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AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 15:05

Since last Thursday I have struggled with the most excruciating relentless pain in my lower back - nothing would shift it, hot packs, Ibuprofen, co-codamol, the works - walking like a cripple, unable to get up and down out of a chair and thoroughly all round misery - I had done some shopping and assumed I had strained my back somehow

Today, at the end of my tether I managed to get an emergency appt at our NHS emergency out of hours clinic here in Cardiff - result - urine infection!!! no signs to me whatever of such an infection

now on antibiotics and new pain killers

anyone know what causes such an infection please?


Amy Report 5 Sep 2010 15:07

Did you not ask the doctor?


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 15:07

didn't think at the time - too gobsmacked


jgee Report 5 Sep 2010 15:11

why do you post amy.. you could have just said..hope you feel better soon..

ann i had pain like you ..but i put it down to my problems was a water infection it was some years ago

hope tablets help you and you will feel well soon...


JoyBoroAngel Report 5 Sep 2010 15:11

I am sorry to hear your not well ANN
fingers crossed for a speedy recovery xxx


Amanda2003 Report 5 Sep 2010 15:12

Hello Anne ....I have no idea what might have been the cause of your infection but I do very much hope that the antibiotics kick in fast and that your soon feeling better .


MrDaff Report 5 Sep 2010 15:12

*huge grin*

Yes Ann, there is one thing, lolol

But there are loads of others, too, and it could just be that your immune system is a bit low at the moment.... coughs, colds, stress, etc.

A lot of water... and lemon juice as well, as that turns alkaline once it hits your bladder, and can help.

You will start to feel better fairly soon..... ((((hugs)))))) until you get to the feeling better stage..... no playing nursey for me, or I'd pop around and tuck you in!!


Daff xxxxx


Katherine Report 5 Sep 2010 15:27

Anything which allows bacteria to enter the bladder is a UTI ( urinary tract infection). As urine in the bladder is sterile it has to come from outside which in women is easier as the uretha is shorter.
The causes could be hygiene related. ( wiping from back to front instead of front to back), holding urine in the bladder for to long as this stretches the bladder over time and the bladder can then retain urine making it easier for bacteria to enter. If you are not drinking enough water to flush out any bacteria that may linger in the urinary tract it can travel up the tract to the kidneys and cause fever and backaches, moodswings and even hallucinations. I care for the elderly and have to know this as part of my job.
I have to look for these signs as an indicator that an infection is present. Also too frequent urination can also be a sign of an infection in the bladder but not necessarily the tract.
Hope this helps Katherine xx


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 15:28

thak you all so much - I feel better knowing that it is not a damaged back - I did wonder why Amy asked that question !!


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 15:31

thanks Katherine - that's given me some insight - thing is I've had urine infections in the past but have always known - - there was no outward sign this time - none at all - but when the doctor tested my urine - which looked clear as clear could be, he said there was blood in it - he checked it twice - although you could not see it with the naked eye

As for you Daff - I know what you're thinking!! and the answer is "no", been a while!!!


ann Report 5 Sep 2010 15:32

Ann,Hope you feel well soon.My daughter has suffered very bad water infections for years.Had bladder biopsy as well and still do not know what causes them.Think its just one of them things. Annie


McB Report 5 Sep 2010 15:32

Ann of GG

Drink lots of cranberry juice, great for plumbing infections.


Margaret Report 5 Sep 2010 15:32

You have my heartfelt sympathy, I get struck down at least 3 times a year, usually with different bugs. If the back pain doesn't clear after you have taken the course of antibiotics, go for some more, you may need different type.
As suggested, drink as much water as you can. Another drink to help is cranberry juice, but NOT if you are on Warafin.
Wish you speedy relief.


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 15:35

cranberry juice - thanks - forgot about that - I don't know why I didnlt come on here and ask questions before - better than an NHS helpline I'm sure


Margaret Report 5 Sep 2010 15:36

The word should be Warfarin, sorry mis


Katherine Report 5 Sep 2010 15:47

It sounds to me Ann that this infection is a different bacteria than the previous ones you have had, that's why it has presented differently. Ask your doctor which one it was as it can help pinpoint the cause and prevent further infections as some bacteria can line the uretha and only certain antibiotics can shift them effectively.
Cranberry juice is good as it has certain properties that coat the bacteria stopping them from feeding and mutiplying.

Get well soon and have a rest and be pampered if you can :) XX


Julia Report 5 Sep 2010 15:52

Ann in Glos. you have my sympathies, so hope you get better soon, and don't forget the Cranberry Juice. At present I have a bout of cystitis, but no pain in the lower back, so here again I sympathise with you.
Take no notice of Amy, she/he is just being there usual rude and obnoxious self. Doesn't know how to be any other. And Iknow what you are nudge,nudge, wink, wink with Daff about.LOL
Take Care
Julia in Derbyshire


Jane Report 5 Sep 2010 15:58

It is so common for us ladies to get infections like this.When you think of our anatomy it is not surprising.Two bits a bit too close together if you get my drift.
Plus all sorts of other reasons.If you are a bit under par for example.
I hope you feel better soon.x


Amy Report 5 Sep 2010 16:00

You wondered why I asked the question Ann? well quite simple you did say you had seen a doctor ... well if you really was gobsmacked when told that makes me even more surprised that you never asked what caused it .


Wend Report 5 Sep 2010 16:00

Hi Ann - I've had exactly the same problem in the past and found that the antib's sorted it within a few days. Hope they do for you and that you feel better very soon. Drink plenty of water (and cranberry juice if you can) and take it easy. Wendy x