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Old Makes of Cars

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Bobtanian Report 3 Dec 2006 23:45

Looking back did you notice how fashions changed? from those Bench seats to column changes, radio. demisters,, go faster stripes? styling........and so on Bob

Kim from Sandhurst

Kim from Sandhurst Report 3 Dec 2006 23:50

Bob 8 track cassettes! enormous things!! Kim


Bobtanian Report 3 Dec 2006 23:52

Fog lights ..spotlights, great chrome bumpers,then next to nothing, on the minis' the Wolseley had a light in the center of the rad on the bonnet..... the first Vogue had Twin stromberg Carbs.... and Paddy Hopkirk straps to hold the bonnet shut!!! the radio I had in the Vogue had a power supply lump, in the engine compartment and a cable from that to the radio... had a vibrator thingy in it to stepup the 12volts to work the radio......Bob those 8 tracks were clever, they only had one tape spool.......


eRRolSheep Report 3 Dec 2006 23:53

I loved 8 tracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My current cars are loved and will be classics one day - or so I reckon!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 4 Dec 2006 00:58

My first car was a Morris Minor 1000? given me to use and put in my name by an American friend working on oil rigs off Gt Yarmouth, he only used it one week in three, then he gave it to me when he went back to the States, I changed it for another one and then it's big end went (don't ask, haven't a clue what that meant except it wouldn't go and was too expensive to fix) Got a Hillman Avenger which is still in my garage, put it away to economise for a few months and it never came out again, that was in 1992!


June Report 4 Dec 2006 09:34

Omg what a list and seeing a lot of the old makes of cars lots of memories thanks everyone for contributing to this thread June..


Maid Report 4 Dec 2006 09:47

my Dad used to have a Hillman Minx it was beige and I can remember the number plate WMY 351 he also had a yellow Ford Anglia 62 SPK. I learnt to drive in 1970 can see to car but can't remember the make, hand flapping out of the window indicating slowing down and hand signals for left and right - how things have changed, a friend of mine had a frogeyed sprite. Goodness what memories....


June Report 4 Dec 2006 09:57

Hi Meg yes those Anglia Cars were very distinctive we had a blue and white one for a year cars are so evocative arn,t they June x.


Maid Report 4 Dec 2006 10:01

Dad had an accident with the Anglia, someone jumped the lights and hit Dad's car I can remember it very well as I was in the back. Hadn't thought about that in years .....


June Report 4 Dec 2006 10:07

Meg stange how you can just remember some things just needs a little jolt June xx


Maid Report 4 Dec 2006 10:14

how right you are - I was in my school uniform and all I was worrying about was that my hat was squashed (black velour)- that blood was streaming down my face and that I had concusion didn't seem to matter. I was taken into a little tea room and given, what else, a strong cup of sweet (ugh) tea. The tea room in Rochester is still there. Dad wasn't hurt and I can't remember what happened to the car.


June Report 4 Dec 2006 10:14

Meg i find as i have got older i can remember years back good but recent things i am hopeless June xx


June Report 4 Dec 2006 10:17

Hi Sioux how you doin? yes those singer gazelles were nice cars loved the name my friends dad worked for a family they had one plus a Bentley June xx


www.Siouxhealer Report 4 Dec 2006 10:17

My earliers memory is of mum & dad's grey Singer Gazelle, with me perched astride the pull down arm on the back seat going for petrol aged about 2 years old !!! No such thing as safety then ;~D Also I still have my parents 8 track player and a box of cassettes.... LOL they still play just fine. Peter's & Lea, Elvis, and other 70's kitch. Hubby & my first car ... Datsun Bluebird. Managed to get 115mph out of her on the motor way !! Oh our impetuous youth hahaha. XXX Sioux


Maid Report 4 Dec 2006 10:21

leaving now fed up with with hicupping. take care all and thanks for the memories (goodness how corney can you get!!!) Meg


June Report 4 Dec 2006 10:23

Bye Meg June xx


Clare Report 4 Dec 2006 10:58

june my brother's first car was a talbot sunbeam. I loved that car - the first day i passed my driving test i drove it when i dropped my brother to a party and on the way home the stereo came on full blast and scared the life out of me and i ended up driving up onto the kerb.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 4 Dec 2006 12:42

Forgot about an ex's Viva GT - he loved that car more than anything or anyone, including me. I can even recall the reg no, it was bought in Cornwall where his dad lived, so had PAF 89G. The engine was so clean you could work under the bonnet in a white shirt and the cuffs wouldn't get dirty!! It was bright royal blue with stripes down the side and his pride and joy. I kicked it very hard when we split up!!! lol Liz


Jean Report 4 Dec 2006 13:03

our first was ford prefect then v8 pilot and riley2.5 jean


Melvyn Report 4 Dec 2006 18:53

My first car was a Morris Minor. I also have to confess to once owning a Skoda at one stage. Everything that could fall off that car DID. but do you know , it started first time every day even in the depths of the coldest winter. I have owned and or driven lost of cars over the years. My favourite one was an old Renault 16TS. . It had a column gear change and was called 'Mi Mi'. She had bags of character The worst car I ever had was the only car I have ever bought from new. It was an Autin Montego. It was ****. Current car is a Ford Mondeo Estate.