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Our Grandsons accident- update pg 3 he is home !

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 18 Mar 2011 16:07

Our grandson Jamie drives a lorry delivering steel all over the country. he goes out on a Monday morning and comes home on a Friday delivering and picking up and redelivering steel. He lives in Kent but is up in Sheffield at the moment.
On Tuesday he was awaiting the reload of his lorry at a suppliers and the steel was loaded on his truck by a crane, one section was being supported by a wooden surport and he was asked to jump up and secure the chains. not strictly his job !!. he was just reaching in with the chains and the surport beam broke and a steel joist came down on his hand. He has lost his ring finger on his right hand, it was hanging on by just a thread and couldnt be saved and his thumb was also crushed, The plastic surgeon has tried to save the thumb by wiring it up but the blood supply isnt right. blood is going into the joint but not returning back. He had leeches attached to it for an overnight feed!! to see if that would get the blood down again. IF not he faces amputaion of the area and one of his toes being grafted in its place, an ten hour operation he has been told. He is so far away that its not possible for his wife to get there especially as they have two girls at home aged 2 and 8. Our daughter .his mum is going to see him on Saturday.

We are all devistated .



Cath2010 Report 18 Mar 2011 16:36

Oh Shirley how awful for him and being so far away from his family as well. I hope the leeches can get blood supply moving again and he can avoid amputation. (((((((hugs))))))) for you and positive and healing thoughts for Jamie.

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 18 Mar 2011 16:46

So sorry to hear this Shirley, I hope that his hand can be sorted with minimum operations.

And no doubt there will be a H&S enquiry as to why he was told/asked to do something he is not trained to do. However, it doesn't sound as if he caused the accident, so I am sure that, even though no consolation, he should get compensation for loss of earnings. Is he self employed?


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 18 Mar 2011 16:46

Shirley.....that sounds horrible!!! Poor man, do hope the surgeons can save the thumb, its amazing what they can do now. Positve thoughts for him.
Take care

jude xx

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 18 Mar 2011 16:51

Ann .no he isn self employed and he isnt trained to help with loading and unloading so hope that it wont go against any claim as he was asked to assist. The crane driver wasnt at fault neither was he, It was the prop they were using that broke that caused the steel to fall .The prop was supplied by the supplier he was picking up from.

Thank you too Jude and Catherine for your kind words


SpanishEyes Report 18 Mar 2011 19:04


My prayers and Positive thinking time will now include Jamie and of course his family. Surgeons can do amazing things these days so try to stay positive.
How sad that his wife has to wait such a long time until she can go to see him she must be very worried and feel so concerned.
I will look again tomorrow to see if there are any updates.

20.04hrs Spain


maxiMary Report 18 Mar 2011 19:33

Sending healing thoughts and support Shirley, poor fellow, I wish him better days ahead.


Sandra Report 18 Mar 2011 19:55

Hope he will be back home soon. Sandy

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 18 Mar 2011 21:47

Thanks everyone. Our daughter and her OH plus Jamie's wife are driving up to Sheffield tomorrow. to see him . will be a long round trip as they will have to get back for the girls who are being looked after whilst they are away.and SIL has to work Sunday.
They dont know as yet whether the leeches have done their magic. They are hoping that in any account they can bring Jamie home and his care be transferred to a nearer hospital . The one that could deal is the East Grinstead Specialist Plastics Unit if they will accept him.Its still some way from them but he can't stay long term in the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield


Sylvia Report 18 Mar 2011 22:01

So sorry to hear about your grandsons accident. You will all be so upset. It is made worse with him being so far away. I hope he can be transferred nearer to home and he does not need more surgery. I am thinking of you all. Try to get some rest tonight.
Sylvia xx


AnninGlos Report 18 Mar 2011 22:02

Fingers crossed he will be able to get nearer to home.

Fiona aka Ruby

Fiona aka Ruby Report 18 Mar 2011 22:04

Poor Jamie - best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Angelsong Report 18 Mar 2011 22:11

What a dreadful shock, Shirley, for all of you. Your grandson must be in a great deal of pain. apart from the shock to his system. Hope the surgeons do everything possible to help him. .


Amanda2003 Report 18 Mar 2011 23:05

Shirley , I do hope that your Grandsons thumb can be saved . What an awful thing to have happened , you must thankful that he wasn't more seriously injured .
I knew a chap who had a similar injury ( working off shore , years ago ) , he had his big toe grafted onto his hand and had learned to manage quite well .
I hope Jamie can be treated closer to home soon .

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 19 Mar 2011 03:13

I am so sorry your grandson has had such a nasty accident and hope his thumb can be saved, Shirley. A nasty shock for you all and hope he can be moved nearer home so his family can help keep his spirits up.



Lynn Report 19 Mar 2011 09:40

Thinking of your grandson and his family.



kandj Report 19 Mar 2011 13:28

What a trauma for your Grandson and all your family.
I live in South Yorkshire and know that the Northern General Hospital has a good name for caring for their patients. Your Grandson will be well looked after but I pray that he soon will be accepted at a hospital nearer to his wife and small children and have the support from family and friends that they will need in the weeks ahead.

Sending loving thoughts and prayers Shirley for you and all your family.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 19 Mar 2011 18:01

I'm sorry to read of this horrible accident and so far from home too.

I'm sure it will have been a day of mixed emotions today when family members visited then had to leave him there.

I hope Jamie's surgeons can save as much as possible and that he can soon be moved to East Grinstead for continued care and healing.


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 19 Mar 2011 18:54

Thanks everyone.
Have just had a text from his wife. he is in better spirits now he has had visitors but his hand is a mess!. They are still doing the leeches so he has to stay put for now.


Cath2010 Report 19 Mar 2011 19:21

Hi Shirley,
glad Jamie is in better spirits after his visitors. Hope the leeches get to work soon and he can move nearer home.

Cath xx