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Keyboard lettering

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AnninGlos Report 3 Jul 2011 13:02

My N was the worst. I have just experimented with a rub on transfer that I would normally use in scrapbooking. It seems OK at the moment, will probably wear off but it had almost disappeared.


BrianW Report 3 Jul 2011 20:41

Keyboards can be found quite cheaply, try Tesco, I got an excellent one for £7.

Dell boards do seem to lose the lettering quite easily.

I am getting a collection of perfectly good spare boards with the PS2 connections, as newer ones are USB.


Barbara Report 3 Jul 2011 21:00

I agree with Brian, new keyboards can be picked up very cheaply - probably because everyone is going over to laptops.

I got one from Home Bargains for £5 - mind you it was a few months ago and I don' t think they have them in any more.

Rub down lettering transfers would cost you more than that.


GEORGINA Report 3 Jul 2011 21:01

I've just ordered a keyboard protecto from an ebay seller in Hong Kong, about £2 post free. It is a simple silicon sheet that you massage on over the keys.

My keyboard is about 6 years old and only the letter N is a bit worn. My main problem is the little bits that get between the keys. and OH takes it to bits and cleans it out, I think a silicon sheet will improve matters. Usually I touchtype but that shouldn't make any difference to the wear.


YorkshireCaz Report 3 Jul 2011 21:04

My laptop is a Compaq and 7/8 years old, the letters are in perfect condition like Liz says hers are, so hp must be doing something right.



Braken Report 3 Jul 2011 22:25

Why don't you buy a new keyboard and plug it into a USB port that's what my son did on his laptop as he plays alot of games and needs the arrow keys which are not on his laptop it was only about £7 pound

I work in school and have never know this to happen Our computers get a lot of stick being a primary school and are in use just about all day

Carol Good Luck ;-)


AnninGlos Report 3 Jul 2011 22:36

My keyboard is not for a lap top. It is a wireless board for a desk PC.


Braken Report 3 Jul 2011 22:40

That's OK they work on PC's too


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 4 Jul 2011 00:57

i no you should not have to put carnt you draw the letters back on with a permant marker and see how that go's

i think it must be a fult in the make you keep geting maybe next time you can try a diffrent make or maybe you can pick one up cheep at a boot sale or second hand shop

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 4 Jul 2011 02:58

Caz, great minds eh lol?



Robin7 Report 4 Jul 2011 10:01

LOL! Ann

I never pay more then £10 for a keyboard and the letters never come off mind you i only type with one finger(if you can call it typing) So maybe its just cos mine dont get much wear.

My OH can do all that fast typing stuff the little show off but then ive never need it been a care worker all my working life well apart from two years warehouse work.

Just get cheap keyboard be tight like me with old pennys. :-D


StrayKitten Report 4 Jul 2011 10:15

my brothers old desktop, had a wireless keyboard and over time most of his letters dissapeared, we just used letter stickers on the relivent keys,

my lappy iv had 2 yr and my S,M and N are strating to lift, but its to be expected overt he years with wear n tear x


KempinaPartyhat Report 17 Jul 2011 17:18

I have a dell and very few letters are left

t r e s d a h n o are gone and g w l are going and mine is 18 months old!!

I must say I have found a screen keyboard but have to use the mouse to control it !!! sounds slow


Lindsey* Report 17 Jul 2011 17:29

I fix everything with acrylic paint, it dries hard and quickly , a little dab and a fine brush will paint new letters

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 17 Jul 2011 17:33

I did do the E R T Y and H letters with white correction fliud but its only lasted about two weeks and all worn off again. Am reluctant to buy anothet keyboard as Dell didnt like a none Dell one that i put on soon afte buying the PC and I had to put it back on again. Reluctant too to buy another Dell one so where do we go from here ?? :-S

Fiona aka Ruby

Fiona aka Ruby Report 17 Jul 2011 18:23

I've not had a problem with the lettering wearing away - but my keyboard is now virtually unusable because several of the keys have fallen off.

I am typing this slowly and laboriously with the on-screen keyboard!

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 17 Jul 2011 21:05

My hubby used to go mad with me because I wore off certain keys on every computer keyboard we ever had....I touch type and he doesn't, so it was very frustating for him as he couldn't find the letters he wanted. Solution - he bought me my own laptop and I can wear out keys to my heart's content!!

I think my problem is that I learned to type (many years ago) on those big heavy old-fashioned typewriters - the 'sit up and beg' style, with keys which you had to hammer very hard or else nothing happened, and I've never got out of the habit!! Plus, I type with my finger/nail tips rather than finger pads!

Just having a look, and my missing keys are - E R T I A S G H N M.
The word Shift off the left hand shift key is missing.
Space bar has a shiny, worn down area!!

Happy typing everyone!



Elizabeth2469049 Report 17 Jul 2011 22:21

When I split coffee over my keyboard a few weeks ago, it seized up so I emailed our computer guru (on OH's computer) saying what should I do, is it mendable, what not too expensive or too sophisticated replacement do you advise - to which I got a reply that they started at £6 in A---s! (He did add that that one in fact didn't have a USB connection) - but in the end I bought one for about £12


Persephone Report 17 Jul 2011 23:25

Why would Microsoft have such an inferior product.... Keyboards are meant for typing ...what else and therefore they have to endure a lot of wear.. I have seen a lot of typists with long fingernails and their keyboards take a hammering but I have not seen where the letters vanished. In the work situation my keyboard was used extensively and for people that did data entry all day, whilst they like me don't need to look at the keys, no one ever had the letters wear off.

My HP is fine... it is used every day and I as you can see don't do short posts. Our main PC has a microsoft keyboard and it has been bashed away on for years. Maybe they are made here and they know how heavy handed NZers can be. They also probably know that most kiwis are quick to complain.

If you have a cream/white keyboard you could paint them on with black cycle paint or shellac. If you have black like my one, I am not sure what you do.

Have you got your font size sorted yet Ann?



Persephone Report 17 Jul 2011 23:31

I have a spill resistant keyboard Elizabethwithnumbers... have not put it to the test... though it has had sticky fingers on it and that wiped off easily LOL.

Our IT person at work had a problem with his keyboard... it jammed and he was fiddling around trying to fix it. Problem: he had dropped a couple of noodles on it and they had got in under the keys and then dried out.. And he was supposed to be the expert. I gave him a bib.
