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DazedConfused Report 16 Dec 2012 20:03

The sad thing about all this RR'ing is that it detracts from the person who does a genuine RR because something which has been posted is either inaccurate or truly offensive.

And we have to remember that what is to many of us innocent and innocuous can be truly offensive to another member. it is all very subjective.


supercrutch Report 16 Dec 2012 20:53

Back..headache lessened.

Thank you to those who have replied. We still don't have an answer then :-(

I have no problem with posts being RRd if they breach the T & Cs but I am referring to those that don't.

I'll just have to go blue in the face until GR sort it :-(


supercrutch Report 16 Dec 2012 21:01

lololol I guess I am a target tonight too...lucky me :-D :-D


AnnCardiff Report 16 Dec 2012 21:03

I luvs ya baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Muffyxx Report 16 Dec 2012 21:06

someone is clutching at straws by the looks............


supercrutch Report 16 Dec 2012 21:23

Ain't jealousy an awful burden for some people ;-) :-D


Merlin Report 16 Dec 2012 21:24

Perhaps we should have an "0mnipotent One" to moderate :-D Some one with Style,Class and a Title :-D :-D Sugestions on plain paper and no rude comments please. :-D :-D


jax Report 16 Dec 2012 21:27

According to the powers to be on this site...the team have now been trained not to remove threads/posts that do not warrant it.

If it is removed you should recieve an email explaining why

Well that was what I was told when I complained about a dozen posts that were removed from one thread on the find ancestors board


supercrutch Report 16 Dec 2012 21:38

Jax I await my stream of emails with excitement :-D I have lost count of how many are due after this weekend.

I'd love to moderate I have the most important qualification.....being grumpy ;-)


jax Report 16 Dec 2012 21:47

I was a moderator on an MS site once....did'nt do anything and got bored sitting there all day waiting for someone to come on, that I took up this hobby instead :-D


Merlin Report 16 Dec 2012 21:47

And by the look of your Avatar Enough Sharp Teeth to bite them hard. :-D :-D :-D :-D


Susan10146857 Report 16 Dec 2012 22:05

I don't see the point in having a moderator. They would only be called names like 'dictator' etc., by those who don't agree with their decisions. Why should we need a moderator to tell us how to behave.

We are already arguing about being RRrd and yet some may have a genuine grievance. How would it be different with a moderator chosing what to delete? there would still be arguments over the validity of their actions in my opinion.


RolloTheRed Report 16 Dec 2012 22:20

Let's try again then heaven knows why this is so difficult to grasp.

The GRU boards are open to anybody and indeed are picked up by Google. Thus any post could be found abusive/threatening/insulting by somebody who may not even be a registered GRU free member or, for that matter, a UK resident. That person, once they are aware of a post which they disagree with, can register and then refer the post. That discharges GRU's legal responsibility under s5.

Of course the current referral process can be ( and is ) misused. There is not much that GRU can do about it short of making the boards full moderated which is not financially feasible.

Given the way the wind is blowing on social media sites my guess is that GRU will persist with a system of instal referrals. They may or may not devote resources to restoring posts.

There would not be a lot of point in referring a lot of posts in an evil way using a paid for subs. moniker when it is so easy to use a throw away ID. Of course a throw away ID may belong to a paid up member in which case GRU might be able to find the referrer by using the ip address. However it is unlikely that they would take the trouble. Such effort make be taken in the case of a really gross post as happens too often on Facebook and Twitter.

It is a fact of life that open un-moderated boards tend to have flame wars, trolls and such with GRU being quite well known for it. Unjustified referrals of posts tend to be part of this scenario. If you don't like it steer away from the all to obvious bear traps.


jax Report 16 Dec 2012 22:27

Why is it not financially feasible for the boards to be moderated? do moderators need a salary? free standard subs would do


supercrutch Report 16 Dec 2012 22:35

Rollo thanks for your input, have to mention though that the past 24 hours have seen some truly amazing RRs. Not just me but others too. If you are being followed around you can hardly steer away can you?

Jax, mods don't need a salary, of course they don't just an appreciation of the site.

Susan, there are members on here with no axe to grind who could moderate with no bias.


LadyScozz Report 16 Dec 2012 22:39

we don't need a nanny!

but something has to be done about this person who RR's posts they don't like (nothing to do with rules)

I thought GR had taken away the RR right for non-paying members???


MrDaff Report 16 Dec 2012 22:42

The POA Sect 5 has been under attack, rightly, for some time, and this is ongoing. BUT any prosecution in relation to this Section is the responsibility of the Police and Courts, not someone with an anally retentive finger.


supercrutch Report 16 Dec 2012 22:46

This will be RRd.....I just wish they would keep their finger anally retented :-D


Susan10146857 Report 16 Dec 2012 22:49

I don't believe it would matter how nice they were, with or without an axe, human nature being the way it is.

I believe it would stifle fluidity and freedom more so. Yes I know unnecessary RRs are a pain but it seems to me it has everyone talking or even laughing about something, which has to be better than static boards.

Also.....Hands up anyone who hasn't realised the possibility of being RRed at least a few times when they have posted inappropriately. Maybe a few wouldn't get RRd if they moderated their own posts. The others, where there is no possible reason, is of course just plain silly.

interesting post Rollo


MrDaff Report 16 Dec 2012 22:53

Make for a much cleaner keyboard :-D