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Christchurch (NZ) Quake

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Liz 47

Liz 47 Report 22 Feb 2011 22:32

A member posted this on one of the boards, may be of help to anyone with friends or family in NZ

A lot of people on Genes have kith & kin NZ inc Christchurch,
Google have a people finder running.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 22 Feb 2011 23:10

Such awful news about a lovely city.

My thoughts are with all affected by this tragedy..



Elizabethofseasons Report 22 Feb 2011 23:40

Dear All


Sending healing and caring thoughts to our New Zeland cousins.

Take gentle care
Very best wishes


maxiMary Report 23 Feb 2011 04:27

I spoke with my cousin in Wellington, NZ this evening, even on the north island they felt some effect. Her one daughter lived in Christchurch until a year ago,now safe in Queensland,Aus. Her other daughter is a doctor living in Auckland, where all the hospitals are on "red alert". Tragic, absolutely tragic.


Huia Report 23 Feb 2011 05:31

It occurred to me earlier today that a woman whose father I helped to find a year or so ago was supposed to arrive in Chch last Sunday. She was going to be driving up to the Gisborne area to visit her dad. I just hope she didnt hang around in Chch but left it on Monday or on Tues morning before the quake hit.



Janet Report 23 Feb 2011 09:45

My friends went out to Christchurch to start their retirement with their family.When the last serious 'quake struck he made a joke about not being able to get for his usual pint and sent a photo of a bridge which looked like a concertina.....this being the reason he couldn't get the the club. One email sent on the 20th Jan 11 said that they had another quake which was 5.1. but still he made light of it. Some houses on their road have been condemned and the road itself had a split running down where a causeway should be. Then another message saying that the insurance would only pay for the downstairs repair and that the upstairs should be a separate insurance. The last message a few days ago was just another email joke. Normally I get a message straightaway with an update but I haven't received anything following my email to them.
I just hope they and their families have been spared.
To the families of the bereaved my heartfelt condolences. Its just so tragic.-jl


AnninGlos Report 23 Feb 2011 09:54

Janet, let's hope that the reason you haven't heard is because communications are down.


Janet Report 23 Feb 2011 10:10

Thank you AnninGlos- I am hoping the same. I have left the message so that they know I was trying to contact them, when communications get up and running. -jl


MargarettawasMargot Report 23 Feb 2011 12:04

Here in Australia our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Christchurch who have been badly affected this time by this terrible earthquake which struck around lunchtime yesterday,and devastated this beautiful, historic city..It was wonderful to see ordinary people,office workers etc.pitching in and helping complete strangers to escape to safety from the rubble, piggybacking people on their backs,using makeshift stretchers,and even using their own cars to help the injured receive medical attention when no more ambulances were
available.It is great to see how other nations have pitched in to help with sending search and rescue teams and medical teams to treat the injured.
Thinking of you all. xx


'Emma' Report 23 Feb 2011 12:26

My thoughts and prayers with the people of Christchurch
and all the helpers out there. God Bless



Deanna Report 23 Feb 2011 13:45

We in our house are still stuck to the news programmes. There is so much going on and so many people suffering just now.... Certainly puts our problems in perspective, doesn't it?
Be well all of you.

God bless them all.
Deanna XXX


Janet Report 24 Feb 2011 10:23

Just received an email from my friends in Christchurch to say that they have survived the 'quake'. Their house has got a crack on the outside wall and the bedroom window has broken . Three of their family were nearer to the quake and his son just got covered in dust as he was by a place called Cashel Mall where I am told two people lost their lives.
I am so thankful for their reply, my thoughts are now with everyone else in Christchurch. -jle


Mauatthecoast Report 24 Feb 2011 10:35

I've also received an email this morning. Unfortunately cousins' houses have been affected badly, one with serious damage and the other irredeemable. The children have to stay in local school,but one of the mothers is a nurse and cannot leave the hospital where she works.

They've just survived the last quake in September, so we're relieved to hear they have survived this latest.

The situations there are tragic and my thoughts are with everyone involved.



Grabagran Report 24 Feb 2011 13:44

Just been confirmed that there have been British fatalities, and my thoughts go out to all those grieving the loss of a loved one, and everyone affected by the quake.

Glad your family and friends are safe Janet & Mau.


Mauatthecoast Report 24 Feb 2011 19:29

Thank you LL


Janet Report 24 Feb 2011 20:13

Thanks LL-jl

Annie from NZ

Annie from NZ Report 24 Feb 2011 20:54

They are bringing a lot of the tourists up here to Wellington to get them out of Christchurch. Lots of people here have been donating all sorts of things to help out (clothing, toiletries, blankets etc). Our work sent a couple of van loads down to Christchurch last night with water, batteries, toiletries and some other essentials that they may need.

Another lady has organised a "bake off" for sunday that everyone in the Wellington region bake anything on sunday and drop it off to Civic Square in the city on Monday and they are going to take all of the baked good down to Christchurch on monday to distribute to people in need of some food and cheering up.

So many people trying to help its really amazing to hear the positives coming out of such a bad situation.

Unfortunately though there are some evil people going door to door in the Wellington area claiming to be Red Cross workers collecting money for the quake survivors. It has been confirmed by the Red Cross that they are not yet doing door to door collections so everyone has been told to beware of the scammers. There always seems to be this criminal element of society that will try to take advantage of others misfortune.

The fatalities are over 100 now and still over 230 people missing. Very sad.


TonyOz Report 24 Feb 2011 21:31

Its very sad to hear on our Tele here in Aussie about these looters and pranksters taking advantage of this disaster in Christchurch and surrounding towns.

Two hoax calls about missing people have been reported, and police had arrested six looters so far.

Geeee......there are some low lifes in our society, and if caught in my mind, they should be put in the stocks like they did hundreds of years ago, and publicly displayed for all to see.

Prayers and thoughts for all those who have lost loved ones, and to those that are still missing.

Tony ( Australia )


Sydneybloke Report 24 Feb 2011 22:19

I agree with Tony 100%. Although the stocks is almost too good for them.

New Zealand does have good building codes, but buildings like the Cathedral and the Canterbury TV building are older than the code. Tragically, people died in both these buildings along with many others.

Our thoughts and prayers continue for those affected.
Colin in Oz

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 24 Feb 2011 23:48

Oh dear, what horror stories about these low life follow such a terrible tragedy.
I agree with Colin, the stocks are not enough punishment for them.

My prayers and thoughts continue to be with anyone affected by such destruction.