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Bobtanian Report 11 Mar 2014 23:55

"hole in the wall",
which reminds me, when Tarzan and Jane got aroused she offered him some romantic consolation, and Tarzan kicks Jane violently in the sensitive area.......
Jane eventually gets enough breath back to ask, Why did you do that?

Tarzan says.........Tarzan not get caught twice, Tarzan used to use hole in tree......
so Tarzan now always kick tree to check for Squirrel.......


MR_MAGOO Report 12 Mar 2014 21:45

:-D :-D :-D :-D


MR_MAGOO Report 13 Mar 2014 21:09

I haven't reported my missing credit card to the police because whoever stole it is spending less than my wife.

:-D :-D


GeordiePride Report 13 Mar 2014 21:31

I went into the bank the other day and the cashier said "Your bank account is looking very healthy these days, has your wife passed away" :-D :-D :-D ;-) ;-)