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Tomorrow will anyone else be.......

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TeresaW Report 29 Jan 2010 20:26

Well done Muffy.

Mind you, a lot wasn't said simply because the panel had all the speeches, minutes, interviews and so on anyway, they know what was said...

It might not all have made perfect sense to us,but they did say at the beginning they were not going to go through in detail all of the speeches etc they would be referring to.


Sydneybloke Report 31 Jan 2010 23:58

After all that, it looks to me that the reason he went to war was the same as Bush the Less's li'l dep'ty sheriff down under. To impress Uncle Sam.
As for Bush the First and Stormin' Norman wanting to finish of Saddam in 199- whenever it was, that would have meant going beyond their UN mandate.
In 2003 all the neocons running Bush the Less wanted to neuter the UN once and for all.


Sally Report 1 Feb 2010 00:04

Thanks Sydneybloke for clearing it up.....I couldn't think why, when Stormin Norman was on the road to Baghdad, he was, Bush Snr. paid heed to the U.N. at that shows how times change because they all rode roughshod over U.N. opinions this time.....


Sydneybloke Report 1 Feb 2010 01:17

Hello Moonchild, of course I could be wrong about the reason Schwartzkopf did not go into Baghdad.
As one of mature years who remembers that war, the funniest thing in hindsight is the success (not) of the much vaunted Patriot missile. I think in the final analysis the number of Iraqi missiles downed by Patriot missiles was a round 0. And I don't think I'm wrong about that, despite the claims of the US military at the time.