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Christchurch (NZ) Quake

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Susan-nz Report 28 Feb 2011 07:48

Hello all,

Thankyou for your kind thoughts of NZ in this dreadful time. I too am ashamed to see the looters and absolute low lifes who try to benefit themselves in the face of such awful adversity. There is a no tolerance policy to this behaviour (which in my opinion should never be dropped).

I was in Sydney at the time of the quake and watched on television the unfolding scenes of carnage and destruction. It all seemed too surreal. I was in Sydney in September also.

I am lucky this time, to live in the North Island, we are all feeling so helpless, unable to offer any help other than financial.

To my fellow kiwis who live in Christchurch or have family affected at this time, my heartfelt best wishes to you all.

To those rescue workers who came so readily, our thanks also. They too must have families worried for the safety of their loved ones .

Kiwis maybe a bit flightless, but boy do we have heart, and as our forbears made a new life, so will those affected. Things won't be the same or even better, but with grit and determination that is the core of a 'kiwi', lives will be rebuilt.

May the recovery of those who have lost their lives be swift, those hurt recover quickly and all affected ,take some small comfort in knowing that people all over the world are praying and hoping for the best for Christchurch.



Battenburg Report 28 Feb 2011 11:09

Hi All.

Im in NZ but in Auckland. Its been a terrible shock for everyone.

148 confirmed dead including 4 Britons. 2 other Brits injured and 1 missing
According to his grandmother little baby Baxtor Gowland 5 months died when the tv fell on him and broke his neck.

He was buried with his grandfather


ChrisofWessex Report 28 Feb 2011 11:49

It showed his funeral on news last night, so sad. Thoughts to all who have suffered from this disaster.

Annie from NZ

Annie from NZ Report 28 Feb 2011 19:14

The toll was up to 154 last I saw it and still so many unaccounted for.

It is good to see the police doing a good job of catching the looters. I do tend to agree with the naming and shaming of the looters, and as mentioned above I think perhaps being in the stocks is a little to good for the likes of them.

So many sad stories coming out of this disaster but there are also so may good stories too. There are many "heroes" and everyone is getting stuck in and doing their bit.