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R.B. Report 12 Jun 2010 13:37

I hope so and No thanks to Flag of St. Goerge the pole might get stuck somewhere.PMSL.

O.H. now i am off


Merlin Report 12 Jun 2010 13:59

Yes I,m getting there Joy, Slowly. but there are a lot of vindictive so and so,s on here who are really nasty whilst pretending to be all sweetness and light..any way I wonder where that flag pole would end up? perhaps the ( Overflow).pmsl.**M**.


JoyBoroAngel Report 12 Jun 2010 23:24

i have to agree with you merlin to a point

and whooppie i never seen a single minute of the match
i was far to busy having fun elsewhere


AuntySherlock Report 12 Jun 2010 23:47

Your football is our soccer. Soccer is a game brought over here by our migrant population. Get efforts have been undertaken to integrate soccer into our sporting agenda. To a certain extent this has worked and soccer is now gaining more acceptance as a nationwide sport.

However it does not have the popularity of either Australian Rules, or Rugby League/Union. It is very popular with those who came from countries which support the code. Don't get the idea that Australia is a nation of soccer maniacs all glued to their TV sets at 4.00 am and 3 degrees. This is media hype.

Yes there are a considerable number of our population who call soccer "football" and who will be following the matches. There are also a few more who will take a sneaky look just to see what all the fuss is about, and will quickly turn off and go back to bed after enduring five minutes of that dreadful droning noise. The rest of us will stay tucked up in our warm beds until the sun rises in the morning and we hear the result on the radio. Ho hum!!

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 13 Jun 2010 00:14

we had 3 flags up and all been ripped down ...:(((


AuntySherlock Report 13 Jun 2010 00:39

From Finding My Past. Click on the advert on the opening page before you log in. Might as well make use of the World Cup. By the way exactly WHEN do England play. I gather I have missed the first round!!

Findmypast is free during every England World Cup match
If you're not football mad, there is something else to do during the World Cup – make it your goal to research your family history.

You can view all the records* on findmypast for free during every England World Cup match – all you need to do is register.

How it works:

•30 minutes before kick-off we'll stop charging for 3 hours, which should give you plenty of time to explore what we have to offer.

•To get ready, make sure you've registered as you'll need to sign in to view the records. If you need help, take a look at our handy Getting Started guide and our video tutorials.
When England play, you don't pay!

Register now

*All records available using our Full subscription (including the 1911 Census) will be free: Living Relatives searches and Memorial scrolls are not included


AuntySherlock Report 13 Jun 2010 00:47

Here you are answered my own question. England next plays at 4.00 am Oz on 19 June and then again at 11.30 pm Oz time on 23 Jun.

Knew I'd have some use for the soccer.

This is interesting. When you click o n the word register on the advertisement for the free records use during the World Cup, it takes you to the screen to join FMP. If you are a member of FMP are not you entitled to use the census and other records as part of your membership. Why do you have to register first. I am a member of FMP but only use their credit option. I have sent them an email asking how to go about accessing the option. Does the Register on the ad refer to the world cup games or is that just so others who are not members can become members and if so why.


Whirley Report 13 Jun 2010 09:57

Well, I put my flag up yesterday. It's a massive one and it's hanging down from the front bedroom. So Merlin when you fancy poppin over for a cuppa as well as looking out for my merc in the drive, you can spot my flag now (I'm the only one who has one up at the mo) lol.

Mindyou, after the way we played last night, I feel like ripping it down..........


Morning all btw xx


AuntySherlock Report 14 Jun 2010 21:40

Email reply from FMP.

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your e-mail.

I can advise that you can use your existing account to view the record sets listed on the full subscription, during the 3 hour free period.

Whenever England play a match, you'll be able to access all our records for free!*

What you need to know about this fantastic offer:

When England play, you don't pay: 30 minutes before each England game kicks off, all the records on will be free to view for 3 hours
You can view our original images and transcriptions of all our records for free including birth, marriage and death records 1538-2006, census records including the 1911 census and our Chelsea Pensioners British Army Service Records 1760-1913 - to name just a few

Normally you would need a subscription or PayAsYouGo credits to view our records - some of which normally cost 30 credits each - so to be able to see them for free is a rare opportunity

Keep an eye on our blog for a competition to enter during each England match. You'll need to answer all the questions correctly for a chance to win, so make sure you don't miss any. The prize is a goodie bag containing a digital camera, vouchers for a year's Full subscription plus much more

*All records available using our Full subscription (including the 1911 Census) will be free: Living Relatives searches and Memorial scrolls are not included



JoyBoroAngel Report 14 Jun 2010 21:59

i still havent seen any football managed to avoid it
ive used my time wisely
and my house is starting to sparkle

dam volcanic dust lol


Allan Report 14 Jun 2010 22:23

I'm glad that I'm not a footie fan!

No feelings of any sort when Aussies thrashed by Germany :0))


Ladylol Pusser Cat

Ladylol Pusser Cat Report 14 Jun 2010 22:27

if that buzzing dont stop soon im going nuttier lol yep hate foot balll too xx


JoyBoroAngel Report 24 Jun 2010 21:11

This World Cup has turned out like WW2!!!! The French surrendered early, the USA arrived last minute and we are left to fight the flipping Germans !!!

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 24 Jun 2010 21:14

That was one on the radio this morning lol


Elizabethofseasons Report 24 Jun 2010 21:19

Dear All


Hope you are well.

Dear Joy......awwww, now come on!

You know you love the tension, the excitement and the agony of watching England play and also knowing they will probably lose!

Its all part of the fun of being a football supporter!

Oh, and the Italians have hopped it too!

Take care
Very best wishes

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 24 Jun 2010 21:21

Itsmytelly has fallen out with me and called me *sounded like* trees'sum* as I asked him to pop a £5.00 on Germany to win.......and now we are getting glares and silent treament.....


JoyBoroAngel Report 24 Jun 2010 21:36

To tell the truth Elizebeth
I went the pictures with baby Satan to avoid yesterdays match