I said at the beginning of this thread Sally.

It was said during the day that the cabinet were not interested in the legalities of it all. The panel said perhaps they should have been. hmmm

He was asked about the link between Saddam and AlQueda...he never answered that clearly, and they never pushed it, which I think they should have.


Muffyxx Report 29 Jan 2010 19:47

Now unless I misunderstood it ......wasn't his defence about the 45 min issue that it was misconstrued by the press and he didn't pick them up on it when in hindsight he maybe possibly should've? xx


TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 19:54

Something like that, but I'm sure it was used in PM's question time....


Muffyxx Report 29 Jan 2010 19:57

Yes it was.......though I can't find the question that he was asked..............yet.xx

***blimey just reading Robin Cooks resignation speech. Explosive stuff.xx


Sally Report 29 Jan 2010 20:02

Yes, it was much the same as you said TW......and these have been my views all the way along...... from the beginning my first thoughts were.....what has Iraq to do with finding Osama.......they did try for a link, but that was quickly put aside.....