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Hitchcock Quiz
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~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** | Report | 26 Nov 2006 11:18 |
from wikipedia about the book At that point Hannay realises that the phrase 'the thirty-nine steps' could refer to the landing-point in England from which the spy is about to set sail. Throughout the night Hannay and the United Kingdom's military leaders try to work out the meaning of the mysterious phrase. After some reasoning worthy of Sherlock Holmes, and with the help of a knowledgeable coastguard, the group decide on a coastal town in Kent. They find a path down from the cliff that has thirty-nine steps. Just offshore they see a yacht. |
Winter Drawers Ever Near | Report | 26 Nov 2006 12:49 |
Answers: 1. Mount Rushmore 2. Miss Ellie – Dallas 3. Cary Grant 4. Manderley 5. No one – Rebecca was dead at the beginning of the story 6. English 7. Psycho 8. Winston Graham 9. France 10. He has a broken leg 11. He murders rich women 12. On a train 13. Driving Miss Daisy 14. Psychiatrist 15. Daphne Du Maurier 16. The Family Plot 17. James Stewart 18. A spy ring/secret plans 19. Kills his wife 20. Taking a shower 21. The carousel 22. Human bladder 23. The Man Who Knew Too Much 24. Alfred Hitchcock Presents… 25. Tippi Hedren |