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Steve Irwin killed
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HeatherinLeicestershire | Report | 5 Sep 2006 01:00 |
God bless you Steve Thinking of your family at this sad time Heather xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 5 Sep 2006 01:14 |
I had tears in my eyes when I found out the news this morning (Monday) as I was only watching his programme the other day. You could never fail to be impressed by his enthusiasm for the creatures he came in contact with, his zest for life, but most of all for the love he had for his family. To see him with his young daughter working together in schools, warmed my heart, and I cannot imagine how that little girl especially but of course his wife and son too, will cope without him in their lives. It must be as if that ray has entered their hearts too, and killed something that can never be revived. What a man, and what a legacy he has left behind, for surely Bindi will continue his work as she grows older. What a shame the little boy will not have so many memories of his daddy but I am sure his big sister will make sure he knows what a great daddy Steve was. R.I.P. Crocodile man, Crocs Rule. Liz |
Kay | Report | 5 Sep 2006 05:15 |
'Tis all very sad. A visit to the following website has up to date news re Steve Irwin. |